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SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Good Morning/Afternoon!  It was nice and cool on my walk this morning, but they are predicting a high of 99 degrees today.  Finally, they are predicting cooler temperatures by the end of the week (80's for highs).


I spoke with Bev yesterday, and she seems to be doing as well as can be expected.  The pain medicine is working, but she tires easily.  She was the "leader" of our Caregivers lunches, and it looks like the job has moved to me.  After tons of text messages, we decided to get together in early November at a different place -- more like a coffee shop than a country club restaurant.  Hope that works out okay.


Yesterday I started on a decluttering project that I plan to continue today and hopefully every day.  It is just silly to keep things that I don't wear/use.  Some things will be donated but many trashed.


Waves to Fressa, Bernie, Barbara, Susan, Shanus, Glenda, and all of our posters and readers.


Hope you have a nice day and please post if you have a chance.







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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Thanks for starting the new thread Linda @LindaLatte  I'm glad that Bev's pain is being managed.  You've really got it going on at the hospice.  I hope they find a director sooner rather than later.


@Fressa  Glad to read that it was a wiring problem that could be resolved on the smart thermostat.  The company that I worked with in 2021 to replace my furnace and A/C pushed the smart thermostat idea to me.  I went with the dumb thermostat, lol.


It's been chilly and rainy for the past couple of days and it's currently mostly sunny and breezy.  The neighborhood trees are showing color now - this is my favorite season.


Shoes and boots have been my weakness since I was a little girl so it was kind of depressing when I sat down over the weekend and evaluated my current collection of shoes and winter boots. 


There is no getting around the fact that my right foot is physically different after the surgery.  This isn't something that is going to go away or revert back to 'normal'. 


I ended up purging 4 pairs of winter boots. 2 pairs of sneakers, 2 pairs of sandals and 1 pair of loafers.  When you love shoes like I do it was like death by a thousand cuts Woman Very Happy  I actually had to do it over 2 days Woman Tongue


It's all good and I'm blessed to have a functioning foot.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Good Morning!  I had a busy day yesterday, so no time to post.  Mostly hospice work -- still unsettled there, but hopefully they will figure out things soon. 


Very sorry about you needing to part with so many shoes and boots, Bernie.  I know how much you love your footwear which makes it particularly difficult. 


Glad your weather is nice.  We are finally having cooler weather here. Finally below the 100 degree mark with sunny with highs in the low 90's today and tomorrow, and mid 80's on Thursday. Temperatures on Friday may only be in the mid 70's with clouds and lots of wind.  


Funny about the "dumb" thermostat versus smart one.  I don't know if mine is classified as smart, but it is programmable.  The house had a programmable thermostat when we moved here, and that is what I asked for when I had the furnace and AC replaced.  They brought an old fashioned one, but I insisted since I was so used to it.


Waves to Bernie, Fressa, Barbara, Susan, Shanus, Glenda, and all of our posters and readers.


Hope everyone has a nice day.









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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

My dumb thermostat is programmable @LindaLatte   I think the smart ones are controlled by an app.  For all I know, in 2024 they may have AI in them, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Birdmama--My old thermostat was programable but it had too many options. It took  a while to complete the entire program. UGH!!! This new one is a "smart"  version(not my opinion...)and can connect to an apt (if desired----no thank you). I'm not a fan of the "apt" when it comes to the basic home functions. It's much easier for repairs.  (if needed)

I'm crossing my fingers when the seasons change and we try the dual setting. LOL That should be another "adventure" for us.  

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Thanks for the explanation.  I was vaguely aware that some thermostats can be controlled by an app, but I forgot.  Not something I would want to try.  I guess it would be good if you traveled a lot and needed to change the thermostat, but.... 



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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Hi Everyone!


It's partly sunny and a bit cool today.  Cool to cold temps at night. My kind of weather. How is everyone else?


A few weeks ago I saw that "Dash" egg cooker (again) and actually ordered it. I've looked at that for years. I thought if this works for even a year it will be great. I boil eggs quite a bit but am not crazy about the time or peeling part. I finally used it on Sunday and it worked well. It did a good job and in under 15 minutes. I didn't have the all that moisture in the kitchen,etc. It's my "new" favorite gadget next to the Kuhn Rikon clippers and can/jar opener. Bonus was the price of under $20. 


Nice to see the NN down comforter as the TSV/ I still have mine from years ago. they last a long time. I'm able to wash most of them in the Samsung washer but the one I do have to take to a laundremat to wash. It's just extra puffy. So nice the shams are included. Loved the colors.


Have a good afternoon/evening.




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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

Good morning. I turned off the heat on Tuesday and it was 63 when I got up yesterday. Brrrr. Needless to say, I am going to keep it at 70. Lol


i decided that if my jeans sag, I am going to donate them. I ordered down to a m or 10 and those are better. Choices...


I am going to walk inside today and spend some time on the recumbent bike. Pt is very meh for me, so I pulled out my notebook of what I was doing in Az and will gradually work into those.


Bernie, my youngest dd just had her big toe fused She is still in a boot but her dr told her she may need a different  Shoe size. 

Fressa, that comforter looks lovely . However, I bought the Berkshire tsv a month or so ago and it is incredibly warm.

so no need here. My dil uses her instapot to make hardboiled eggs. I have those rukon shears and love


Linda, have things settled down with hospice ? I hope the heat has settled down a bit. 

I need to find some lunch. 🥰🥰🍁🍁

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS ONE DAY AT A TIME (Sunday, October 13th)

[ Edited ]

Good Evening!  Glad you like your egg cooker, Fressa.  I purchased one at a yard sale when we were renting a house in AZ years ago (before we purchased this one.)  I liked it so much I took it home to Maryland with me.  Eventually, it wore out, and I bought one like yours in red.  It is so much easier and faster to hard boil eggs.  


It is cooler here -- high of 86 degrees today and only in the upper 70's tomorrow with lots of wind.  Amazingly enough, our low temperature tomorrow night is predicted to be 44 degrees.  What a change for a few days, but next Tuesday it is supposed to make it up to 95 degrees.  I may be toggling back and forth between AC and heat for a while.


Saggy jeans don't look nice, Barbara.  I hope you are happy with your smaller size.  Also hope your exercises and walking help.  Sorry about your DD's foot.


Things are still pretty crazy at hospice.  The last I heard, they were planning to offer the director's job to a lady who could only start in December at the earliest.  No word on the "deputy" job.  They have had some assistance from bosses at other offices, but the volunteer coordinator has been doing the work of at least three people.  


I hurt my foot (I think I twisted it) on Tuesday, and I iced it etc., but I was in pain yesterday morning.  I didn't even take my walk.  I had a volunteer meeting in the morning, went to the stores, and helped at hospice in the afternoon.  But, came home iced it again, put my foot up, and wore a wrap that I got at Walmart.  


Fortunately, today I am much better.  But, I decided to shorten my walk and skip the gym. This morning I had a hospice visit (very good), and then had my hair cut.  Then I spent a couple of hours at the hospice office.  


Tomorrow I have a travel club meeting in the morning, and then I will go to the hospice office.  The Volunteer Coordinator will be out most of the day, so I will be the one to answer phones, etc. with very little assistance.  Wish me luck.


Waves to Fressa, Barbara, Bernie, Susan, Shanus, Glenda, and all of our posters and readers.


Hope everyone sleeps well.






P.S. I still have a NN down blanket that I purchased at least 15 years ago.  It still comes in handy when our weather gets colder.