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Good afternoon, shopping friends. The cable guy showed up on time and I now have cable again. He had to replace an aging wire on the outside of the house. Fortunately, with the time spent, I didn't have to pay for it. He came from about 50 miles away, has one more appointment here, two in a neighboring town on the way back and one in the town from which the service is located.


I see that Linda joined me in deciding not to purchase the Bob Mackie top. That was a tough decision as I liked that top very much but the reality of having too many clothes as well as the cost for something that was a "want" and not a "need" was a big influence on the decision for me.


Teachers reported to work today for professional development; next Tuesday will be the first day of instruction. I'm not really ready to go back. I have an orthopedic appointment on Monday for a shot in my knee. It has been five months since I had one; time has really flown.


Have a great day. IF you shop, shop wisely!

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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[ Edited ]

Jean @KonaKat   do you think this could be the last year that you teach or do you still take pleasure in it?


I started my morning with a dental appointment.  I had my semi annual cleaning and the hygienest spotted 3 areas for the doctor to re-check. 


Now this is what aggravated me, just a little bit. 


When I went in there in January I said, look my COBRA runs out at the end of the year so if you see anything and I mean anything that you don't think should wait until 2021 then let's get moving on it.


Once COBRA expires I will likely get individual dental and even if I go with BCBSM, they are going to look at me like they've never seen me in their life and hit me with pre-existing waiting periods.  The government never included dental and vision coverage in the HIPAA continuation of coverage rules that apply to medical and RX.


So yea, I could be looking at a 12 month waiting period for any crowns or crown replacements before insurance pitches in.


We replaced the fixed bridge did a couple minor fillings and I was told I was good to go in April. 


Today, the hygienist told me my teeth were exceptionally clean and she didn't have to scale a thing - just polish them so where did the 3 concerns come from if they did what I asked in January (grrrr).


Suffice it to say, I need another crown replaced that has to be 15 years old.  It's not paying my part or a little more.  It's the point that it's August, my COBRA expires in October and BCBSM dental people are incredibly slow with pre-determination of these things.


We could have got this started in April or May. SIGH!!!


Other than that it's a beautiful day here and I am able to have open windows and fresh air Woman Happy


There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Jean - Thank you for starting us today.  Glad to hear you got your cable back.  Can't believe your school district is starting next week.  The weather has been so crappy, it doesn't feel like we have had much of a summer here.  I guess it could be worse - Fire, tornadoes or flooding.  Hope the shot in the knee is not painful.


Bernie -  Sorry to hear about the dental mess up.  I paid for my own dental insurance for a while and it was worthless to me.  I just pay for my appointments as I go.  I did have major dental work done the year or so ago and my dental insurance paid for nothing.  It was a waste of money.  I hope you have better luck than I did.


Drop the dog off at Petco to be groomed - Never had a dog I had to groom before, this could be interesting.  I told DH that she is probably having a blast there, and when we go and pick her up she will give us the guilt treatment.  I will keep you post on the outcome.


Well need to clean the humming bird feeders, have a good afternoon everyone.

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[ Edited ]

Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Glad your cable is repaired at no cost to you.  I am interested in the shots you get for your knee.  I have not asked my doctor about getting one, but my left knee always is an issue -- sometimes very painful, but sometimes less so.  I was thinking about the long trip to Italy in the Fall, and wondering if a shot might help.  I may ask the doctor when I go for my Prolia shot.  One time, he gave me a shot for hip pain, and it helped.


Not ordering that top was a difficult decision for me, but as you said, it was quite a bit of money to spend on a "want", especially since I already have many nice tops.  


Sorry about your possible dental expense, Bernie.  I'm sure being fully aware of the way insurance works only increases your frustration.  I only had dental insurance one year since I found they didn't pay that much and the premiums were pretty high.  I know it is risky, but......  I have three fairly old crowns (actually one is very old), but so far, so good. I did pay for a plan with the dentist that gives me a "discount" on dental work, but.......


I'm back from the gym which went okay.  I definitely have more energy in the morning, but I don't usually make it to the gym in the morning for various reasons.  I'm looking forward to my fitness orientation tomorrow afternoon -- I would like to know how some of the machines work. 


I was very pleased at the company that came yesterday for the estimate for my security screen doors.  The owner (who did the estimate) was an extremely nice man, and we talked and talked (off topic and on).  Also, his prices were the best so far -- $500 per door less than the first estimate for a nicer product (or at least not as plain a product).  The final company will be coming this afternoon.  I  will give them fair consideration, but they will need to be very good to win my business.  


It is another hot day with a chance of rain in the afternoon/evening.  


Nothing else to report.  Hope everyone has a nice day.






ETA -- I guess we had the same experience with dental insurance, Susan.  Hope your dog comes back looking great.  Funny thing about the guilt treatment they give you.

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Last year my dental COBRA coverage cost me $400 and the company paid out almost $2000 in dental benefits. 


This year, because I still have the COBRA though October, I'm taking this train until the wheels fall off Woman LOL  This last crown will reach my $2,300 benefit maximum and it will have cost me $500 to have the coverage.


Sure I've had some copays however they were calculated on approved amounts and not provider charge.   


I knew the gravy train wouldn't run forever which is why last year and this year I've had some of the most expensive work done in the past decade.


Sigh, the days of juicy benefit maximums will soon be behind me.  It was good while it lasted Woman Happy



There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.
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Bernie--You are fortunate to have such good dental insurance. That was not an option when I worked, so it was all out of pocket. Am I eager to start school? We had very little Summer because of all the rain, so it is just now the right kind of weather to get things done. As far as I am concerned, the month of June and first two weeks of July were wasted because of the rains, flooding, etc.


Linda--The cortisone injections work for some people and not for others. Basically, if you have pain caused by inflammation in the joints, the cortisone will reduce the inflammation and its pain. It sounds as if you found a great vendor to provide the security screen door.


Susan--Your summer was like mine and since we are about 3 hours apart, I guess our weather patterns were very similar. I'm sure you dog appreciated its spa time and will treat you with some puppy kisses when picked up.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Posts: 1,696
Registered: ‎04-27-2010


Good evening ladies, hope the day went well for you.


Well l picked up the dog and she looks great, funny thing is, she looks like a different dog.  DH and I wondered if we got the wrong dog.  They clipped her and all the hair that was longer and fuller was trimmed up.  She almost looks twice her size.  I know it sounds strange, but I don't know how to explain it.  Oh yeah, she is our dog, made us feel a little guilty.  But she was glad to be home.  


Linda - Glad you had a good experience with this screen door company.  It is always nice when you can connect with the person.  I have to admit, as much as I like a secure screen door - I love the sound that a wooden screen doors makes when it bangs shut.  


Well off to watch the news.  Have a good evening everyone.