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Hi Everyone!


It's sunny and cold with snow clouds in the air. YIPPEE! It's so nice to be able to breathe. I still have some paperwork to handle and I don't know what else I'll tackle for today. I called the boiler repair and gave them the update they requested. We'll see what they recommned if anything. I don't want to replace parts on a "could be this or that" .  At least I have conirmed that every baseboard radiator in this house is working. Two trips around this house is enough for me checking on the heat level. Who knows, maybe this is "normal" and our weather has been so "off" that we didn't notice it. They do the yearly check so I'm just guessing.


I did watch a bit of the Q. I don't need any more sheets as I had recently replaced two sets. I took the old ones and used them as equipment covers in the garage. I still have the top of the linen closet to tackle. I want to use those storage cubes up there but I need to decide if I'm keeping the spare bed or tossing the mattress and box springs. I think the Aero bed would fit on the frame and be fine but I haven't tried that idea, yet. I'm not sure I want a spare bed in that room at all. My friend converted one of their bedrooms into a full size storage room and she loves the space it gives her everywhere else in the house. (This is where my train goes off the track with all the options LOL)


Have a good afternoon/evening.


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Fressa, its going to be in the upper 50's-low-60's for the next 10 days.  Its above normal and I am  so happy to get rid of the 80's-90's.   Eggs were $3.29-3.89 a dozen at two of our grocery stores this morning.  Last week I was in one of our grocery stores and they had a LOT of free range eggs marked down to $2.00 a dozen.  Since I have never used brown eggs, I asked a clerk why they were so cheap & he said they were delivered by mistake and they either had to throw all of them away or Mark them down to $2.00.   I bought 2 dozen & my bf did too.


  Not putting a bed in that room sounds good to me.  Our guest bedroom/bathroom are in the basement.  All of our guests love the set up.  Our spare bedroom on the main floor was my exercise room (recumbent bike, computer room and my sewing machine room.  The bike died as did my computer.  It's so nice to  just have my sewing machine in there and the extra space as I don't like clutter.


We had a good road trip to La Crosse and down the Mississippi River yesterday.  It's a good thing we went as the leaves were starting to fall on the way up & they were still on the trees on the way back home.  Gas was $3.29 a gallon.  Here it's $3.69 a gallon.


We took back roads and had a good lunch in a town we had never been to before.  Lots of pumpkin road side stands along the way so we bought a nice big one for $3.00.  It looks nice on the front porch.


This morning was grocery shopping day.  Most things were the same $ as last week.


Since it's so nice we went to the gym on our mopeds.  Dh is watering the leaves as the leaf guys haven't come yet.


The TDS guys got here at 8:40 on Tuesday and were gone 10 minutes later.  A push of a button that we didn't know was on the TV.  Lol and no charge.


On Tuesday afternoon the hearing aid center called & said my dh's new hearing aid came in and they would work him in.  He is so happy to have both of them again.  $130 so we were happy.


Hugs to all of you.







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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon!  Sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday -- very busy day for me.  Glad you are happy with your weather,  Fressa.  Also happy your baseboard radiators are working well.


My youngest DGS is moving to an apartment next month, so DD and family will have another free bedroom.  She decided to make it into an "office" area for DGD and herself.  The computer, printer, and scanner will be there along with two desks, two lamps, etc.  Currently, they have a craft/office/exercise combination room, so that can be turned into a craft/exercise room.


They have a nice guest room where I stayed when I visited, and they don't expect many visitors.  Good luck with your decision.  


Hi Glenda.  Glad you had such a nice day trip.  You are certainly lucky finding bargains.  Happy your DH was able to get a replacement hearing aid for a low price.  One of mine is acting up -- says "battery" in the evening despite being fully charged every night.  I will discuss this with my audiologist when I have my visit early next month.


It was only 38 degrees when I started my walk this morning, but I had on a warm jacket, etc.  They are predicting a high of 75 degrees today.  That is more my speed.


I enjoyed a "newcomers" lunch yesterday, and I was able to do my hospice deliveries and mailings when I got back from the lunch.  My plans are to go to Walmart this morning and get my Prolia shot this afternoon.  Then, I plan to go to the gym.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice Friday.





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Twinny70---Your road trip sounded so enjoyable. I always loved it when we had nice scenery, good food and a purchase. I'm mot a fan of interstate driving except for long distance. Back roads are less stressful. IMO


I'm liking the idea of getting rid of the mattress & box spring in the spare room more and more. I love to  have space to move things around in there without ending up with a bruise.

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LindaLatte--The baseboard radiatiors are fine but the boiler needs two parts. We finally had a night that the boiler ran quite a bit. It dripped 2 quarts of water. So we need a new tank and release valve. Good thing we have a maintainence agareement because with parts and labor it's over $600 +. Good news is that he will be able to come out late today to replace it all. Crossing my fingers for no surprises.


You have another busy day planned. I'm doing bits and pieces waiting for the repair guy.

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Hope the repairs go smoothly, Fressa.  Nice that they can be done today.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Fressa, I hope you get your repairs done and no surprises.  We are having great weather for the next 10 days.  Sunny and in the 60's-70's.  Much above normal temps.


Linda L, that's exciting news about your dgs getting a place of his own.  I am sure that your dd and dgd will be happy with additional space for themselves.  Good luck with getting your Prolia shot. We were going to get our next Covid booster next Tuesday, but I looked at the calendar and I am scheduled for a mammogram on Wednesday.  I think I remember you saying that you had to wait two weeks, so I called the clinic this morning and the nurse said I had to wait two weeks to get the booster, so we will see if we can get the booster on Wednesday after I get my mammogram.  


I got a call from my bil last night saying that his Mom/my dh's Mom fell at home last night and they were at the ER waiting to get X-Rays.  It's a good thing that she had an alert necklace on & didn't lay on the floor too long.  Still waiting for an update.  I am sure they will be making a few hard decisions.  


Our eldest dgs Christopher was on a job interview in  MN yesterday and then was driving to La Crosse for the weekend to see some of his friends.  La Crosse is where we went on our day trip on Wednesday.  He will be graduating from college in December and has been on a lot of interviews in the past few weeks.  I am sure he will make a good decision.  


It was nice in the hot tub.  After lunch we went to the gym.  I graduated from a one # dumb bell to a two # dumb bell. I have two # dumb bells at home and don't plan to buy anymore as the gym has  all weight sizes.  A couple of weeks ago when I got done with my 1# dumbbell, a guy lifted four of them. They started at 20#-40#!


Supper is Pollack and French fries.  It's been $5.99 for a one # bag for several months which surprised me.


No big weekend plans except for steam mopping the floors as I didn't do them last weekend.  We were busy cleaning the windows.  I am sure my dh will be raking/blowing leaves.


Hugs to all of you.



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Posts: 5,688
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Twinny70---You reminded me to check our windows to see if they required another cleaning from all that construction. YES!!! They are on the list today. It's cool and sunny so my big decision was clean windows or bath the dogs. The windows won out for today and the dogs maybe during the week. I'm still learning the "pace yourself" so you don't pull something.LOL