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Good morning, shopping friends. It is a beautiful sunny day as well as the first week of school. Yes, I've already been contacted to sub but that is a few days off.


As I mentioned before, I  ordered the PTR TSV as I like his products but use a limited number of them. I made the mistake of watching the Denim & Co. show, so I have A282205 in raspberry and fall grey on check status. I wanted to reserve them while debating but I'm pretty sure I will follow through and purchase them. I considered the cost of them reasonable especially if you apply the cost per wearing analysis.


I am wearing a D&C top right now. I also have a top from a store that looks the same from the distance. If you look closely at them, the seaming is more even on the D&C top and the fabric is more closely woven. The store one will be a one season wonder but the D&C will be good for next year despite this being the second year of wearing it. It will be good around the house next year.


I'm looking at those Shadow Patch Ankle jeans. When I was young, no one would be caught out wearing jeans with holes or patches. It meant that you didn't have money to buy decent pants. Now, you pay  big bucks for jeans with holes or patches on them. 


I  probably should get motivated and see what I can find for donation again when I go to the city this week. I have already made out my grocery and other needs shopping list so I will remain focused and not buy items placed in the aisle to lure shoppers to put them in the shopping cart....or buggy as we refer to it around here.


I did get back into the exercise mode again. I took a week off as I wasn't feeling the greatest last week. I can tell the difference from not doing my routine last week.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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[ Edited ]

Hello Jean @KonaKat.  Back to school already - wow.  When my husband was alive, one of the rooms upstairs was his office and one of the rooms was my office.  His office has a desk with hutch, a filing cabinet (wooden, probably a Sauder I assembled) and this big ready to assemble thing that was like a cross between a bookcase and an entertainment center.


My office has a desk and was later shared with Peewee and Poppi when they joined the family in 2005.


When husband died I moved into his office.  Now I'm at a point of getting rid of excess furniture.  So, this morning, I brought up the dolly/handtruck foolishly thinking I'd be able to move the bookcase thing downstairs.  


A.  It weighed a ton

B.  It was too big to get on the dolly/handtruck and be able to control

C.  My stairs curve at the bottom 


Because I have experience with ready to assemble furniture, I took my time and disassembled the bookcase thing about 90%.


I will be freecycling this thing and if I had the instructions I would freecycle the thing disassembled.  I don't have the instructions so I will be re assembling the thing to get a good photo of it.  It's 90 degrees in the attached garage and I just finished organizing the office a little while hydrating myself.  I will be moving his desk out (another ready to assemble piece) and moving mine in from down the hall but I want to do this in stages so I don't freak the birds out with all these changes.


I might tackle the desk thing next week.


I'm getting there, little by little.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Bernie--Good luck on disassembling the office furniture not needed. I imagine you have plans for doing one of those office rooms over into something else. It is like shopping restraint and wise buying, it is one day at a time.


A teacher contacted me and wanted to know if I could sub for him on Thursday. He has one of those medical apppointments with a specialist who wouldn't schedule it earlier. I'm trying to get geared up for work but with all the make up days we had because of snow, floods, etc., we had a short Summer. We have a week out of school for Thanksgiving week, a week out for Christmas and a week out for Spring break but Spring break can be used to make up days missed because of weather. First semester ends with the beginning of Christmas break. 

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


@KonaKat  I reassembled that stupid piece of furniture in the hot garage, took some photographs and listed it on freecyle.  I warned whoever might be interested that the thing is 69 inches high, 49 inches wide and heavy as all get out.


In my opinion it's at least a 2 man lift and a pickup truck would be handy for transport.


Ebates has 10% at JCP today and I am trying to be good :-)  I also received a second email from JCP (in a month's time) telling me they want me to work for them, rofl.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 6,800
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Bernie--You have so much energy to have taken that thing apart and then reassembled it again. I hope it is soon gracing someone else's home. You are already working for JCP; you are a free publicist for them via your postings. It is hard to be good when the rebate is increased. Smiley Happy


Well, my first day of work for the school year will be Thursday. I also have three days for next week.


I could have stood another week or two off but money talks! In addition, I talked to some students yesterday which renewed my interest in getting back.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


@KonaKat  I guess it's just you and me today.  Ebates is offering something called a boost.  I guess I have a check for $16.42 that will be sent to me tomorrow.  If I choose an e-gift card, I could get a boost of a certain percentage depending on the store.  JCP is boosting 15%, QVC is boosting 10%.


So my $16.42 cash could be a gift card at JCP for $18.88, hmmmmmmmmmm Woman Very Happy

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 7,433
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Afternoon/Evening!  I love that top, Jean, and those are the two colors I wanted as well.  The fall grey is sold out in my size.  However, I am really trying to resist the purchase since I just had the surprise Fitbit purchase.  I would not buy patched or distressed jeans for the reason you mention -- I know it is fashionable, but I would have been so embarrassed to wear such clothing when I was young.


Glad you have some work coming up, but sorry it came a bit sooner than you had hoped.  As you said money talks, and you have such good experiences with many of the students.  


You continue to amaze me, Bernie.  I might be able to take the unit apart, but putting it back together is another issue.  Really wish you lived closer since my table has arrived.  It is extremely hot here 105 degrees at the moment, but you could do the job indoors, and I would even turn the AC down for you.  LOL  As it is, the handyman I have hired should be coming Wednesday afternoon.


I have been having some rough times yesterday and today.  DH is not doing well, and I am getting more and more upset about it.  Trying to do other things to keep my mind off this for the moment. 


I was quite surprised when I visited today.  The caregiver told me that the hospice caregiver came very early (before she came at 6:45 a.m.) to give him his bed bath.  And, when she and the assistant caregiver arrived, they found another resident from the house wandering out in the parking lot.  The night caregiver said that the hospice caregiver was the only other person who had come there, and they speculated that she did not close the door tightly.  Anyway, the other resident said she had fallen and was hurt, so they called the EMT's to take her to the hospital.  She did not return while I was there.  I did text the hospice nurse about it, and she was surprised and said she would talk to the caregiver.


All very upsetting.  For sure, DH does not need to be awakened at that early hour for his bath, and I feel bad about the other resident who has all sorts of issues.


On a positive note, I have started another de-cluttering project, and I may be like Bernie and end up donating an unused desk.  At least, I will clean the desk out and get rid of unwanted "stuff".  And, I am getting used to my new Fitbit -- learning about some new features.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone sleeps well.





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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


[ Edited ]

Linda @LindaLatte  I took a couple of pics of the cluttered office before I started working in there and managed to get a halfway decent picture of the bookcase which is how I was able to re assemble it.  That and I kept telling myself, remember Bernie, remember as I took it apart Woman LOL


My husband would have been 74 years old today.  I thought of him often today as I kept myself busy.  I wondered what he would have been interested in these days.



It's really unnerving to learn that someone left a door open and a resident walked out.  I recognize that the caregivers don't get paid much and are probably overloaded with patients/residents.  That said, most people on the planet are aware that people with memory issues have a tendency to walk off if given the opportunity.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 6,800
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Linda--I am so sorry that things are not going well in the facility. Accidents do happen but all these things taken together can create big questions as to what else lies ahead and if DH will be affected. It is quite understandale t hat you would be upset. There are so many things beyond your control but basically all you can do is visit, provide care while  there, and take good care of yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Prayers, indeed!


Bernie--The gift card option is a great incentive. I was offered that the last time but didn't take it. If ever offered again, I might consider it. Right now, I have a bunch of Kohls cash to spend as I took an item back on which I had used the Kohls cash. They just reissued the Kohls cash but with a long expiration date, so there is no need to rush.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.