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Good morning, shopping friends. I am home today but will work tomorrow. It has been a good day to rest and take care of little chores such as getting all the info collected for renewal of my driver's license. I get the Federal version so I am now well-documented as to who I am, physical address, identifying numbers (SS) and passport.


Midnight darted in front of me this morning in his eagerness to be fed. I stopped quickly which threw me off balance so down I went with full coffee cup in one hand and dry cat food in the other.I was wearing shoes that grip too well and often don't want to move when I want to move. Believe it or not, I am not hurting but I'm sure that my right knee will develop a bruise. Poor cat went into hiding but did come out when he deduced that I was no longer any danger to him.


If I were to get the TSV, it would be the casserole but what is appealing to me right now is the power washer shown earlier. I'll be thinking about that. Right now, I'm not in the mood to buy clothing as I have so much. Does this look familiar?




Have a great day. If you shop, shop  wisely.



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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HEllo Ladies...hope you don't have any after effects of your fall Jean...I have a pair of shoes that sorta "stop" moving too and I always think when that happens I am going to fall.     


WE had an interesting morning here......DH went out to buy the newspaper....and his car was gone!  WE have a long driveway and it musta happened before dawn as our driveway was still wet but the spot where it was parked was still dry.  IT looked as if they had tried my car too drivers door was open and glove compartment was open...police had me check to make sure my registration and ins card were there they were...and I fon't keep anything in my car except an umbrella. THe overhead garage door company was here to change the code on  garage door DH  remote one was in his car that was stolen.  WHile they were here they got another call....two houses down from us their car was stolen too and they have a longer driveway that goes way behind their somebody was  busy during the night.!


Today looks like spring out after a day of rain yesterday but we have storm warnings up already..a nor'easter is coming in ,expecting a foot of snow.  GUess we are not going to get off light this winter after all.   RUnningojt to the store now.with a zillion other people probably.   HAve a nice day....Marijane

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[ Edited ]

Marijane--It is good that shoes can have a good grip but when they grip so much that they don't cooperate when you want to change directions, etc., then they become a nuisance and a possible threat.


Wow! I am sorry that you had the incident with the stolen car and attempts on yours. I was tempted to get the OnStar service where OnStar takes control of the car and stops it when reported of a theft. I convinced myself that it would not likely happen. In your case, since it happened at night, the culprits were likely miles away.


Our temps are now about 20 degrees lower than yesterday so the front is coming your way. Hopefully, we will escape the brunt of it and just get a light snowfall or even just flurries. It was too good to last.


I'm fixing some Progresso Light Enchilado soup for lumch and then I think I'll hit the bed to read. I'm really worn out from working and fighting this cold.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon, and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  I'm so sorry about your fall.  Hopefully, your knee won't start hurting and the bruise won't be too bad.  I think I have some of those shoes as well.  Funny cartoon about the clothing.  For the past few years I have been trying to remove some of those clothes that I never got around to wearing.  Sometimes, I am successful, but still have too many clothes for sure.


So sorry about your DH's car, Marijane.  Two cars from regular posters this year (Kathleen's DD's Jeep was stolen).  I'm glad they didn't get your car, but  wish they didn't get your DH's either.  Hope you do okay at the stores, and the storm doesn't cause too many problems.


I don't want to add to the "tales of woe", but DH is not doing very well either.  I spent quite a while yesterday trying to get him up from the chair, but it did not work.  The caregivers finally got him into his wheelchair, but I had trouble feeding him dinner because his eyes were bothering him and he kept them closed for most of the meal.  He would not open his eyes when I tried to put in the drops either.  After dinner, the caregivers were trying to change him, and he could not get out of the wheelchair to stand up.  They decided to change him in the bed, and I discovered that they could take down the sides of the wheelchair which helped a lot.  He was not really anxious until they tried to move him to the bed, but he was talking quite a bit and not making sense.


I stopped by this morning on my walk, and he was being fed by the hospice caregiver -- eyes shut.  I asked how he slept, etc., and they said okay.  So, at least one positive thing.  I'll be visiting him later to feed him lunch, but I want to go back to the senior lunch program location first to pick up my coat that I left yesterday.  


It is cool in the mornings, but then really warms up.  They are predicting record highs (mid to upper 80's) tomorrow and Friday before a big cool-down on Saturday and next week.  


I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having with your Mom, Charlene -- hugs.  After reading about your Mom, twinny's Mom, etc., I am starting to realize that I was lucky.  While my Mom needed lots of care, particularly toward the end (and my late brother was no help), she never turned combative or anything.  Hopefully, DH won't either.  


Glad you have found some new needed clothes due to weight loss, Charlene.  That must make you feel very happy.  I know that my DD is happy when she loses weight, which can be difficult for her.


Need to get moving now.


Waves to all of our posters and readers, and have a good day!







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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Jean, sorry about your fall.  Hopefully you won't be achey tomorrow.  My DH's closet looks like the example on the Left Side.  He did declutter a little bit yesterday.  Our temps are in the 20's today after being above normal all week.  They are calling for 40's by Friday & all of next week.  Outlook is above normal temps & rain.  We need cold weather to kill the nasty germs going around & snow for winter sports. The ice fishermen aren't happy as many lakes aren't frozen over which is rare for this time of the year.


Marijane, what an awful feeling for your DH to find his car missing.  I am glad that your home wasn't robbed.  Hopefully the police will find it undamaged.  


It is cloudy & getting cold outside.  Tomorrow will be cold but total sunshine.  Sounds good to me.


DH & I are soon heading out to see our fun little polka band & lunch out.  They make the best chicken breast sandwich.  Supper is stew in the crock pot leftover from Monday.


Nothing exciting around here which might be a good thing.


Hugs to all of you.

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Posts: 5,512
Registered: ‎07-03-2012


@LindaLatte wrote:

Good Morning/Afternoon, and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  I'm so sorry about your fall.  Hopefully, your knee won't start hurting and the bruise won't be too bad.  I think I have some of those shoes as well.  Funny cartoon about the clothing.  For the past few years I have been trying to remove some of those clothes that I never got around to wearing.  Sometimes, I am successful, but still have too many clothes for sure.


So sorry about your DH's car, Marijane.  Two cars from regular posters this year (Kathleen's DD's Jeep was stolen).  I'm glad they didn't get your car, but  wish they didn't get your DH's either.  Hope you do okay at the stores, and the storm doesn't cause too many problems.


I don't want to add to the "tales of woe", but DH is not doing very well either.  I spent quite a while yesterday trying to get him up from the chair, but it did not work.  The caregivers finally got him into his wheelchair, but I had trouble feeding him dinner because his eyes were bothering him and he kept them closed for most of the meal.  He would not open his eyes when I tried to put in the drops either.  After dinner, the caregivers were trying to change him, and he could not get out of the wheelchair to stand up.  They decided to change him in the bed, and I discovered that they could take down the sides of the wheelchair which helped a lot.  He was not really anxious until they tried to move him to the bed, but he was talking quite a bit and not making sense.


I stopped by this morning on my walk, and he was being fed by the hospice caregiver -- eyes shut.  I asked how he slept, etc., and they said okay.  So, at least one positive thing.  I'll be visiting him later to feed him lunch, but I want to go back to the senior lunch program location first to pick up my coat that I left yesterday.  


It is cool in the mornings, but then really warms up.  They are predicting record highs (mid to upper 80's) tomorrow and Friday before a big cool-down on Saturday and next week.  


I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having with your Mom, Charlene -- hugs.  After reading about your Mom, twinny's Mom, etc., I am starting to realize that I was lucky.  While my Mom needed lots of care, particularly toward the end (and my late brother was no help), she never turned combative or anything.  Hopefully, DH won't either.  


Glad you have found some new needed clothes due to weight loss, Charlene.  That must make you feel very happy.  I know that my DD is happy when she loses weight, which can be difficult for her.


Need to get moving now.


Waves to all of our posters and readers, and have a good day!







Linda, I am so sorry to hear about your DH's latest struggles.  Prayers for all of you.  You must be loving your temperatures right now.  

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Jean @KonaKat  I was just telling my sister (on the phone) last night that I was convinced my pigeon Grayson was trying to kill me.  I was walking around upstairs and he decided to jump on top on my right boot as I was walking.  I am long legged and tend to stride through the house briskly.  There has been more than one instance of this crazy bird jumping on my foot in motion which has resulted in him sliding across the floor.  Not quite a kick, not quite flinging him either.


I can't tell you how many bruises I've acquired from throwing myself into the wall or door woodwork trying to avoid killing him.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Oh Marijane @Genny1  I am so sorry that you were robbed.  That happened to my sister.  It's odd, you come out of the house, don't see your car and you can't help but look up and down the street as if you parked it elsewhere.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 41,571
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Oh @LindaLatte  I am so sorry that your DH isn't doing well.  That just hurts my heart, for the both of you. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise