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Greetings, shopping friends. It is a nippy day with sunshine. I had the heating system checked out which was timely, as it was in the low 40s when I crawled out of bed at 5am.


I went to the city yesterday to get my nails done and to pick up my WalMart grocery order. I remember late last year bemoaing the fact that two rows of parking were abolished in order to have reserved grocery pickup. Now, that I've used it faithfully since March 13, my attitude has changed. I was 15 minutes early  before my scheduled hour for pick up, but all was ready and I was gone before the scheduled hour.


I've been doing odds and ends around the house, things that need to be done but never makes you think you accomplish much. I have yet to see any birds. I think they schedule any feeding at times I am not around, but the bird food (quality) doesn't seem to decrease. I can only say that I've tried. One thing is certain: for me, they are no substitute for Midnight.


I hope you have a great day. If you shop. shop wisely and if you venture out, do so safely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Posts: 7,407
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  It is funny how your perspective can changed sometimes.  Glad you were able to get your Wal Mart order a bit early.  Hope the birds pay you a visit.  I know that they will never be a substitute for dear Midnight, but still good to see..


I ended up getting my senior flu shot yesterday afternoon.  So far, no bad reactions.  I talked to the pharmacist who said my problem last year might well have been caused by the combination of the flu and shingles shot.  He offered me the option to forget about the shot, but in the end I took a chance.  I certainly don't want to get the "regular" flu when COVID is around.  He said keeping hydrated was important, so I am drinking even more water.


As I have mentioned, I have been reducing the fat and cholesterol in my diet for a while, and yesterday I went through my pantry and took out all the high cholesterol/fat foods.  I am a big fan of Pepperidge Farm cookies, and I had at least three bags in there (one open).  Most were outdated, so disposing of them wasn't as painful as I feared.  The big plus is that I know what I have in the the pantry plus what I need or more often don't need to replace. 


Today is my usual laundry and weekly financial review Saturday, and I took a nice walk this morning.  It was not hot, but hotter than it has been the past few days.  It will be a long time until we are in the 40's here.  


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day and stays safe.





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Posts: 5,553
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Hi Everyone!


It's cool (high60's to reach low 70's) but sunny. We're still in another few weeks of the weather flipping between heat at night and warm sun during the day. 


I only saw a bit of AM Style this morning because we had some outside projects to tackle. Just as well because items were catching my eye and I needed a diversion. My hubby cut down all the misc. mini trees that had grown in between the big pines along our parking pad. What a job. Of course, there was some posion ivy in the mix so fingers crossed on that issue that we both ewscaped touching any of it. Waste Mgt. will certainly earn their fee this week with all these bags. We decided to plant the last secion of grass and see if it takes. We should have enough sunny days to get it high enough to mow. Fingers crossed.


I didn't get too many of my errands accoumplished this week or a range purchased. I wasn't feeling up to it. Fall is my worse season for allergies and breathing. I'm trying to pace myself better this year. I did quite a bit of searching on line which should save me time once I'm in the store. My goal is to avoid a "surprise" with the install. We 've checked out the lines for gas and electric and the downdraft system that we have. It's an old range and an old house. 


I see the Lock&Lock is a qQ2 deal.  I prefer that shape but I don't need any more. I find so many uses for these containers. My hubby even uses them in the garage and work room. 


Birdmama: I like the two sweaters that selected at JCP.  I miss that store. I could always find jeans for all the boys and drapery for the home. 


KomKat: Don't give up on the bird feeder. It took ours a long time before the birds found it. I figure it was because we were the only ones feeding them in our area.  My heart aches for your loss of Midnight. I don't know which is worse pain.--to have them taken too soon or to have them not have another year. We've had it both ways and I still miss all of our dogs every day. (especially the first one that I had with just my son) 


Have a good afternoon/evening.




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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Jean, it looks like you had a successful shopping pick up day at Wal-Mart yesterday.  Doing odd jobs around here always seems like I have done nothing, when I know that I have.


fressa, hopefully you or your DH didn't get into the poison ivy.  I like my GE smooth top electric stove and it's so easy to clean.  But, we have a newer home without any electrical problems.  It's just plug it in and it works.


Linda L, I want to say congrats to your DD and DGD  on their achievements.  It's perfect walking weather for me,right now,  but I am a fall/winter gal.  I haven't done my walk for a couple of days because I had to use my energy for grocery shopping, laundry and washing the windows.  I plan to go for my walk tomorrow.


Bird Mama, I gave you the good news yesterday.  Now it's been a rough time around here.  Our former sil, called us last night and said that Christopher was tested for the virus the Tuesday after Labor day weekend, got back the results on Wednesday and he tested positive for the virus.  He moved into an Apt two weeks previously & went to in person classes for a week.  His 4 roommates have all tested positive for the virus.  They are all quarantining until next Wednesday.  Thank goodness none of us had been in contact with him.  


My DH got stung on the ring finger joint by a hornet yesterday afternoon while bringing in a few pieces of clothing from the clothesline.  Of course, he didn't tell me until 3:30 this morning.  Now it's all swollen.  Arrrgh!


My bff's DH had a Dr's. Checkup on Thursday & xrays showed that he was doing everything that he was told not  to do so he has to have surgery on his wrist on Wednesday.  Since she can't trust him not to eat after midnight, they are going to admit him into the hospital on Tuesday afternoon.  He is becoming increasingly more difficult to take care of, so they told her that she should start to think about what she needs to do next.  


We went to the graduation party this morning and it was nice seeing our Pastor and his family again.  We left before the majority of the people arrived.  It's going to be a cook out outside, but the tables were all set up in a machine shed with no safe distancing between the tables & none of them had a mask on except for us two.


Yesterday, our HS went on shut down because several students and teachers tested positive for the virus.  They will be doing deep cleaning again & all classes are going virtual for at least two weeks.


It's a beautiful sunny 60's day & I am going to enjoy it.  


I get my infusion on Monday and because of rising positive virus cases, my DH cannot go in with me.  Afterwards, we hope to have a good drive thru lunch and then do a bit of shopping.  I am looking for pumpkin spice coffee.


Hugs to all of you.



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Posts: 7,407
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Sorry about Christopher and your friend's husband, Glenda.  Sounds like you did the right thing leaving the graduation celebration early rather than go indoors with social distancing issues.  Seems like Wisconsin has more of a problem with the virus than Arizona at the moment.  But, I am being very careful.  Good luck with your infusion on Monday.