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Good morning, shopping friends. I'm off to the city to get my hair colored and cut. I also made an appointment with my primary physician for the six month follow up. I see specialists more than this person.


I saw the thread dealing with QVC and fashions. I've been with the Q since it joined with CVN. I still remember Mary Beth on CVN. Over the years, changes have taken place. The C for Convenience is great for people with no easy access to shopping. It is expensive to drive 120 miles round trip to find a variety of stores in a mall.


I walked that mall this past Sunday and saw the number of stores catering to parties, gadgets and the younger crowd and teens. Three anchor stores remain that have clothes for the more mature and the petites. Larger sizes are not plentiful or available in popular sizes. This is where the Q steps in to meet a need. If the size is available, one knows it without spending 3 hours on the road plus time shopping.


I was also thinking about the Q versus Amazon. No one can deny Amazon's fast shipping, and Amazon is great for comparison shopping and for reading reviews when the same item is available. Amazon seems to do well despite no easy pay except for infrequent offers on its Kindle and Fire products. I shop both but today is not a day for shopping unless it is for a need.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi everybody,

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Good Morning and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Hope you like your color and cut.  I have not been shopping with Q as long as you, but at least 24 years.  I still shop with Q, but not nearly as much.  Amazon is becoming my "go to" store for many things -- books household, shoes, etc.  I haven't visited a regular mall in at least a couple of years, but I'll no doubt do so when I visit DD and family this spring.


Very pretty graphic, meallen.


I was disappointed to find that DH was quite anxious yesterday.  The caregiver told me that she gave him an anti-anxiety pill, but it did not work.  Fortunately, the hospice caregiver had arrived and given him a shower, and he was better.  She normally comes on Monday, but was not feeling well so she visited him Tuesday.  When she arrived, she said I'll give you a shower now, but he said no, he was leaving soon.  Fortunately, he did not resist the shower.  I arrived just as he was coming out of the shower.  I know there will be up and down days, but it always makes me sad when it is a down day.  I guess that is human nature.  Hopefully, he will be better today.


Other than visiting DH, I only have a "Newcomers" business meeting today.  The lady who called the meeting feels the group is "dysfunctional", but I don't have a problem with it.  Not much would change if the group was disbanded unless they decide to eliminate the bookclub as well.


I received my registration confirmation for my "classes" that start next week -- both history courses -- one on modern British history and the other history of eight Middle Eastern countries (it is eight weeks, so one class per country).  While I considered other classes, I didn't want to overburden my schedule or shortchange visits to see DH.  So, all is good.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice Wednesday.





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Good morning!  Jean - I agree with your observations about shopping at a mall, and the convenience that QVC offers.  If I do go to the mall (out-of-town), Macy's is the only store where I find clothing that appeals to me.  Then, I found that shopping Macy's online tended to have more convenient and better priced than QVC.  Style & Co is one of my favorite lines sold at Macy's.  meallen - your graphics always make me smile!


I am going to write some observations about being a SHOPAHOLIC.... I just finished reading a book called "Taking the U Out of Clutter" by Mark Brunetz and Carmen Berry.  It was just an okay book, and is in my donation box as I write this.  (I prefer Peter Walsh's book "It's All too Much".)  Anyway, there was one story in there about a woman who collected Depression-era glassware through the years, until it became clutter and a mess.  The author helped her sort through the pieces.  She kept her favorite ones and sold the rest at a yard sale.  She said it was hard to see years of collecting being sold in half-an-hour, and she was tempted to run after the buyers and grab her possessions back.  That got me to thinking about my possessions.  When it comes to items like clothes and books, I find it relatively easy to occasionally declutter and donate them.  Even though the clothes may have cost a fair amount of money when I bought them, I know that they have little monetary value when they're used.  (Books I buy used and cheap).  


The bigger problem area for me is with items that DO have monetary value like fine jewelry and antique-type pieces.  Sometimes I have justified their purpose, thinking to myself that "If we ever came on hard financial times, I could always sell these and get some money for them."  And while that is partly true, it also makes it much harder to get rid of them.  I don't want to donate items that I perceive as valuable.  And I'm not really the type of person to hold a yard sale.  So, I think I need to be much more cautious about bringing them into my house in the first place.  Yesterday I had the Gold Rush day on in the background while I did some sewing.  I saw several nice pieces, but wasn't tempted to make any purchases.  I have plenty of jewelry as it is, and I'm running out of room to store antique-type decorative pieces.


There are many reasons why our little group might have needed to slow down on the shopping over the years.  Sometimes with me the focus is that I want to be saving more money.  Other times the focus is that I have plenty of stuff already and no room for additional items.  Whatever the reason, I do appreciate our encouraging words to one another.


Well, after that long-winded observation, loll, I am going to resume my sewing today.  I am working on a patchwork comforter, and listening to Dave Ramsey podcasts while I do it.  I hope you all have a great day...and shop wisely!   ~  Charlene

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Hi Linda - we must have been posting at the same time.  I'm sorry that your DH is having a difficult time.  I hope the anti-anxiety meds will work for him.  I was a history major in college, so I would enjoy taking those classes with you.  Hope you have a good time in them!

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Jean, it makes a lot of sense to get your hair done & a Dr. visit on the same visit.  I liked shopping for Convenience when I couldn't get out & about.  Now when we do go to a mall I usually just do JCP & Boston Store.  Kohl's is across the street.


Linda L, I am sorry that your DH is having anxious moments again.  It is good that he hasn't gotten combative.  Enjoy your new classes.


meallen, it is a happy Wednesday for me because we woke up to 3" of snow.  The trees are so beautiful.  We might get some more by tonight.  All schools are closed as they predicted more than we got.


CERB, I try to watch what I buy for clothes.  I no longer work & dressy casual works best for me.  I had one garage sale 22 years ago when we were building this home.  It was a lot of work, but we were doing all new.  Then when mom passed away last March, I had a small estate sale to get rid of what wasn't sold by word of mouth.  It was a lot of work again for my DH & I.  She had a lot of STUFF & I dislike clutter.  I took a few things as did my brother.  I don't miss anything that we sold or donated.  I wanted to start sewing in September & it is still on my to do list.


I got my haircut this morning while my DH paid our property taxes, went to the bank & post office.  I feel like a new woman.  I helped DH shovel the driveway this morning & then a friend of ours called to have him do his driveway.  Our friend is doing poorly & can't do much of anything right now.  He even cancelled a Dr. appointment yesterday.


Hot tub time.  I get my next infusion tomorrow & really need it.  I am having another lazy week.  My lazy days started last week.


Hugs to all of you.


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Hello all, Monday and Tuesday were intense at work however I finished my short lead assignment yesterday around 9pm (at home- laptop).


I've been going back and forth with OneExchange regarding reimbursement of my health care premiums from my HRA and I made the mistake of going online to read the response for a help ticket that I generated before bedtime.


Suffice it to say, this company gives new meaning to the phrase 'the run around' and I was so furious, I had a hard time getting to sleep.  As seriously hard time, he he he.




I'm dragging right now, however I'm sure I'll sleep like the dead tonight.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Good afternoon ladies -- have my crockpot going with chili.  Woke up to more snow falling, we had about 4-5 inches yesterday.  Hopefully, that will be the last of it for this week.


Ran to the grocery store on Monday, knowing the snow was coming.  I'm all set for the week.  No more errands this week.  Trying to finish up the last of the taxes this week.  Tired of this subject for 2017.


Hope everyone is well.  Winter can feel long and dreary, always welcome the sunshine.


@KonaKat  I agree with your assessment on convenience.  We live in a relatively small town and have few clothing stores.  I get most of that stuff online, not all at QVC and lately very little from there.  If a drive consisted of 1-1/2 hrs., I wouldn't do it, unless there was another reason to head in that direction.  Even though we live in a small area, we are the biggest town in a 300-400 mile area.  I'd need to travel about 5 hours to any shopping.  Not happening; unless I'm going to visit friends and family as well, for several days.


@meallen616 - beautiful pic., thanks.


@LindaLatte  I'm sorry you have to go through the up and down days with your DH.  It can only be an uneasy day for you, when you see he is having some difficulty.  It breaks our hearts when we see someone having a rough go of it, especially, when it is a close family member.  We can only concentrate on the good days and cherish them.  I think you're doing a wonderful job of riding the waves.


I hope your DH does better with the meds.


@cerb  I, too, find it difficult to get rid of certain things.  Especially, if it was a gift from my DH or our 2 DS.  I have things that they wrote stuck to the fridge and they are the first things that get packed up for the next move.  Things they wrote in 2nd grade, painted in preschool......


I do have plenty of things laying around the house, many of which should go.  We are not garage sale people either, so they won't be leaving here in that manner.  I do feel better, though, when I get things cleared out; so that job will begin after the tax stuff is out of my hair.


@twinny70  You're funny.  Your lazy days started last week, I wish I could say that.  I'm still in the pile of paperwork, hope to finish this week.  I just find things that need to get done all the time.  I tell myself, ok, today - a little coloring ---nope.  Something else comes into view.


We had about 4-5 inches of snow yesterday and another inch this morning.  I hope that is all for the week.  I'm really a sunshine girl, if it's out, I'm a happy camper.


Next week, a haircut.


Good luck with the infusion.


@Bird mama  I was awake night before last, thinking about our HSA and medical reimbursement.  That's creepy.  I do have to say, I slept well last night.  I decided to wait and ask our accountant and then go from there.


We had the 'run around' for about 3 months with the new HSA last year.  Now, I use our old one for most everything and only spend the money the employer has put in the new one.  It's a game; I just wish I could write the rules of the next 'game' that comes our way.


Ladies - enjoy your evening.  My CC - 'is fired'.  Hope you can discipline yours.Smiley Happy



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My last written communication with the HRA folks was straighten this out or I am filing a complaint with your attorney general.  


I'm not kidding.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise