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Greetings, shopping friends. It has been a long time since I have started the thread. A funny thing happened on the way to bending over the side of the bed to pick up an item that had gone under the bed. Accidents happen when least expected.


It is a beautiful sunny day. I was up at 5am, had breakfast and then watched part of AM Style but decided I was too tired to stay up so I went to bed and went back to sleep. I slept zero while lying stuck for 48 hours and not much in the hospital so I am just a little sleep deprived.


It is good to be  home but I do miss the staff at the hospital. They were excellent, had a sense of humor and I found myself making medical jokes and insights with them. If life gives you lemons, then you do make the best of it and change what you can. Trust me when I had no urge to shop while there and still don't. I need to replace my FitBit which was damaged.


I am very tired from the experience plus the reality that the accident was a challenge to the muscles, as well as no food for drink for 48 hours. This did a number on the heart so I am now dealing with that. It is just take it one day at a time now.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  It is so good to have you back.  I'm sure it will take a while for you to recover just from the loss of sleep much less the accident.  I could tell from your hospital posts that you had a very positive attitude.  I'm sure shopping is not a big priority for you now.


Glad you are having nice weather.  It is pretty hot here, but it was cloudy on my walk this morning, and I actually walked a bit extra plus I did some weeding in the alley behind my yard (we are responsible to taking care of the weeds in the alley, but that tends to be less of a priority than weeds in the yard).


I have no shopping plans today, but I may decide to order something on my Amazon list.  No big items.  Sorry your FitBit was damaged by the way.


Your accident has really had an impact on me, and I have decided a medical alert is something I will need to purchase.  I'll probably wait until I return from my trip to Italy at the end of September.  In the meantime, I asked DD to text me over the weekend -- just checking to see if I am okay.  We talk every weekday, but not on the weekend, and I don't have any friends/relatives in the area who stop by the house.  


The luncheon at my friend's house yesterday was very nice.  We (four widows who belonged to the Caregivers group) discussed many things.  And, I found out about a tour company for women in our area.  One of the ladies who recently lost a friend (died pretty suddenly after finding she had cancer that had spread) was just back from a trip with the group to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, and she was enthusiastic.  The tour operator also goes on trips to Mexico and overseas.  


I have my usual Saturday chores, plus I'll be going on a hospice visit this afternoon.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Have a nice day everyone!  Again, welcome back, Jean.  It is so good to have you.







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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (SATURDAY, AUG 31) is so good to see you posting. I have followed your awful saga on are very fortunate . Please take time to fully heal. 🥰🥰🥰

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Linda--There are so many of those medical alert companies offering various features that it is a challenge to select. I think it might be good to wait as you review and think about which is best for you.


Barbara--It is tiring to post but I knewI the FB posting would reach the most, and if someone wanted to repost it here then they would be doing me a favor. Thanks to Linda for doing so.


I am a fighter and a positive thinker, so I hope both contributed to my being up and about. No doubt, prayers helped to give me the will to win the battle and bring rescure. It is something that could happen to anyone. When I returned home, I read of a woman being rescued from a well. Trust me when I say it is easier going down than getting up or out. Tight quarters and gravity are not always our friends.


I'll be taking a break now. Have a good day.



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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[ Edited ]

Hi everyone - Jean, glad to see you posting.  It takes our bodies a while to recover from a fall.  We're all hoping you're on the mend!  Linda - I think that a Life Alert, or similar device is a great idea.  My mom has been wearing one for the past couple of years.  Sydsgma - nice to see your posting.  How is your GD doing?  Does she still do the acting/dancing?  Still want to be a vet?


Sorry that I haven't been posting too much lately.  Having a loved one recovering from an accident has proven to be distracting.  That probably sounds like an odd thing to say.  I mean, that even though we have people with her during daytime hours (I'm on Wednesdays), and my mom's recovery has been progressing nicely, I still find myself not very focused.  For example, I spent the past two days making trips to Walmart to buy things for my mom's household as well as our own.  I had to make the 2nd trip because I forgot a bunch of things the first time.  A trip to Walmart isn't difficult, but it sure does seem to eat up time.  I'm behind in all sorts of things.  My Bible study is starting up this coming Thursday, and I didn't get things accomplished this summer that I had hoped to. 


My big project yesterday (besides shopping at Walmart, lol), was making a batch of peach jam.  Now we have apricot, apricot/plum, and peach jam.  Next up, I need to make some mozarella cheese with all of the goat milk we have crowding our refrigerator.  The only reason I'm getting those things done is because the produce and milk will go bad if I don't act on it right away.  Then, tomorrow is my sister's birthday and I don't have anything planned for that.  I feel like I can't think straight.


Did I mention how much I hate August where we live?  I'm on a complaining roll now, lol.  I don't like excessive heat, and week after week of 100+degree temperatures is a drag.  waa...  


And that was probably a scattered message for today.  Anyway - wishing the best for all of you!!!  ~ Charlene


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Jean @KonaKat  it's so very good to see you starting the thread today. Woman Happy


What you went through for the first 48 hours takes a physical and emotional toll.  Your fibit is a necessity so my thoughts are, really treat yourself with a good one Woman Happy  You deserve it.


I would like to think that I've made it this far in life by learning from other's experiences.  I want you to know that I slow down and think about simple and mundane tasks now because of your experience.  For example, I'm notorious for having arms full when I go up and down the stairs.  Hey, I haven't fallen down the stairs since I bought the house so why worry, right? 


Well, it's the things we do umpteen times that can turn almost tragic.  If it means 3 trips, I make sure I have a free hand to grip the railings between the levels in my house.


I am so relieved that your niece and friend discovered you on that day.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Linda @LindaLatte   I'm glad your DD will text you on the weekends.  I usually speak with my sister 5 days a week so she can get things off her chest about work.  Most of the time we text each other on the weekend just to check in.  


I'm quiet and my sister is quiet so it could take a long time for neighbors to realize something was off Woman Frustrated


I'm glad you had a nice time at the luncheon.  Word of mouth is the best way to find out about businesses like a tour company

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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[ Edited ]

Charlene @cerb   I think you might be judging yourself too harshly.  Your Ma had an accident, you're trying to coordinate care with siblings and a cousin died and you had to travel to pay respects.  That's alot in a short period of time.


Humans are creatures of habit in a good way Woman Happy  We kind of develop a rhythm to our life and when something happens like your Ma's accident, it's a lot like jazz music Woman LOL  My husband used to say he didn't like jazz because it sounded like two or three people playing different songs on one record. Woman LOL


I'm cracking myself up here.  Anyway..... your rhythm was thrown off by your Ma's accident.  It will come back.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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I dropped off items for recycling and then stopped in at my local home depot.


I usually make a list for home depot that includes that aisle and bay location for each item.  I'm glad that feature is available on home depot dot com because that helps me stay on track, lol.


I picked up two shelving units for the containers that I re-organized in the basement.  I was gonna go with 2 chrome however only one chrome box looked decent so I went with a chrome and black. 



I picked up their Zep window cleaner.  Hope springs eternal that this one won't streak.  Also tried Armour mold/mildew killer and quick stain remover.  Wowsa, it works, just make sure you have proper ventilation.  I have all the windows open, a small fan going in the master bathroom and I can still smell it.  I think it's just up my nose, lol.


Since I will be removing old caulk around the house I invested in a pair of men's leather workgloves.


Suffice it to say, it was real easy for me to spend $141 at the depot.  It's been a couple of months since I used my HD credit card.  I was at the self scan and one of the 'associates' asked if I wanted to open a credit card.  I said nope, have one.  She said you can have another and I just gave her the side eye and she walked off. 


Another associate comes up to me to ask me if I wanted a HD credit card.  I said I have one and one of your coworkers already asked me about it.  The (2nd) associate says, you can have up to 3 HD credit cards.


I said, that's insane, stop talking to me about it Woman Indifferent


Woman Very Happy


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Jean. I am glad that you are up and about.  I am sure that you are very tired.  I have always had nice Dr's. & nurses at our local clinic and my new nurses at the infusion center are very nice to me too. I am sorry that your Fitbit was ruined, but better it than you.  My DH had great Dr's. & nurses while in the hospital in OH.  The one male nurse was very funny and my DH would listen to him better than me & the female nurses whom really catered to me.  They knew that we were in a strange town and that I was scared. Being a fighter is good.  I fought so hard 18 years ago & yes it was very difficult.  It's been an going battle, but I have been so blessed & enjoy life to it's fullest.


Linda L, it's probably a good idea to get a medical alert after your trip to Italy next month. I hope that you enjoy your trip. I am glad that you had a good lunch yesterday with friends.  


Bird Mama. It's a good idea to slow down when going up and down the stairs.  One of my classmates recently died from a fall down her basement steps.  My DH is learning to slow down and watch what he is doing.  


CERB. You don't have to beat yourself up.  It's a big deal when so many things are happening at the same time.  I am loving our 70's weather, but I envy your fruit trees.


I woke up early this morning and enjoyed the ams chat. Then after breakfast I blanched & froze two pkgs of green beans and made creamy broccoli soup for lunch.


I had a bump in the road last night before bedtime when I went to the bathroom.  It scared me enough to call & talk to the ER Dr. & tell him that I was on Xarelto after having a PE in January.  He said to monitor the situation and if it was worse to go up there. He said he thinks that things are ok, but to go see my GP next week to see what she says about the Xarelto.  Everything is fine now so I am feeling better about things right now.


I had a good walk & went to the farmers market.  Didn't buy anything, but they had a good selection of things.


It is getting darker outside and it's supposed to rain this afternoon.


My bf and her dh are coming up this afternoon & then we are all going out for dinner.


For my Dh's 17th year of retirement, I bought him a bag of SF petit fours from the box outlet store in town. He is easy to please.


I hope that our dd and dsil (it's their 23rd wedding anniversary today) have a good moving day getting Christopher all set for his next big step of starting college in a few days.  It's hard to believe that he is off to college already.  The two younger dgc are both in HS so that will make things easier for our dd.  After taking the summer off, she will be starting up her online in-home business.  


Hugs to all of you.