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AAAHH! The linen closet is cleaned out & looks wonderful. One big bag going into the garbage & another large bag of nice sheets/pillow cases going to St Vincent's. It is so nice to look in there & see what I actually do have instead of guessing what sized sheets are here & there. I marked the wood above the shelf with Twin, Full & Queen. After lunch & hot tub time I will attempt to tackle the shoes in my closet. I know that I have gotten my money's worth out of them so I will not have a problem parting with them. My clothes are orderly so I want to make my shoe collection orderly too. Soooo much fun in one day I know.
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Jean, thanks for starting us off today.  The weather is beautiful here too.  We have Waste Management and if there is a limit to the number of bags I'm allowed at the curb, nobody's told me (wink).  The last few Fall Fashion Days have been stinkers for me.  I think I'll be okay, especially if it starts on Friday when I am at work all day.  I started getting bombarded with more promotional emails than usual and have unsubscribed to QVC, Carolyn Pollack and Petco.  When asked why I am unscribing, I say, your emails are getting obnoxious (lol).


Kathleen, looking for work and applying for jobs is a full time job.  My middle sister went through it and it is exhausting.


Rosa, I'm with you on saving the money for your trip in September :-)  If you are going to go someplace, you want to have some mad money in case something catches your eye.


Barbara, when are you going to Hawaii?  Did you mention that Sydnie is going with you? If she is going, how wonderful to experience it through her eyes :-)


Twinny, doesn't it just feel wonderful when all of the closets and drawers are organized? 



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Good afternoon everyone, hope all are well and happy today.

KK, good that you got your trash out early this morning, I always like getting rid of my trash on trash day. (It's the small things, right? lol). I watched part of LC this morning also, felt no urge to purchase anything, so I'm good there.

I did however have to make some local purchases, for upcoming birthdays, so did spend some money. Hubby, both daughters, and one granddaughter all have birthdays this month and one is early Sept. (an expensive time of year for me). Interesting article. I have gotten pretty good at not spending excessively on things, but always room for improvement.

RC, I like trying new things at home for dinner, glad you liked your new dish last night. It's nice that your DH is getting some things accomplished while he is job hunting also. It makes me happy to mark things off my to do list, whether it be an actual list, or just a mental list.

fbm8281lsm, enjoy your dinner out to celebrate your friend's DD's new job. Hope you have a lot of fun on your trip that is upcoming. Also hope you find that Coach bag at the outlet.

twinny, glad you are having the temps you like right now, sounds like you are a go getter when you are feeling well and have the right temps. That is wonderful. I did my linen closet last fall and have kept it neat since, but my closet could always use another once over. I do keep it somewhat orderly as there is not a door that closes, an open doorway that is not really visible till you want to go inside, it is a walk in type that we remodelled it into when we bought this house.

Sydsgma, that Hawaii trip would be enough to keep me from doing any uncecessary shopping, I have never been there and would love to go, lol. I hope you enjoy it. How long will you be there?

birdmama, I also have unsuscribed to a lot of emails, and just delete others without opening them. Yes, looking for work is a full time job in itself.

I got my hair cut/trimmed this morning, I have it set up for a six week trim, my stylist and I have been 'together' for many years now, so we always enjoy chatting during the trimming. While I was out  also picked up what I will need for hubby's b-day cake next week. I am making a 3-layer cream of coconut cake, he loves coconut, I really don't care for it that much, but it's not my birthday, lol. It is cloudy here today, supposed to be raining but hasn't so far. I need to finish the last of the laundry and run the sweeper then think about making some dinner. Have a great day everyone.


"To each their own, in all things".
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ROSA, I hope that you find the Coach bag that you are after. I rarely see a Coach outlet store as there aren't any near us. BIRD MAMA, It is so wonderful to be back in the 70's & not humid. We need rain but none before Friday when the humidity should return. Yes, it feels good to see a clean closet again. It should stay that way as I got rid of lots of things & will not replenish them. SNICKS, good job on cleaning out your linen closet & keeping it that way. We have lots of birthday's coming up here too. An 80, 90 & 95 are the big ones. Your DH's birthday cake sounds awesome as I like coconut. Laundry day for me will be tomorrow. I also need a haircut but right now can't fit it into my schedule. Hopefully next week one day. I have had my hair stylist since the late 80's so we have a fun gab session too. SYDSGMA, I hope that you have a fabulous trip & Sydnie will have so much fun. Our weather has been so great too. It is expensive getting the kids ready for school again. RC, I am sure that your DH appreciates it when you get home from work. Looking for a job can be a full time job, so it is nice that he can do things for you around the house at the same time. It will also be a nice time for him to do whatever he wants before the new job begins. I am so glad to be out of the job force.
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Barbara--I know you will enjoy your upcoming trip to Hawaii. I'll be going back in November. Time will tell if that will be my last time. I do know it won't be next year. i've enjoyed my timeshare there for many  years but now age and health is taking its toll. I'm with you on shopping the closet.


Twinny--Great job on tackling that closet. i agree that when things are easily seen and orgaized, they will be used more. I think that is the problem with my clothing; I have too many which means some doesn't get worn as often as it should as much as i might like an item.


Bernie--Fall Fashion Day on a work day can be a plus for many who find it too enticing but as you said, the past few have not been that temptimg...or we have just had too many of them with little change. After all, there is no need to buy at that time when Fall is a long stretch ahead.


Snicks--A good hair trim really gives you a lift. Like you, I have been with my person for many years and have followed her from one shop to another--3 shops in over 20 years. The coconut cream cake sounds fabulous.


Wonderful! We have 1 to 3 inches of rain in the forecast for the next 24 hours. I made a run to the drugstore to get my prescriptions refilled, and upon return home, immediately posted the cost of what I had to pay in my budget spreadsheet. If I don't do it as I think of it, I could easily forget to do it.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Well, I just had one of my oofdah moments.  I ordered the red Susan Graver moto knit jacket last weekend that had been presented on AM Style.  It arrived today and if I wasn't tired, would be going back to the post office this evening.  Live and learn I guess - no more Graver for me.


The armholes in this jacket are so big that you could draw a straight line from under my bust to the bottom of the armhole.  Last time I looked, my armpits are above my boobs.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Good Evening!  Just wanted to let you know that our flights, etc. went okay.  DH and I are spending the night at a hotel near the airport, because I thought renting a car and going to places (his son's house and my DD's house) would be way too difficult for us after an early morning flight, changing planes, etc.


So, I have spent some money today, but not via shopping.  


Traveling with DH is far from easy, but I have found some ways to make it easier -- using elevators rather than the stairs, having pre-boarding, etc.  And, giving myself plenty of time.  Several people have been so kind to us, which is a big blessing.


Hope everyone sleeps well.





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You are a real inspiration to me. Bless you and your DH. I truly hope your trip is fun for you both, although I know at times it must be stressful. Hope you get to relax for a bit. Let others help you when they can. I'm sure you know best , though.

"To each their own, in all things".