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Good morning, shopping friends. I'm not working today so I will be off to the city to get my nails done, car serviced, and buy groceries.


I do like the TSV, but I'm not buying it. I know they say it works for all figure types but everytime I see it presented, all I see is the bottom flaring out which would emphasize the hips on a "hip-endowed" person. If busty, do you buy according to the bust or the  hip size? The solution is not to buy. I love lace on others but have neer been comfortable with it on me.


I just paid my Amazon Signature Visa in full for the month. I just checked the number of points, etc. I have accumulated there. I am just letting the points add up something I have done for a long time until I decide to redeem them on a big trip. Right now, I have $738 which I can use as a statement credit which is the usual way I redeem them. I use that card for nearly everything including my Q purchases. I see no point in getting a Q card when this card rewards me.


It is a beautiful sunny day, sdo I am going to enjoy venturing out today. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone who is experiencing a challenge of any type today.


Have a great day. This day willl not be repeated so make the most of it. If you shop, shop wisely one day at a time.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Thanx @KonaKat for the start, you have a productive day scheduled, it'll make you feel good when done.  I agree about the TSV peplums just don't do it for me.


Have to make a trip to the post office, return to Q, of which I don't do many but this one must be done, then will attend the wake of a friend's mother (104 years old!) which will be late afternoon as I have a meeting this evening, so along with the usual daily routine will be keeping an eye on the clock.


Hope all are having a good day



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Essie--Sorry that you have to make a return. I don't do many returns but if it doesn't say "love" to me out of the box, back it goes. Yes, there is a return shipping cost but that is cheaper than keeping something that doesn't totally live up to expectations. Wow! 104 years of age is quite an achievement! Your friend's mother has seen many changes in those years.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning!

I did order the tsv, hoping it fits.  Got it in blue, planning to wear it with a blck pencil skirt or black ankle pants, perfect for church.  Hoping it fits I am small busted, it seems to be running small in the bust, so should be perfect for me.

I had a stomach buf Saturday nignt was up all night, ugh!  Did not leave the house on Sunday,  boo!  I slept great last  night and feel back to normal today...just in time for work.

I hope that everyone is well.  we are having cold weather here this week, drizzly and over cast.  I am ready for some hot weather!

I havefinally  figured out through trial and error that ankle length pants look much better on me that capri length or bermuda shorts. 

That is about it for me, time to get to work.




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Good morning all and thanks @KonaKat for the start. Have fun in the city today. I like the looks of the TSV, but am not a 'lace' kind of girl, so am passing. I do like a bit of peplum, but haven't seen a full presentation so don't know how big the peplum is on this, but at any rate, if purchased it would hang in my closet for a really long time before I ever wore it, so it's a moot point for me really. I think saving your points on your CC for trips is a really great thing you do. Also, of course paying it in full each month. I do that also. Maybe once or twice per year I carry a bit of a balance over so they can earn a small amount of interest off me.


@spix, sorry you have to do a return, I hate when I have to do that. It's just a pita, and disappointing too. Sorry about your friend's mother, 104 years is a nice long life. I do hope she was relatively healthy for most of it, anyway.


@fbm8282lsm, so sorry you had a stomach flu thing over the weekend, glad you are better today though. Hope you enjoy your TSV. It sounds nice how you plan to wear it.


I pre-ordered the TSV for May 27, the Earth Leather Peep Toe Booties, in sand brown color, I really like the looks of the shoe and the 2" heel height is one I can still manage, so I hope I am not needing to do a return on those when I get them. They will not ship out early, so won't know till around June 6 was the EDD. The graduation yesterday was great, of course, lol. These kids these days are so talented and smart, much more articulate than I remember being at their age. I am not sure what my plans are for today, I am still tired, more from lack of sleep than anything else. Last night I slept about 2 hours, then was up for nearly 4, then slept another couple of hours. I guess I will have to resort to some kind of sleep aid though I don't want to, but I am tired of dragging around all the time. Anyway....hope everyone has a nice day. Waves to all......

"To each their own, in all things".
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Here are the shoes in the color I ordered, for anyone interested.Earth Kristy Peep Toe Bootie.jpg

"To each their own, in all things".
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Good morning everyone - Jean - thanks for getting us started.  Hope your day of running errands goes smoothly.  I agree with that concept of wanting to love something you've ordered.  I've made the mistake of keeping clothes that were just "so-so" in hopes that I would grow to like them more.  Essie - Sorry you have a QVC return to make.  We have too much mail theft to stick a return in the mailbox, but I'm lucky in that my DH will take my returns to a drop box for me.  Hope the wake goes well for all, I do agree that living to 104 is quite an accomplishment.  Rosa - Sorry that you had a stomach bug.  I also like the TSV, especially the navy/cadet blue.  I think I might wait for a few weeks for the inevitable returns that get sold "as-is".   I don't think that they got the sizing correct on some of the models.  I would be embarrassed as a model if they put me in a top that was stretched to the point of puckering across the bust area.  They need to go up a size.  Snicks - sorry that you're not sleeping well and hope that it improves.


Still no sign of my cat Davis, thank you all for your kind thoughts.  Yesterday my DD and I gave hoof trims to all the goats and gave them all a nice brushing to remove the last of their winter coats.  (Trimming goat hooves always leaves me with at least one blister, but I'm happy to have it all done.)  Also got tomato seeds restarted to replace the little plants that my dog destroyed.  Naughty dog!!!


For my DH's birthday, We bought food from KFC for our little "party" and my DD thoughtfully made up some strawberry shortcake for dessert which is one of my DH's favorites.  My Mom came by which was nice, but my DS was 2 hours late.  Figures.  Plus, his vehicle needs work, so we're doing a car shuffle this week to accommodate everyone while it gets fixed.  There was one really special moment of the evening.  It was still light out and we were sitting around the dining room table when a Mylar balloon drifted across our back yard.  My DD shouted out "Hey Dad - I got you one more thing for your birthday, hang on!" and she ran outside and grabbed the balloon which had "Happy Birthday" written across it.  That made us all smile and laugh.


Just doing regular chores today, but that's okay with me considering the busy weekend.  I hope you all have a safe, productive day!  ~  Charlene

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Hello all - just finished 11 modules of the annual compliance training. Glad that's behind me.  I don't mind a peplum, however when a peplum is involved, it has to be a tall garment or it ends up looking kind of maternity on me, not a good luck for my age, lol.


I was able to mow the front yard yesterday.  I didn't do the back yard because I didn't want to disturb Ma and Pa Sparrow in that bird house.  It's warmer today and the baby or babies - I hear one strong chirp, not sure that I'm hearing two different chirps now - will be another day older and well fed.


I'll cut the back yard grass when I get home from work tonight.  I placed an order at my store yesterday.  I think they made a mistake on the prices though.  I bought an overpriced shrug at $54 and expected to get a new $36 top for a penny (it was buy one, get one equal or less cost for a penny).


I expected both pieces to come to $54.01.  Instead the shrug came up $27 and the top came up $18.  I got 25% of that and used $20 in rewards coupons!!!!!


I love the color olive and am buying as much olive that I can while folks are selling it :-)


Liz Claiborne® Short-Sleeve Crochet Shrug - TallLiz Claiborne® Sleeveless Pleat Neck Top

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Hello All,

We had 10 inches of unpredicted rain yesterday and into this morning.  It is now sunny but many of the streets in our neighborhood are still flooded.  The local schools canceled classes today.  So glad we were already stocked up on food etc.  It's amazing but with all that weather we didn't even have a power outage (here) so that was nice.


I have been watching some of the shows on the Q today.  I am not buying anything.  I am at a point with my wardrobe that I have a pretty clear idea of what I reach for in the closet, my favorites so to speak.  I think I will stay with those and donate the rest.  Just too many things I don't wear on a regular basis taking up a lot of room.  Also, we have no walk in closets. 


I think I may have mentioned that my husband  had shoulder surgery.  He is back to about 75% of his regular activities.  I am so glad for that...I was starting to get a little worn down from picking up some of the things he normally takes care of. 


Well, that is about it on this end.  I hope everyone has a good week. 

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Jean,  it sounds like a fun day in the city for you!  


SNICK'S, What a cute shoe!  I am with the 2" heals too.


Rosa, I am glad that you are feeling better, even if it is a work day.


SPIX,  WOW!   How wonderful to see 104 years.  Hopefully she enjoyed life until the end.  I do remember seeing where your mom passed away just before her 100th birthday.  My mom celebrated her 95th birthday last October.


Life has been hectic since getting home last Tuesday.  I had business to do with a lawyer & the abstract company that afternoon & lots of banking to do on Wednesday.  Thursday called for a day to the capitol city for an oil change.  Then on to DD's home as our oldest DGS had a band concert that night.  We stayed overnight so it was fun to see our DSIL our other 2 DGC.


We shopped on the way home & I got a much needed pair of white Sketcher's with my MD gift card from my DD.  Friday night our DD & DGS came down here for the night as he had a HS soccer game in our town.  He won 3-0 so he was happy. We celebrated at the nice Italian restaurant afterwards.


Yesterday afternoon DH & I  went to mom's house to get the rest of the estate sale things for a trip to St. Vincent's today.  Last night I was so tired that I fell asleep in my recliner at 7:30.  & DH woke me up at 8:30 & told me to go to bed.  I did & woke up at midnight for just a few minutes.  I feel good now.


I have lab/Dr. followup on Thursday so have been watching what I am eating.  I did a little damage on vacation.  I need to take my walk after lunch & then go to the cemetery to see if they  put  mom's DOD  on the stone..  Next week I will get a nice floral arrangement.  I am not looking forward to going without mom.


Our niece is moving into "her" new home on Friday.  Closing is next week, but her mover is busy next weekend.  Never a dull moment around here lately.


Hugs to all of you.