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The audit I am working on involves quality and accuracy more than anything.  Nothing financial, thank you God. 


My manager tells me, you will lead approve non standard requests and make sure the DB is accurate.  So I say, okie dokie and ask the team lead over the people I am reviewing, are you okay with this?  He says, oh yeah I need relief.


Now it's well Bernie I will still review the ones identified as internal error.  Just a few minutes ago he says, don't review so and so's request in the DB, I'll continue doing those too.  The girl who submitted the request doesn't like me, rofl.


The team lead launches into an explanation as to why he wants to review this girl's work.  I held my hand up and said, I don't need to know.  They pay me by the hour here, I don't need to know anything you are about to tell me.  I almost felt bad for him.  It's common knowledge this girl don't like me.  Poor guy probably spent a goodly time trying to figure out how to spin it and I burst his little balloon  :-)


Sometimes I just want to say, it's a job people, I don't take any of this personally. 


Mortgage, mortgage, mortgage, ha ha ha ha.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Darn. I was offered an option to by the Echo last year when it was released for $99 and couldn't figure out what I would use it for..but I wanted it for some reason. Now that I see it is an app and all  that can be done with it...I may have to look at it again!

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Hi girls! 


It's cloudy and overcast but warm - I'm trying to decide if I want to spend some time in the little pool with a new book. 


I took Autumn to the park for a swim in the stream yesterday, and it was an odd sort of day there. Usually she barks at other dogs, but there was one she kept running back towards. Upon closer look I saw that it was a pig that someone was walking on a leash!  The pig's "parents" were having pictures taken with it, and the photographer kept having them do different poses - holding it in their arms, looking at it in certain ways, etc.


When Autumn swims I wade into the stream with her, and there was someone else doing a photo shoot.  For some reason I often see people having professional pictures taken at that park. This one was a young woman wearing a semi-sheer, long dress/nightgown - the photographer started with pictures of her standing on some rocks, then he had her going into the stream and getting her gown all wet, and poses of her holding up the hem with one hand and doing things with her hair with the other - I wonder what that was all about?

Jean, I have an old iron that the super from the aparment bulding I lived in when I first came here gave me.  It's very heavy, so it would make a good weapon, but since I only use it once or twice a year it doesn't much matter.


That scrubber sounds interesting, but given my recent (and last ever) experience with QVC, I'd look for it on Amazon.  There are some sort of scuff marks on my bath surround that I don't have enough strengt in my hands to scrub off. I'm not surprised QVC is having troubles - their prices are high, they no longer have unique items that you can't find elsewhere, shipping takes forever, and the customer service sucks. The guy I spoke to told me that there are plenty of those pillows in stock so if my check turns up they'll send the pillows.  Yeah, well...


I did find some handymen listed on Craigslist whom I'll get estimates from on doing work...I'm through with that odious Mark.  


Have fun at work, Bird. Doing an MBA makes me wonder why I ever found the business world exciting!  


I guess I should follow the example of some of you and get some cleaning done.  Have a blessed day, everyone! 





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Arlene, I'm having more fun than a barrel of monkeys, he he he.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎07-28-2012


I got everything done on my mental list, plus a couple other things that I noticed, but....there is always more to do, lol. Just when I was about ready to go float, it started raining, rofl. Isn't that the way it goes?? Ha ha. Not many steps today, just don't get them in doing that dreaded housework! Now its time to make my new trial dish for dinner. Waves.....
"To each their own, in all things".
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BTW, I ordered some things from JCP yesterday, my order came today! What! I decided to NOT get microfiber sheets after all.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Hello All,

Just back from doing a few errands.  I needed to get a new sports watch.  I ended up getting a sporty looking Timex from Walmart at a great price.  I like the old fashioned clock face, I hate digital mainly because I find them hard to reset with daylight savings. 


We went out for Chinese food for lunch while running a few errands.  I think I am done with food for the day.  There was an estate sale in the neighborhood  recently.  I knew the gentlemen that passed away.  He used to ride his bike around the neighborhood and I would see him frequently, while he was riding.  We would chat etc.  I ended up purchasing his bicycle.  Good memories of him and I have really enjoyed cycling around the area. 


Not much new around here.  I did read with interest the QVC information that was posted yesterday regarding dropping QVC sales.  I think the last purchase I made was the BodyGym and that was made last April.  Prior to that, I don't think I have made a purchase with QVC in over 2 years.   It will be interesting to see how they address it. 

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Good Afternoon/Evening and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Hope you like the Garmin.  I did consider one after hearing about it from a fellow caregiver.  But, I'm pretty happy with my Fitbit.  A little obsessive, but I'm sure that will pass.


Pretty graphic, meallen.  You must have lots of them since you are able to post them every day.  


Glad you got so much accomplished, snicks.  Sorry the rain prevented your floating.  


I like your work philosophy, Bernie.  I bet you would be a fun employee to have around -- very good at your job, down-to-earth, and a great sense of humor.  I used to supervise a few people who could have learned a lot from your good example.  Makes me think how good it is to be retired.  LOL


Glad your garden is getting watered, Marijane.  But, too bad you can't float.  Great that both you and Jean love that scrubber.  


Sorry you have to join our Colonoscopy ladies, twinny.  But, I hope the test goes well and the Metamucill works.  I take lots of fiber products, since I think it is very necessary for me.  They found a very small (half of the top of a ball point pen size) polyp this morning, so now they want me to come back for another colonoscopy in five years.  I am thinking "we'll see" in my head.  The two day no solid food prep along with that horrible liquid, etc. made me less than enthused about repeating the test that "soon".


The volunteer driver showed up right on time, and I go to the hospital before they opened the main doors (6:00 a.m.) Another man and his wife/girlfriend were waiting.  And, it turned out that he was the first patient and I was the second.


Things went pretty well, except the nurse who put in the IV left the tourniquet (?) on my arm.  They moved me to another bed, and my arm really hurt.  Both where he put the IV, but more so where he put the strap.  A another nurse came by to offer me another heated blanket (which I loved), and I asked if that could be loosened a bit.  She said it should not have been left on, and took it off right away.  Yikes!  


They told me no driving, no heavy lifting, making big decisions, etc. today, and also no cooking.  I questioned the cooking part, but they said that I might not be clear-headed and leave the stove on or something.  That is another rule I plan to violate at dinner-time.  I lost about 6-7 pounds over the two days, and I really did not want to lose weight at all.  But, I know that I have to build up slowly or my stomach won't be able to take a lot of food.  Sorry for all the details -- probably TMI.


Counting down to that yard sale Barbara.  I'm sure you will be a happy camper when it is over.  Good idea to set-up a pick up for next week.  Glad you found what Syd needs for tomorrow.


Sweet story about the bicycle, Gayle.  Hope you enjoy riding it and remembering the neighbor who passed away.  I'm a Timex watch fan -- especially the ones that glow in the dark if you push in the stem.  Right now, I'm just wearing the Fitbit which has a watch feature.


Waves to Coupon Queen, Arlene (good luck with handymen), Kathleen, Rosa, Susan, Charlene, butterfly, Karen, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


The painter came over with his Father who is a landscaper early afternoon.  (I took a walk after I got home, but still not up to 10,000 steps -- I'll get there).  His Dad and I went around, and he will do quite a lot of trimming, etc.  He is taking out one bush since it isn't pretty, and he says it causes allergies.  He estimated that it will take three loads to the dump (which is pricey for contractors), and two days to do the job.  I may ask if he does this if painting is not necessary since I have paid about the same amount for a lot less work in the past. The son brought color samples, and I asked him to narrow down the selection.  We came up with a beige background and brown trim selection (currently off white with a darker brown).  Fortunately, the HOA person was home, and I already have approval.  The painter returns on Friday to give me his bill and collect a deposit.  


We may have more rain after yesterday's deluge.  It was really something in Tucson where they had to do some swift water rescues, etc.  The volunteer driver took a wheelchair-bound client up there yesterday, and he said both of them were absolutely soaked.  Not fun.


Hope everyone sleeps well.







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I also was offered the Echo at $99 but I decided I would never use it that much. I decided to pass on it and wait to see how it developed. It was a TSV for the Q but one day Amazon had a special sale and I got it for $129. I still didn't think I would use it that much but it has been great. If you ask it for the temperature, it will give you the temp for your location and the weather report. It wilI'l then send a more detailed weather forecast to the tablet on which you have the app. I've been two rooms away and it has heard me perfectly.


I'm in an area in which radio reception is poor for some reason so Alexis will my favorite radio station from the  city. Prime members have access to all that Prime music selections.


You know that expression, "Help, I've fallen and can't get up?" All a person has to do is to have Alexis use the Ask My Buddy feature to contact people you have registered so one can check on you. You can use the timer for a variety of things involving time limitations.


It is fabulous. If I were you, I would contact Amazon and ask them when they are going to have another sale. They will then know they have an interested customer and who knows what will come of it. They currently have it at the full price as well as "easy pay" installments available. Then there is the possibility of something special as Black Friday, etc. comes. If nothing else, check Amazon each day as the site often has short specials.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Barbara--I hope yoiu have great success with the yard sale. I agree with you on wondering how Snicks does it all. Doing the bathroom this morning wore me out even with using a tool to make the process easier.


Bernie--Since the new responsibilities include evaluating quality, perhaps you might use that skill as a job at the Q in case this workplace goes kaput. It is obvious they recognize your ability for visual discrimination and related abilities.


Arlene--I do hope you find a handyman that is responsible, does good work and follows through. I'm sure that the pig's parents will be posting pics on Facebook, unless it was for some special project such as an ad, commercial, etc.


Snicks--Enjoy your items from JCP. Sorry the rain ruined your plans to relax on the float.


Gayle--Timex watches do the job as you well know and some are very expensive looking but don't have the high price tag. Enjoy the bicycle you purchased at the estate sale; it will provide great memories of the individual you knew from his biking in the neighborhood.


Linda--I am glad as you are that the colonoscopy is over. They give you all those restrictions as a legal precaution. Like you, I don't plan to go back in 5 years. At my age, I might not be around. I do have to do the prep, however, when I have the bladder scans done to see if the cancer has returned.  Glad you got the HOA approval; that expedites the project.


I am tired as I didn't sleep well last night from leg pain, and said leg is starting to ache again.  Off to fire up the George Foreman for a lazy dinner.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.