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Good Morning!  It is another lovely warm day here in southern Arizona.  Hope your weather is at least okay today.  


I know Jean is off to her mission of mercy to help her friend with the detached retina.  I really hope that the doctor is successful in helping her friend.  So sorry your Mom is not well and contagious, twinny.  But, I am happy they let you know so you will not be exposed to whatever she has.


Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Bernie, Susan, snicks, spix, Marijane, Charlene, Barbara, Rosa, Gayle, LindaR, Karen, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


DH's caregiver has been here this morning -- nice lady.  She needs to work weekends every couple of months, and she said the weekend was okay except she had to drive long distances between patients.  And, Google maps steered her wrong for one of her clients.  Apparently, the nurses have had similar problems.


I contacted DH's endodonist dental insurance, and it appears that they sent the larger reimbursement check to the endodonist.  They will send us a refund promptly once they receive the check.  Doesn't make much sense because they sent us a check for $75 for the same place.  Go figure.  Also called hospice because the pharmacy did not deliver DH's medicines again.  Not happy about that, but.....


DH was up several times again last night, and he seems a bit unsteady on his feet the past couple of days.  But, hopefully things will improve.  


No plans for us today except for some exercise, a hopefully brief Wal-Mart run, and some cleaning.  I am donating DH's pants with zippers (he needs pull-on pants these days), so I'm washing up the pants that I plan to donate.  Others will be trashed because they are not in good shape.  I have decided to look for V-neck shirts for him -- he has a relatively large head, so getting some shirts on and off can be an issue.  I think the V-necks will be easier.


No TSV for me -- actually never purchased from this line.  But, I hope any who order it like it very much.


Have a nice day everyone, and please post if you have a chance.





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Good morning!

Linda you are a true example of living your marriage vows, I think of you often.

I like the TSV, have never orderd from this line, I do have some tops with the asymetrical hemline and like them .  I am not sure that the fulness on the botom would be a good look , on me for me.

I am the only one here today at work, the stomach flu has arrived, we just finished up with the respitory stuff.  I really I can avoid this.

I have excercise class tonight.  The weather was so nice yesterday , we able to take a 4 mile walk outside in the sunshine.

Twinny please know that I pray for you and you Mother dailey.



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hoppy leap day.jpg

Hi ladies, thanks to @LindaLatte, for starting us today. Sorry that your DH was up so much during the night, I know that means little rest for you. Hope you have a better day and night today. Insurances can become a hassle to deal with, but thank heaven we have it. Can be frustrating though.


@fbm8282lsm, sorry so much illness going around your office, hoping for a slow day for you since you are handling it all yourself today. Nice that you had such a nice long walk yesterday.


I did hear back re: prescription meds, they are contacting my doctor for a renewal, so I should have it by the time I am finally completely out again. Not a big deal really, just another minor thing to keep on top of. I have finished with laundry this morning, and have baby gifts all ready to go. After I vacuum out my car not sure what else I will do today. Oh, of course a couple short errands to run, nothing new there, lol.


@twinny70, hope your mom is better today. I'm just guessing that the home was in quarantine just for you, due to your own health situation, and not fully quarantined to everyone? Hoping for the best for you.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Hi everyone - sounds like we're not the only ones having nice weather!  No TSV for me.  I ordered a LOGO top once and it looked terrible on me.  I think they're cute and they look nice on the hosts and models, but yikes, I looked really lumpy and had to return it.


Jean - hope that your friend's eye can recover.  Bless you for helping out so many people.  Twinny - sorry that your mother is sick.  Hope your infusion goes well and that you get some energy back.  Bernie - I also agree with your observation about doctor visits being tiring.  I always try to look my best when I go, then the drive, and as you mentioned, filling out the forms.  I have my annual visit to my neurologist tomorrow and there's always a one hour wait to see him.  Then he's going to scold me for being overweight.  He's kind-of a jerk, but there aren't a lot of neurologists to chose from in my town.  Anyway, I hate going to doctors.  On a happier note - I think that your purchases from JCP are cute, hope you like them.  It sounded like your sister's surprise birthday party was fun.  Also, whenever I find myself getting low on groceries, I try to use that as an opportunity to go through the pantry and freezer and use up some older food.  I'm more in danger of throwing away food that's gotten too old, than running out of food, lol.


Arlene - I think it's fun to see grocery stores in other parts of the country too.  Some of you may laugh when I say this, but I find the Piggly Wiggly fun.  We don't have them in California, and they offer foods not so common out here.  Plus that gosh darn pig face on the front of the store makes me laugh.  On a different note, I agree with you that a lot of college students aren't being prepared for the real world.  My DD has been shocked by the lack of real-world preparedness in veterinary school.  They are being taught to give state-of-the-art medical testing and treatment to animals.  My DD rolls her eyes and says that that's good, except that in the real world they can't get people to spend $300 on a pet let alone spend $3,000 or more.  She says that some of these young adults are going to be in for a rude awakening when they begin practice.  Speaking of pets - I hope that Whisper's health improves.  I also agree with you that Hobby Lobby is expensive.  Even with the use of coupons it's expensive.  You're also right about built-in obsolescence, or the manufacturing of items knowing full well that they'll only last "X" number of years, so the customer will have to purchase it again.


My weekend was blah.  My DH and I ran errands, but I ended up with a migraine that lasted all day Saturday, and I had a more mild headache all day Sunday.  I was just out of it.  I need to get caught up with things around the house, but I feel a bit tired and don't want to overdo it.  I think I'll just pace myself.  Take care!  ~  Charlene

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As. Linda said it is a beautiful sunny day in Az. I will be at the pool this afternoon.😍 I had a good trip back from the cold country except for not being able to connect with dh because his cell phone was ringing.  Oh my. I have 5 weeks before I return home for the summer to take care of syds new puppy. 


Linda, you have your angel wings for sure.


Rosa..hope you avoid the flu ..wash your hands a lot. I am a big believer in Lysol spray...used it liberally when I was a principal.


Jean..hope your friend has good luck with her eye. 


Cerb..feel better..both of my dds get migraines often.


Twinny, it is usual practice for a home to quarantine when there is a contagious disease going around. Good luck on your infusion.


i wish a wonderful day to everyone


By the way, snicks wish. Had half of your energy.

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Hello friends!  It is supposed to be very nice here today too. I have been reading a new old book series and it is so nice to be able to sit and read.  I've been playing my guitar too, but not walking a bit.  ::sigh::  Linda you are fantastic with your walking!  I can't remember the last time I got 10,000 steps in - it has been a while.


I noticed today that there is another member with my exact same nickname.  I thought that was very odd.  Surprised that QVC lets people do that.  Not that I care someone else wants it too, just think that people may get confused. 


My life is pretty boring these days.  I am looking forward to eldest DD returning home this weekend.  I sure have missed her.  Looks like our baby has been having fun at the zoo - it must be free for military because she said she can go anytime and doesn't have to pay. 


I took a pile of clothes to the alterer here, looking forward to seeing how they fixed all my little holes and tears.  Yay!  Not sure what is for supper but I need to figure it out as I am about to take off to the grocery.  Trying very hard to use what is in the cabinets.  Our microwave quit - the start button doesn't work.  The buttons have been flaky for a while so time to go buy a new one.

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Hello all, it's back to work for me :-)  It's bright outside and I understand rain and snow is moving in the area over the next 24-36 hours.  Hard to complain when the winter has been so mild.


At least the 60+ temp yesterday melted the snow from earlier this week.


There is a lady on my floor who holds a collectively bargained clerk position.  I believe she is the only collectively bargained position in the part of my director's area that works on this floor.  (We do have a large CB group on another floor).


Anyway, this lady decided to file for retirement at the end of January.  At that time she hadn't looked into anything regarding the what she would receive or if she would be eligible for retiree health care.  The rules are different depending on when you were hired - she was hired in 2004.


Normally when you file for retirement you work for 90 days and your retirement goes into effect 90 days after filing - for this lady it would have been April.


Once the lady found out what she would receive $$$ and how little it was, she withdrew her intention to retire.  Her job must have been on the block for our company reduction efforts.  The reason I say this is she was notified today that her position was eliminated and she will be laid off at the end of business on March 11th.


She doesn't have enough seniority to bump anyone in her seniority unit and there are no open positions.  I've been sad since I received the email around 11 am.


Sadly, I think the workforce will be reduced much more in the coming months. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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How awful Bernie. I remember being laid off and thinking i would find a job quickly, and it took a year. I've hag a couple great interviews and no response. It is a bummer, even though i didn't even want one of them. Even more difficult for anyone close to that retirement age. My heart goes out to your co-worker.
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Hi girls!  Gosh, it's a gorgeous day out there - bright, sunny, and 70°.  Once again, I have no "need" to go anywhere and have cleaning to do (So what's new?), but it's too pretty to not go anywhere. I see the daffodils in my neighbors' front yard have started to bloom already.


Yesterday I took the dogs for a drive; I picked up a few things at Publix that were on sale and bought some of Walmart's inexpensive ice cream cups - they adore those.  So, where to go today?  I don't have to do any shopping...


I don't care for the TSV (or that line) at all, and the price is ridiculous.  Funny, but back in the 70s I used to shop at Saks, Bergdorf's, Bloomie's, etc. and didn't bat an eye at paying $40-50 and more for a top, but between the outsourcing to foreign countries by most clothing manufacturers and the introduction of such places as Ross, TJ Maxx, etc. I have to really, really, REALLY love something before I'd pay more than $25 for it.


Hope you don't get sick, Rosa - make sure you wash your hands often, and take lots of Vitamin D3. 


Cute picture, Snicks - I love frogs, and have a large collection. Not as large as my teddy bear and cookbook collections, but I probably have nearly 100.


Charlene, I've never been to a Piggly-Wiggly, but when I was driving towards, I think, Murfreesboro one day, I noticed a sign for one. I like the pig too, and want to check it out; maybe one of these days when I want to go someplace but don't know where.  My classes are at Liberty University, and these kids think they're going to just go in and change the entire corporate culture with their entry level positions and some Bible verses.  They have no idea of how cutthroat the business world is, and I have no doubt it's gotten far, far worse since I left the corporate world, as people don't have any morals anymore. Hobby Lobby is fun to browse through for gift items, but I won't buy crafts supplies there.  As one example, a package of 25 fine-line Sharpie markers (for coloring books) was $30 there; the same thing is $13 on Amazon. I'll look to see what's new...then come home and order on-line.


That's a shame about that woman, Bird; will she get anything at all?

Well, I guess I should get dressed and get going.  Hi to everyone - have a blessed day! 



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She is eligible for a pension but the $ is unsufficient.  I don't know if she would qualify for unemployment now that she's rescinded her retirement papers and would be unemployed.  Then there is the health care thing.  If laid off, no health care, if retired, health care that I think she may have to contribute towards the cost.


I have been non union for so long, I am not sure of the rules for the union people.


I went up to her about 1/2 an hour ago and asked how she was.  She is still emotional but says she will be better in a day or so. 



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise