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[ Edited ]

Good Morning Ladies and Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms on our thread, including furbaby/bird Moms.  Hope everyone has a good or better day, and those of you lucky enough to have a Mom still around have a chance to share your love with her.  I know everyone does not have fond memories of their Mom, and I am sorry if this day is painful to you.


I woke up early (before 5:30), but didn't sleep too badly.  I was happy that I mostly finished my laundry and weekly financial review yesterday evening despite being away most of the day.


Good to see you posting, Kathleen.  Glad things worked out with your husband and his friend (at least as far as you are concerned).  I was thinking of you since I found out that one of my sort of relatives (ex husband's nephew) has pretty much ruined his life with his alcohol addiction.  He is a year older than you and my DD, and is in very deep this time.  In fact, his latest drunk driving arrest has not only resulted in his firing and worse, but he may be sentenced to jail time.  Not only that, his Father tells me he has cut off contact with the family.  I hope you and any others who are willing will pray for David.  It certainly takes a lot of courage and strength to beat any sort of addiction.  I am proud of you and any others who have been successful in their flight.


Off my soapbox.  It is sunny today, but should be less windy and "only" make it up into the 80's.  Nothing exciting planned for today, but Sundays are usually busy.  


I am starting to put together clothes for my trip to Maryland, and boy do I have lots of clothes.  I really, really need to call a halt to new purchases.  Funny thing is that yesterday I wore a colorful top that I purchased from newly opened outlet store nearby.  With my Monday discount, it was $10.   It was brighter and had more colors than I usually wear.  And, I received multiple complements on my top.  I guess I have been a bit too conservative with the prints I wear.


Have a nice day everyone, and please post if you have a chance.







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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

[ Edited ]

Linda--Thank you for starting the thread. Getting our clothes organized for a trip can help us sometimes determine how much we really have and what could go. Your $10 top sounds like a real winner. I have an open cardigan made of material similar to SG's t hat I picked up somewhere which has a variety of colors that I rediscovered and pulled out and started wearing, I have received many comments on it. and one person said they were motivatedd to try to find something similar. I agree that it is good to see Kathleen posting again; she has been missed. I am sorry about the family member addiction and the consequences. Sometimes, an individual has to hit bottom before they can find the motivation to change and that is difficult without support.


It is a beautiful sunny day here with temps expected to reach around 90.  Thunderstorms are predicted for the evening. Riight now, I'm finishing up Season one of Bosch on Amazon Prime. I use Prime enough to grit my teeth and put up with the price increase. Clothing isn't the only thing increasing in prices.. The electrical company is seeking an increase also. In the meantime, fixed retirement does not increase.

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

@LindaLatte When dealing with a loved one with an addiction, there comes a time when jail time may save a life. Sounds harsh but unless a person with an addiction genuinely seeks help and stays in a life long program, it’s a matter of time they will end up hurt or result in death.  Prayers for your loved one. From experience, I know what I’m talking about.

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

Good Morning Linda @LindaLatte  I will certainly include David in my prayers. 


Regarding clothing, all I have to do is walk down the hall from where I am typing (office) and look in the closet to see what I have, all arranged neatly by color family Woman Happy  You'd think that would be enough to stop the temptation to buy more Woman Frustrated



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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

Good Morning Jean @KonaKat  Sounds like you're in for another scorcher.  I'd read that prime was going up in price again.  I think if you shop Amazon frequently enough, the ends justifies the means/price.



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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

@OKPrincess  I'm very sorry that you had to go through what you did when a loved one.  I don't know that this is even remotely the same.  My brother in law's brother (I still considered him family) did have a couple of serious health issues that landed him on heavy duty RX pain medication, which he became addicted to.  I say this with no judgement - I don't know how he functioned and I certainly would have never driven in a car with him if he had been the driver.  What was so very sad at the end of his cancer battle was that it became difficult to find pain relief for him that he hadn't built a tolerance for.  

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

HEllo Ladies, Happy Mother's Day to all!  SUch a sad story Linda, I hope he comes around before it is much too late. I will keep David in my young.


It's another crummy,chilly day DH has a fire in the wood stove going. LAst night I turned the heat back on upstairs it was only 60 degrees.


Kathleen how are you going to cook that shrimp??  Interesting that you don't fly over water.  Are you finished with your job?


Bernie I can relate to you having closets full of clothes but still buy more.....something always looks better on line or in a store than what we have.


Have a nice day everyone....Marijane



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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

Image result for mother's day gif


Ebates continues to send me reminders about the 15% cash back, grrr.  JCP is on the list of 15% stores so I wandered over there (online) this morning to take another look at the cute sweatshirt I talked about yesterday.


I was clearly not alone in JCP land yesterday. Shirt sold out in my size Woman Tongue

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

Oh, the joys and pain of having too many clothes. It doesn't stop us from wanting something new. The "negative" about paying the price for quality clothes is that, in most cases, they last for several seasons. We get tired of the "same old, same old." 


Now, if we lived back in the Little House on the Prairie days, we would be isolated from shopping except for the limited trips to the distant town for necessities. Clothes were often made at  home from printed feedsacks if better material was not available.  There were no newsprint, tv, etc. advertising to tell us that we needed more simply because the season changed.


The closet space in older homes is limited simplly because there was no need for huge closets or walk in closets. Do we need back up sunglasses, with a pair in every place we frequent just in case we forget a pair or lose them?


Good old eBates is tempting with its promotions, which the Q seems to be resisting lately. Does that mean it doesn't need a big rebate to lure people in to shop? Who knows! I just know that my latest eBates check will be less than $6 simply because I  haven't been buying much. Also, the big rebate places, if they have something I want, is out of my size or desired color. I'm not buying something just to get a 15% rebate. It represents money spent and not money saved. The only time it represents a savings is when the purchase is one that you would have considered making without the rebate.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SUNDAY, MAY 13) -- Happy Mother's Day!

Linda, thank you for your sweet comments. I will be praying. My favorite substance to abuse is legal here, and as silly as it seems, I've had a horrible struggle with it. Finally had to get active in my recovery grouos again. So re: David, but for the grace of God go I.

I find that living in an rv I am really wo rking with a capsule. My buying still fluctuates but I'm better at recognizing "need" and walking away.