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Good morning, shopping friends. It is sunny right now, but the forecast calls for thunderstorms each day for the rest of the week. I keep wanting to go to the city just to relax and have some fun but I kept postponing it because I didn't feel the best or other things intervened. Sometimes, the comfort of being a "hermit" wins over the desire to leave. I do, however, have to go tomorrow as I have a cardiologist appointment. It does seen ridiculous to spend two consecutive days making 120 mile round trips. It does save gas on eliminating one 120 mile trip. I hadn't felt good enough to go before today.

I'm in a shopping mood. I have something specific in mind I want. I have a top I picked up at Sears a couple of years ago that has a black print that I love. Needless to say, it needs to be replaced but I love the print in it and the style for a casual top for summer. I have several tops but I love this thing. I definitely don't want one of those tissue thin tops.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely and remember no one has ever injured his eyesight by looking on the bright side of things,

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning ladies, hope all is well.

Jean - Thank you for starting us today, hope you have a good appointment tomorrow. We are having a sunny day so far, but, rain is also forecasted for us. We still need to get to the nursery and decide what we are going to buy to replace the dead shrubs in our front yard. I am not looking forward to that.

I have a couple things I need to pick up today for gifts, but no shopping for myself. Like you, I do not like the paper thin shirts that are out there, I need some new Tshirts but have no found anything I like. Guess I will have to keep looking, sometimes it is the hunt for the item not the purchasing of it that is fun for me. I know, sounds like a true shopaholic.

Well off to pickup those few things, have a good day everyone.

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Susan--Good luck on replacing the shrubbery. The nasty prolonged winter really did a lot of damage in our area also. It is odd about window shopping or hunting for a specific item. I really hate to do it in malls lately. First, the customer service is really lacking and never redo the stacks of tops that people mess over or put back into the wrong size stack. Second, the size I need...and I'm a popular hard to find after the first couple of weeks the merchandise hits the stores. Items on sale might be appealing but they are usually in the super skinny sizes or the other extreme. Let's not forget finding the perfect two piece outfit in your size but then you find that someone has tried it and another size on....and then combined the best of each to fit them so that the so-called size on the rack is actually made up of two sizes.

I just calculated how much it cost me in gasoline alone to go to the city to hunt an item. It costs me $14 in gas alone. Add to that a cheap lunch. and I'm ballparking $25 in expenses just to be able to look. It is much cheaper to do it online and find what is available in my size. If shipping is involved, it is cheaper than $25. I played shopping the other day and put several Denim & Co. items in my cart and the shipping was less than the $25 I would have spent in travel expenses. Now, here is a biggie---shopping online saves me the 3 hours spent roundtrip on the road. Time for me is a big factor.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Jean, Good luck tomorrow with your cardiology appt. I am with you in not making the trip to the city twice in two days. We did have thunderstorms last night & rain most of the night too. It was sunny when I got up this morning, but still looked like it could storm any minute. DH did go to the park to post the sign for our church., I told him that if church was at our church, he should come & get me. He didn't come back, so everything will be at the park. It is supposed to be in the upper 80's today & very humid, so I am happy to be a "hermit" too, I will probably take my moped & go for a nice lunch somewhere. I am not in a shopping mood when it is hot as I don't like trying on clothes then. I do like my Sear's slides that a got a few months ago. I hadn't been in a Sear's for many years as the nearest one is 45 minutes away in a mall & I usually choose to go to Kohl's & Boston store. I was impressed with Sear's though, so I will have to go there instead of Boston Store next time we get out to shop. Jean I like that slogan about not hurting our eyesight by looking at the bright side of things.

Susan, It sounds like most of us are having stormy weather right now. Good luck with whatever you choose to plant. DH & I purchased 24 nice petunias from our local Shopko last week. He did a good job at getting them planted & they do look nice. They were greatly reduced in price, so I went back on Friday to get 6 more, guess what? The price went back up. I don't buy a lot of flowers etc. because I can't take care of them & it is up to my DH. He is good about just taking care of the petunias & my 6 tomato plants. The tomato plants have tomatoes on them already, so I hope they produce lots of tomatoes.

Nothing going on here today for me. Probably Kindle time & nap after lunch.

Hugs to all of you.

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Good Morning! Thanks for getting us started Jean. Hope you can find a replacement top you like as much as the one you purchased two years ago. When I had my accident, they cut off my clothing (on top), including my expensive bra plus a tank top and shirt. Fortunately, I had purchased another bra on sale, so I didn't feel the need to replace that right away. But, the other two items really need to be replaced. I haven't found anything locally -- the tank tops are too long, too tight, etc. In fact, the other day I couldn't even get a tank top over my head. And, I'm usually size small top person trying on a medium. I sort of laughed at myself -- they must have been meant for very young ladies. And, no luck at all in finding another short sleeve white blouse to replace the shirt I lost. Very frustrating to say the least. I am seriously thinking of going to the local thrift stores to see if someone has donated appropriate tops.

Sorry for the long aside, I know that it really doesn't matter if I replace them or not, but they were very useful for me.

You certainly have a long drive into the "city" Jean. I am not ready yet to tackle driving to the closest shopping center, etc. -- about 18 miles away much less the larger areas about 35 miles away -- up the same highway as where my accident happened. I'm sure I'll be ready someday, but....

Good luck at your cardiology appointment tomorrow.

I was very surprised and happy to receive the police report for my accident yesterday, especially since the report clearly fixes the blame on the other driver. That probably sounds selfish, but it is the truth. I'm better, but the dizziness and pain in my chest are still a problem. Happy to say that I made it to the pool yesterday, and I did much better.

Hi Susan -- very sorry to hear about your plants dying. What a harsh winter so many of you endured. We could certainly use some of your rain out here Jean.

I loved seeing pictures of your trees LindaR -- beautiful to say the least.

Nothing too exciting planned for today -- church, maybe the gym, and ironing are the "highlights".

Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, LindaR, Marijane, Gayle, Karen, Rosa, Nancy, Sonya, Val, Kathy, and all of our posters and readers.

Have a good day everyone!



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Twinny--Nearly everything I have to do is done in the city, so I'm always determining what can be done when I go. I really would liked to have gone earlier this week so I could take my time shopping for groceries and other odds and ends. I'm debating if I want to combine the appt. with a movie and then grocery shopping. If I do, I will be getting home very late. I get my nails done in the mall with Sears two stores down. After driving almost 65 miles, I'm ready for the bathroom so I use the one in Sears. I always take a quick look at their clothing while there. I must say it has improved and is better than what I've seen in JCP. This may vary according to location, however.

Linda--Sizing is getting to be an iffy situation in brick and mortar stores as well as online...even within the same lines. I remember pulling a top out in a store that was supposedly in my size. Next to it was the same top in a different color; put the two together and one could see the difference in size yet both were marked the same size. I also spotted a top marked a size zero. I pulled it out just to see how big a size zero was. I wasn't that small when I was born. I weighed 10-1/2 pounds and was 22 inches long. It is frustrating to know that your beloved items are gone and so difficult to replace.

I'm glad that you have the official report of the accident. That will help relieve some of the anxiety regarding the official position and will be a definite plus for the insurance. It will take time for you to recover. Just be patient...and that can be challenging.

I'm really goofing off today simply because it feels good not to be pressured to be somewhere or do something on a specific schedule. Since I have the cardiologist appointment tomorrow morning, I won't be going to the fitness place unless I come directly home without getting the groceries, etc. Even going to the fitness place eats into my time to do things during the day as it usually takes away the time in the morning for it, and then to relax and recover. By that time, it is usually 11am at the earliest. I may consider switching to the late afternoon for the exercise.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Well--I finished preparing a bag of clothes for Good Will. I have a two-piece dressy pant suit I got from Dress Barn. It came with black pants. Since I have more than enough black pants that I really like better because of the fit now that I'm shorter, the pants are going to Good Will but I'm keeping the jacket which looks great.

It is now my afternoon Kindle time. I see in the future a Kansas City bread...and steamed veggies for dinner.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi, ladies. It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd check in before we leave the house again. We've been staying super busy, but mostly with fun stuff. We even took two short trips this last week, one to go hiking, and one to listen to a couple bands in a town an hour away. Today, we have an open house at our pastor's house, and we're going to stop and check out our new frozen yogurt place first. I LOVE yogurt places where you serve yourself. We don't have many plans for next week because DH is on call, but there are some tentative plans in the making, including a ladies' shopping trip on Saturday. I've been shopping a lot lately, and have had to clear things out of the closet since I don't like clutter. I have to drive about 45 minutes each way to go shopping down in Colorado Springs, but I consider it entertainment, so I don't mind paying for gas and a meal. I usually don't go down more than once in a week though unless DH and I head down there for something else.

Rosa, it's been good to see you posting. I pray for you most every day, and I'm happy that you've found a job and coworkers you like. Peace to you.

Jean, do you think you'll find a similar top. I don't mind getting rid of some items, but there are always those few that I really wish I had bought two of!

Susan, I agree that I love the hunt. Sometimes I only hunt, but there's always a risk in looking. lol. One good thing about living in the forest is that we don't have to worry about what's growing outside! Have fun with the shrubbery.

Twinny, did you guys have a picnic for church? We have ours at the end of July. We'll see how that works out!

Linda, glad to hear that you're slowly feeling better AND that the police report was in your favor. Should make things much easier with the insurance company or even if you have to take some legal action. Hope it doesn't come to that though. I think they should pay to replace your bra and clothes too! lol

I need to clean house really good this week because the in-laws are coming next Saturday. Anyone want to come over and help?

Hope you all have a nice rest of the day.

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Hi girls!

Well, this isn't going to be much of a day - there's been heavy rain and thunderstorms since the middle of the night, the sun came out an hour or so ago, but now I hear thunder again and the clouds are returning. I won't be going anywhere...even if the weather was good I seem to have developed an intestinal problem of some sort, and don't want to go too far from a bathroom. {#emotions_dlg.crying} To add to all that, poor baby Ziggy has a URI and is sneezing and sniffling; I'm giving him a natural antibiotic and am trying to keep him isolated, but he wants to play with the other kids. (sigh) So - the rest of my homework will be caught up on today, and that's about it. I'm glad it's the last week of the semester - I need a break.

I returned the top and grey capris to Walmart last night and did try on the capris in a larger size. I've concluded they're just made weird - the legs were super-tight, sort of like leggings, although the thighs were OK, and the top part just wasn't cut right. I got some of the individual ice cream cups for the girls and gave one to each as soon as I got to the car, then went to pick up a small pizza for my dinner. I made the mistake of leaving the Walmart bag on the front seat of the car...and Autumn discovered that the rest of the ice cream was in there... {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Twinny, I had never shopped in Sears until after I got married, as there wasn't one in NYC. I've gotten a few cute things from them in the past, but won't go back there again since they tried to scam me on my heater repair, telling me I needed an entire new unit or I would die in my sleep! {#emotions_dlg.mad}

Glad the police report is clear, LindaL - that might save you some headaches.

Well, I guess I'd better get down to work; it's also litterbox scrubbing day, which I'm in no mood for, but I'd do just a couple at a time.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Sonya--You've been posting some very beautiful pictures of nature in your area. Hopefully, you and DH will be able to do some more of the same during the coming week since he is on call. I don't mind the trip to the city as I enjoy the drive and getting out, but I thought two consecutive days in a row might be a bit too much. Normally, I'm there one a week and sometimes a rare twice a week when required. I doubt that I will find a similar top. It is the style and pattern I liked; I'll be on the lookout. I'm sure that I will find another I will like despite it not being the same or similar

Arlene--Sorry that Ziggy isn't feeling well. Hopefully, recovery will be a quick process. The fur babies have a way of discovering the bag which has the goodies in it. I hope you and the bathroom have reading material for when nature calls. Sometimes, when distress occurs, it is a good idea not to be too far from the bathroom.

I have the blu ray "Gravity" on right now. There is a huge difference between the experience in the theater and the blu ray. Some movies lose much when shown on TV.

I just did a Q check and see that they are presenting the Diamonique Angel Wing Pendant. I have the Affinity diamond ring version and it is gorgeous.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.