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Good morning, shopping frineds. I was finally released from the hospital in Charleston, WV yesterday evening. Its cardiac unit is one of the top 20 in the nation. I can only say that I've never received such great attention, and the food was actually good.


I don't think I will regret the procedure. I knew what I had been told by the EP and also what I had read. They gave me enough twilight anesthesia to limit the pain when the catheter was inserted  but lessened afterwards. I was able to watch much of the procedure on the screens. The EP was able to burn or zap 10 misbehaving areas. One he chose not to do as it was very close to a never that helped to control the diaphram.


The worst part was having to lie flat on my back and not move my leg for six hours after the procedure. After that, I was transferred to a private room in the cardiac unit to monitor the effects of a new drug he is choosing to use, which he hopes will control the other types of rhythm problems as this one took care of one problem. If it doesn't, I will likely have to go back and have another ablation done but it will be a longer procedure as it is more challenging to do.


A friend brought me home late last night and then took me to the city to pick up my beloved cat Midnight. After returing, I picked up my car which was having a body problem repaired where someone "caressed" it and left no note. I'm  not supposed to drive for five days after the procedure but this was such a short distance that I drove the car home. I also can't lift more than ten pounds for a week. I have to go back on Wednesday for a check up.


I did catch a few minutes of QVC in my hospital room as it was the only shopping channel they carried. I refused to be one of those who calls from their hospital room, as some testimonials indicate at times. I also was not in the mood for shopping. We did joke about the late discharge that if they waited until this morning, we could have taken in Macy's one day sale. The truth is that I am so tired, I could care less about shopping right now.


It is good to have laptiop in hand as I detest virtual keyboards of tablets. I am a fast typist but those virtual keyboards don't lend themselves to fast typing.


I do appreciate all the positive vibes and thoughts for me. Thanks!


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi Ladies!!!  Jean, glad to hear you are home and feeling ok.  I'm sure Midnight is one, happy cat to be home with his Mama.  That is too bad about your car, but glad it was minor.  Hope you get a good report when you go back to the doctor next week...I will keep you in my prayers!!


Kathleen, glad to see you are headed home!!! 


Not much shopping on my radar...and, I hope to keep it that way.  I had been on a spree and needed to get myself back under control.  I always run into trouble when buying a "few" things for the new season...certainly something I need to work on, but I am a work in progress!!


It's a dreary day in New York.  We are expecting some pretty heavy rain, and flooding over the next 24 hrs.  My motivation to get things accomplished always suffers when the weather is gray.  But, I have some laundry and the sheets to get, I better get moving.


I will try to check in later..."hi" to all our posters.  Enjoy the day!!!


P.S.  Not liking this new forum...ugh!!!

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Hello Ladies.... Jean glad you are back home and Midnight was happy to see you. Hope your checkup next week goes ok. We were all worried about you!

Karen nice yo see you, I know about getting on a shopping spree..I can be good for awhile them seems everything I see I "need" or should I say ...want.
This new format isn't too bad once you get the hang of it but I prefer the old one. We are also,expecting a terrible day tomorrow...flooding....about 3 inches they say. The sun was out for a little bit this morning but now cloudy and the wind is starting to pick up.

there's nothing else going on here....have a nice day everyone......Marijane
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Good Morning/Afternoon! Thanks for getting us started Jean.  It is great that you are out of the hospital and have Midnight and your car back.  Do take it easy, and fingers crossed for your Wednesday follow-up visit.


Hi Karen -- sorry your weather isn't nice today.  Ours is very hot (prediction of 110 degree high temperature), only change from yesterday is a bit of wind.  It should get cooler after today, but still 100 degree highs predicted for next week.  Thank goodness for AC.


I'm with you about shopping.  I have found some nice things on eBay (mostly brands from here), that have me spending way too much time on "window" shopping and for real shopping.  My latest purchase was a cotton blanket.  The price was right, and no shipping.  Not that we are in need of a blanket when it is so hot at night, but I don't like leaving the bed with just a sheet (I know it sounds weird.)


We took our walk early, and it was already a bit warm.  Today is my regular laundry and financial review day.  And, there is a possibility that we will go to the pool late in the day.  I definitely want to wait until the sun is off the pool, which will be after 5:00 at least.  


I don't know if many saw it, but I heard from DH's DD yesterday afternoon -- his DGD was doing okay -- sleeping a lot, and she was on pretty strong pain pills.  She will need to wear a brace for six weeks, and have limited mobility.  But, hopefully she will recover completely.


I am not sure if I mentioned it here, but I was informed that my Office of Personnel Management account (I am a retired Federal Employee) was among the several millions involved in the "hack attack".  Needless to say, I am anxious about hackers having all my relevant information, but I have to hope for the best.


Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Marijane, pinky ann, Bernie, snicks, LindaR, Susan, Rosa, Gayle, Charlene, and all of our posters and readers.


Have a good day everyone!





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Good afternoon to all. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

KK, so glad the procedure is behind you, that you are home again with Midnight and that you did get your car back home. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good report on Wednesday.

ksmitty28, no shopping on my horizon either, other than a rather large grocery shopping trip. I have been so focused on the family reunion, and shopping for that the last couple weeks that I am running low or out of quite a lot of staples, so that is now on the agenda for today or maybe I can put it off till tomorrow. Hope your weather improves, we are hot, humid and sunny here, first time in about 2 weeks that we haven't had rain at some point in the day.

genny1, I too can get on a "roll" with shopping if I let myself, I did that somewhat in the early Spring, had to reign myself in before it got crazy, lol

LL, hoping your DH's DGD heals up quickly, that is a long time in a cast. Sorry that your account was one that was in the "hack". Hoping for the best for you in that ordeal. I just realized that my computer may have been hacked into, I filed a report yesterday with the FTC, and am taking my computer in on Monday to have it checked thoroughly just to be on the safe side. I spent a LOT of time yesterday on the phone with various persons regarding my suspicions and they all thought it indeed sounded "fishy" to say the least. I also spoke with my bank and cancelled my CC, a replacement will be sent within the week. I only use 1 CC on the computer so I am hoping that will take care of it.

I don't really care for the new forums, but am beginning to get used to them. The screen is still doing a bit of bouncing around and with everyone inserting their avatars (some of which also jumps around), along with emoties hoping around, I don't find it all that fun to post so am spending less time on the boards, just check in on a couple threads now, instead of browsing around.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, waving bye to all.





"To each their own, in all things".
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It is so good to hear that you are back home with Midnight.  It is rainy & cool today & we are going to an afternoon wedding with the reception at 5;00 in another town.  They say 80's all week, so we shall see.


snicks, We had to have our checking account closed out on Weds. & a new one opened as I gave the number out & then had 2nd thoughs about it.I had to call 5  different places as they come out of the account each month.  After all was said & done, I think it was actually a legitimate call, but one never knows these days.


Prayers for all of you in the wet flood prone areas too.

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I have two windows open, side by side so I can reply to everyone in one thread.  Replying to a single post and not being able to see everyone else's commentary is a royal PIMA.


Jean - I'm glad you are home and that midnight is with you.  Try to take it easy even if you break a rule or two (wink).  When I had my hysterectomy at the end of 2007, I told my doctor before hand - look, when I get home, I will be taking stairs to see my birds and taking stairs to do a load of wash.  That's a given - now I need you to tell me the best way to go about it (lol). I hope the new medication can control the other concerns.


Karen - re: shopping, I was going to make a trip to the Amazon (wink) to reorder my ensure 14 oz protein shakes.  Ensure is discontinuing this size - new batches are 8 oz.  Well, Amazon has picked up on the preciousness of the 14 oz and raised the price for a 12 pack by $10.  I saw that and it was like having ice water dumped on my head.  I didn't order and promptly exited the Amazon (lol).


Marijane -Hi


LindaL - OMG, I am sorry to read that you were among those hacked!  As a rabid X-files fan, I first heard of the OPM during one of the epidoses when Mulder was in hot water, yet again.  How exciting to read that I kind of know someone who knows the OPM (lol).


Snicks - I am determined that the new forum design will not get the better of me (wink).


Twinny - it's far better to be safe than sorry when dealing with your accounts.


I more or less watched AM Style this morning.  I'm looking forward to the Denim & Co show this afternoon, even if I don't order anything.  I hurried up and cut my grass (front and back) and managed to beat the rain.  I also switched out my spring wreath for the summer wreath on the front door and made my bi-weekly pilgrimage to the local recycling center.


Not much else going on here and that's just fine with me :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎06-03-2010


LindaL, prayers for your DH's DGD for a speedy recovery.  I definitely have to steer clear of Amazon...I lose track of time when I am "window shopping".  I was glad to read everything worked out with your DGS and his accident.


Marijane, it has just been drizzling a bit so far, but tonight we apparently in for some flooding - ugh!!


Snicks, I hope everything works out with your computer issue.  It's so frustrating these days with the hacking, etc...such an invasion of privacy.


Twinny, have a wonderful time at the wedding.


Bernie, that's quite a jump in price...I'll be tuning in for D&Co.  Hopefully, nothing will tempt me.  I'm home alone, so I have the tv to myself, which is good and bad. 


I did get a few loads of laundry done, and some returns ready for the PO.  I think I will head to my Pilates reformer while I'm feeling in the mood...enjoy!!!

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Registered: ‎06-25-2011


Hi girls!


Good to see you  back, Jean; lots of people have been praying for you.


I just got finished taking care of Gideon.  I have a special calorie-dense food for him from the vet, which I've been feeding him by syringe, as well as water.   He gets only two meds early in the day, with several additional ones in the evening. I have him in a carrier as he's been pretty much just sleeping, and when I let him sleep on my bed the other day he peed on it (yet another total change of bedding...but I know he couldn't help it). I have a large carrier in the cabana that I used when I brought my kitties here from Hawaii; I'm going to get it out so he has more room to move around as he feels better.  Please continue to keep him in prayer - he's one of the best kitties I've ever had and he's very, very loved. Cat Very Happy


It's hot as heck here as well, temps in the high 90s, with more of the same forecast for the next few days. I didn't feel like going out in the heat yesterday so we never made it to the park; I just took the dogs for a drive in the evening because both they and I were bored and I figured a change of scene would do us good.  I think today I will try to take Autumn for a swim; at one of the parks I can leave my car a short distance from the pond so I don't have to walk far in this heat.


Jean (and others) - you might be interested in this since you shop on Amazon a lot. You probably missed reading about it, but I had a pair of black Sketchers sneakers with colored trim on my Q wish list, which I checked on EZ Pay day.  They were something like $49, but I looked on Amazon, where they were $45, and of course no S&H. I really liked them a lot (and only have a white pair of sneakers)  so I ordered them, then saw that they had gone down to $36 on Amazon the next day.  I had selected the slower shipping because I got a credit towards ebooks or music if I did so, so I called Amazon to see if I could cancel the pair I ordered, then order them again at the lower price.  What I found out is that if a price on Amazon drops, you can request a price adjustment...but only once per item.  I wouldn't bother for a dollarl or two, but in this case a savings of $9 was worth a few minutes of my time. BTW, in JCP they were $65!


I did have one of my relatively rare big shopping sprees this past month, but I'm shopped out and even if I weren't, well...this vet bill is a big one.  But, my precious Gideon is worth it. The new Ross hasn't opened yet; maybe by the time it does I'll be able to afford a little money to play with.


I was thinking, Jean, I think it's a year this week since we all met up in Nashville.  I haven't been in a Macy's since then, and had been planning to visit one when I go to Trader Joe's next month, but that's going to have to be put on hold - not that I need anything anyway.  In fact, the grey Sketchers that you and Jules forced me to buy is what made me want to get the black ones that I did.  Cat Tongue  I sure wouldn't mind a trip to Cheesecake Factory, though.


Sorry to hear about the hack, LindaL.  A friend's husband is a govenment employee and their info has been compromised as well; they're already dealing with identity theft issues. Glad to hear your DH's GD is doing well.


Oh, I HATE this new entire paragraph just went poof!  Cat Mad


I called the main USPS number and filed another complaint against my lazy mailman. I had ordered some OTC meds that I really needed from Amazon, and they used USPS because it was supposed to be delivered on Sunday. I looked at the tracking throughout the day, and it said "out for delivery" until midnight. Last time I was expecting a package on a Sunday the lazy thing didn't even try to deliver it - the tracking said, "Delivery attempted - business closed."  Really?  When I called to complain I let them know this is NOT a business!  Cat Mad  Anyway, on Monday the tracking said "delivered Sunday."  I went to the mailbox and there was the package - a box that was jammed into in so tightly that there was no way of getting it out without breaking the mailbox or - as I had to do - get a knife to cut up the box so I could remove the pacakge. Cat Mad  This isn't the first time he's done that; it probably take him more time to push the package into the mailbox then it would to leave it on the porch, but then, that would involve getting his lazy butt out of the truck!  Any wonder I only deal with the PO in the next town? 


Well, I guess I should get moving; I'm thinking besides the park, maybe I'll take a ride to the used bookstore. I was talking to my BFF last night, and I just sent her son who is in prison some books. She said that he shares them with other inmates because some don't get any mail, so maybe I'll see if I can find anything good in the free bin and send them to him so he can distribute them; perhaps I can slip a note into each one and let them know someone is praying for them.


Have a blessed day, everyone!












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Arlene, I continue to pray for Gideon and you.


I remember how expensive veterinarian care can be.  Like my Avatar, Courage the Cowardly Dog says - it's the Things We Do For Love.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise