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Good morning, shopping friends. It is a cool, sunny day here but tomorrow the rain is to arrive again and expected to stay throughout  the remainder of the week.


I did some shopping this morning, but it hasn't been the TSV. I have a Shark, and I like it very much but it is not the top of the line model. Despite that, it does better than the Dyson I had.


I've been looking at ladders. I spotted one on the Q website which I have not seen presented. Off to the Little Giant website I went to look at it there and to read the reviews which are all 5 star. At the Little Giant site, you can order it in the 4, 5 or 6 foot versions. At the Q, it is only available in the 6 ft. A few of the reviews by people who had bought the ladder in different heights after buying the shorter  heights stated the best way to go was to get the 6ft for more versatility. 


I looked at the total prices of the Q versus Little Giant and found little difference. The thing that made a difference was that the Q had it on  six easy pays. This just ties my card up for one payment if I decided it needs to be returned but based upon the reviews at the Little Giant site, I don't think that will happen.  H287821. The steps may be more narrow than the one shown this morning but this short person needs to make sure that the ladder is tall enough for me to do inside as well as outside work. With this one, I can reach my back gutters.


I know this is terribly exciting, but being the sole person in the house, I need to have something that really works for me without having to call a handiman to do some tasks.


My Calista is hot and ready to go, so I will now tackle my hair. Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning, Jean thanks for getting us started today.  I think that your reasoning and research on the ladder is a good things to do.  If you buy a ladder you're not happy with, you end up buying another one, and if you're anything like me, you hang on to the first ladder because it's still "in good shape" and then you end up with too many ladders taking up space.  In our case, we have a plethora of ladders, but that's because my DH does handyman work on the side.  


I haven't purchased anything from QVC since mid June.  Just haven't been that interested in anything.  I still love the fitbit I already own, for example, and I prefer the smaller sized unit over the bigger one.  That's good news for this sometimes shopaholic.  


Fire update: It has burned 13,000 acres but is now 30% contained, so they're making progress, and cooler, moister weather is expected which will help.  So far no people have been injured and killed, which is a blessing.  My DH successfully delivered water and hay to the horse boarding center.  The owner said that he had all kinds of wildlife running through his place, including 3 mountain lions.  May God bless those poor critters.  I saw a great post on Facebook encouraging everyone who lives close to the fire to bring their pets inside, and to put out buckets of water for displaced wildlife to drink.  My DD had also contacted the local animal evacuation center and volunteered veterinary services, but so far they haven't needed help so far, so that's good. 


On the home front, I did manage to go outside early and do a section of weeding in the garden.  In a little bit my DH and I will be heading off to church and to run some errands.  We'll probably be low-key the rest of the day.


Waves to all - have a great Sunday  ~  Charlene

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[ Edited ]

Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Hope that ladder works well for you.  I have to confess that I have considered one of those ladders, but have not taken the plunge yet.  I use my stool pretty often, but rarely use a ladder.  I guess that is one of the advantages of a one story house. 


The weather was pretty nice on my walk this morning, and I think it should be good today with highs in the 90's and a mixture of sun and clouds.  DH was awake more yesterday, and he smiled more.  That made me happy for sure.


I'm headed off to church now and plan to go to the gym later.  I'll visit DH this afternoon.  Nothing exciting to be sure.


The wildfires in CA are just awful.  Very sorry to learn about the loss of life.  I'll keep praying for the victims, firefighters, and all those in the path of the fires.


Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!






ETA -- thanks for the update, Charlene.  Glad your family is safe and helping others.


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Charlene--Those fires are so sad and destructive. Prayers for all and thanks for all who are helping in any way. I have a tall ladder I have had for years that a handiman got me. It is so heavy to move around that I wanted a shorter one and a lighter weight one but still big enough to do most tasks I would do inside. Good job on watching your shopping. I agree with you. I like the Alta HR FitBit I have had since it came out. I have no desire for a big watch type, but that is just my personal preference.


Linda--My house is one story but small step stools don't work for some tasks. I have one I use in the kitchen to reach the upper cabinet shelves but it is not the most stable. I think it is a Costco. I definitely cannot change lightbulbs with it. I am glad that DH was smiling for you yesterday and was more alert.  Have a great visit with DH today!


I'm just using today to relax. Tuesday, I have an appointment in the city, and also another appointment there on Thursday. Naturally, they couldn't be scheduled on the same day to save 3 hours on the road. I'm going to watch an episode of Criminal Minds thanks to Netflix and then tackle a new book to relax. I need to wash the car sometime today or tomorrow.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Jean - Thank you for starting us today.  Hope the ladder works out for you.  Sorry to hear the appts could not be made for the same day.  It is a pain when you have to drive a distance twice in one week.  


Charlene - Glad to hear the weather is better, but it would be nice to get the fires out.  It is very kind of you DH and DD to offer their help.  Hope they both stay safe when helping.  


Linda - Glad to hear DH was smiling more yesterday, I hope he is smiling even more today.


Not much going on here today, I am tackling the piles of "stuff" around here.  I got a stack of magazines and catalogs put in the recycle bin and the pile on the kitchen counter cleaned up now I may work on my dresser in the bedroom.  Somehow it keeps getting cluttered, don't know who keeps doing that.  


Off to be constructive again.  Hope everyone has a great afternoon.

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Susan--Great job on the decluttering. We are relying upon you to keep us motivated through your example.  I do have several things in the car to take to donate but there is much more to be done.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hello all, I just ate breakfast, lol.  I decided to really shape/cut back the leafy shrubs and the umbrella tree in my front yard this morning.  I have a black and decker hedge hog (I think it's called) however I prefer to trim any shrubs by hand, even the evergreens.  Now that I have my MP3 player loaded up with some albums it's amazing how quickly 4 1/2 hours went by while I was just humming and clipping and clipping and bagging Woman Very Happy



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Checking back in...Susan - congrats on tackling the piles of "stuff".  They do have a way of accumulating, don't they?  Bernie - sounds like you made lots of progress on trimming the hedge.  Good job!


So... this week continues to be a wild week, what can I say?  We stopped by Lowe's after church to pick up new window blinds for our DD's bedroom.  We were just about to exit the parking lot when an accident happened in front of us.  A guy in a van didn't stop for traffic, ran into the cars in front of him, and his van flipped over.  The driver of the van managed to crawl out a window, and then after shoving a few things in his pocket, he made a run for it.  The police were able to catch him, thankfully.  Nobody seemed badly hurt, but 2 cars looked totaled, and a third slightly damaged. 


And guess what else?  We caught it on our car's dash cam.  So, our DD just helped us email part of it to the police officer in charge of the case.  We could only email a tiny portion of the accident itself, so I think we'll have to take the chip in person to the police department and have them download all of it.  Pretty sure the guy was on drugs.  


Like I said, it's been a wild week.  ~  Charlene 

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[ Edited ]

Bernie--I do believe you got another burst of enthusiasm for tackling challenging chores. I use the electric trimmers myself. As you get older, you start looking for easier ways.


Charlene--You certainly had an exciting visit to Lowes. It is good that  your dash cam caught the accident and can be of help to the police. I'll be thinking of you when I go to Lowes. I've thought about getting one of those gadgets.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Posts: 41,680
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Jean @KonaKat  I don't have the patience for trimming one of these so I use what's available, it really did feel like I was meditating.  It helped that it wasn't really hot outside.


Image result for bonsai


As I was cutting down the longer branches to fit into the lawn clipping bags, I caught sight of something moving slowly and saw this little bug.  I said hello and walked over to the shrub and said, maybe getting on this shrub will work for you, okay?  It climbed onto the living shrub and I ran into the house and grabbed the camera Woman Very Happy  It looked like a living little leaf.


IMG_1724 (350x262).jpg

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise