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Good Morning/Afternoon!  Nice that you have the day off, Bernie.  Sounds like you needed a break from work.  Hope your subbing goes well today, Jean.  We are expecting another hot and dry day here, but maybe slightly cooler and more windy than yesterday.  It was nice on my early morning walk.


DD told me about some wood furniture products, and I ordered a couple of them from Amazon.  So far, I'm really liking them.  The brand is "Howard" and they include orange oil which smells great.  It is so dry here, that the wood furniture and cabinets can dry out as well.  It will be a big project to treat all the furniture, but at least I'm sort of enjoying it.  Also doing some less enjoyable, but needed house cleaning.


DH was fine yesterday, and the hospice nurse visit was good.  She has a way of relating to him, which is very nice.  


I have not seen a presentation of the TSV, but I will not be purchasing.  Mainly, I would not wear shorts that length.  But, it seems like a pretty good buy.  Hope any of you who purchase the set really like it.  I'll be visiting him later this morning.


Need to pick up a few things at the grocery store -- hope to stick to the "few" description.  I have "won" another free bagel or donut from the Safeway monopoly contest, so I'll want to redeem that coupon.  


With a couple of exceptions, I have not had much problem with allergies in the past, but that seems to be an issue this spring.  I am taking a OTC product which helps, but I also need to use eye drops quite a bit.  Not fun.


Waves to all of our posters and readers, and please post if you have a chance.





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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)


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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)

Image result for wishing you a blessed good friday images

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)

Went to Target today.  There was a woman who had a shopping cart FULL of Easter candy - I made a comment about it and she said all for the grandchildren.  I would hate to be those kids' parents after eating all of that candy!  People don't realize these kids get candy from parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents - they only need a little. 

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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)

Hello all, it's been a lovely, sunny and mild (temp) day here.  Some of my neighbors mowed their lawns today.  I'm going to wait until next weekend to start my mowing season.  I ran a couple of errands this morning, did a couple of loads of wash, treated/sprayed my new camuto sandals (perforated suede) and switched handbags.


Such excitement, rofl.


Best part of the day - I didn't have to hit I-75 and head downtown to work :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)

Linda--Thank you for starting the thread. I'm glad DH has such a good relationship with the staff. 


meallen--Thank you for the lovely graphics.


Bernie--Having the day off really enabled you to do some of those necessary but "exciting" tasks.


Hoosier--Candy is such a tricky thing to buy for children now. We had an Easter Egg hunt for the 5th-grade, and the students were warned that if they had a peanut allergy to not pick up the blue eggs as they had peanuts or peanut candy in them.


I'm looking at the TSV as I enjoy QF and would wear the shorts around the house but not out in public.  I worked today at which time I discovered one of the teacher's sons is in the burn center in Pittsburgh  as a result of an accident last night.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)

[ Edited ]

Linda L. I use a polish from an Amish store for our dining room set & it smells like yummy oranges.  I do it once or twice a year.  It is nice that your DH's hospice nurse relates well to your DH.  Mom had a very nice Hospice Dr.  He was humorous & always had a smile on his face.  I don't need the TSV either, but I hope that those whom order wear it in good health.


Nice graphic meallen.


Hoosier original, I have also seen lots of carts loaded with Easter candy.  I do a basket for my DD, DSIL & 3 DGC but just a few things that they like. The Easter hunt is 10 eggs each for our DGC only & 8 of the 10 have $ in them.


Top news story is that the gun store robber was arrested this morning.  He got caught about 3 hours from us.  We are only 45 minute's from the actually robbery, but all of our schools have been on lockdown for 11 days & no recess.  The kids are going nuts being locked up inside all day.


We live in a quiet town of 10,000 & yesterday there was a bank robbery 1/2 block away from the downtown area that I was walking at.  He is on the loose yet.  The good thing is that I didn't know about it until I got home 


In February our local Radio Shack was robbed at 2:00 a.m. & a passerby reported the robbery in process.  The first car was caught with 3 out of town suspects while the 2nd car was stopped with speed sticks.  The driver was arrested, but 2 suspects ran away.  They stole $90,000 worth of phones.  After 3 weeks, she told the officers who ran away.  They all live 3 hours away in a neighbouring state just South of us.  Life sure is crazy these days.


I had lunch out with friends today & my DH & I are going to our annual firemen's fish fry & then on to our church's Good Friday service.


Our DD & her family are coming down tomorrow afternoon & staying overnight.  My DH is doing a cookout tomorrow night & I am fixing a nice lunch on Sunday after church services.


I went to our bank's bake sale this morning & got some goodies for tomorrow night & a cute Easter Bunny cake for Sunday lunch.  Since my DH & I are on SF diets, we aren't tempted.  They will take leftovers home, if there are any.


Hugs to all of you.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012

Re: SHOPAHOLICS: ONE DAY AT A TIME (Friday, April 14th)

[ Edited ]

twinny70 wrote

Bird Mama, nobody has mowed around here yet, but they will soon start.  It sounds like you picked a good day to miss heavy traffic.


Jean, it is too bad about that burn incident.  Painful to say the least.  Prayers for a nice recovery.


Our DS is still struggling with Shingles on his face & will not be able to return to work before next Thursday.  He said that he isn't contagious after the scabs are forming.  Yes, even Dr's can get shingles, I guess. I just hope by his wife doesn't get them.