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Good morning, shopping friends. I was up bright and early this morning for an 8:30am doctor's appointment. I had a test done afterwards and will return in two weeks for a follow up and possible change in treatment. That same week, I have my cardiologist appointment and the week prior, the colonoscopy. I am doing my best to support the medical profession.

I returned in time to see the Orthaheel presentation. Those shoes looked so warm and comfy for the inside in the winter. I am tempted by them but am trying to resist.

Right now, I have the laundry going, so I can get ready for return to work next week. This week off has flown with so little accomplished. I did get rid of a lot in the beginning of the week but Thanksgiving activities and a visit with a friend put a stop to that. Hopefully, I can get back in the work mode in the afternoon after laundry is finished.

I did read that the local Senior Citizen center served 400 meals yesterday, thanks to the Salvation Army. It amazed me at the diversity of the people being served, as it was my first time attending.

I have no desire to do Black Friday as there really isn't any thing I need other than what I have already purchased. I indulged in the Body Shop sale as I use it and give as gifts. I indulge in its Black Friday sale each year. Free shipping beats going to the mall, and the closest Body Shop is three hours away. I prefer it to BBW.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely!

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning Jean! That is fantastic that they served so many people yesterday! I have not accomplished much this week either, but I am practicing being a human being instead of a human doing.

DD is just now getting in the shower and we are going shopping. She needs jeans and I want to get a couple gifts if the store is not crazy busy. Our outlets open at midnight so often by now it has lulled to normal shopping. We will see!

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Guess I'll make a run to the Post Office and then engage in some Kindle time. I'm not in the mood to do much. I see that icy road conditions contributed to almost 70 accidents near a major mall in our state.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning, DS and I went out last night for a little while, we both bought a sweat shirt one of these new moisture wicking kind with a fancy price tag. I will use mine for walking and Zumba, I will admit it is nice and we both got a very good deal.

I am working 1/2 day I am leaving a 1 and am going to my SILs' to have lunch, she is a wonderful cook and has lots of leftovers.

It is really slow here at the office today, nice change!{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Good Morning/Afternoon! You are certainly having lots of medical visits, etc. Jean. Hope all goes well. I saw what you posted on FB about the icy roads -- just awful. My SIL posted something on FB about it snowing there. Can't say that I'm looking forward to possible icy or snowy roads when I go there. That is a huge number of people to attend the Thanksgiving luncheon. Glad you enjoyed it.

Hi Kathleen -- good luck in finding jeans for your DD and the gifts you wish to purchase.

I'm another one who hasn't accomplished as much as I planned this week, but I haven't been feeling tip top, and I have chosen not to push myself or feel badly about it.

Yesterday, I did trim a shrub near the water line, and ended up with three large bags of branches. I can tell the difference, but the shrub could probably use more trimming. I also went to the storage room and brought home a bunch of Christmas decorations which I am slowing putting up. I think I did thin my stock out last year, which is a really good thing.

We made it up to 80 degrees here yesterday, and I think we should reach that level again today -- it is wonderful weather for me at least.

Waves to Arlene, twinny, Rosa, Karen, Marijane, Susan, LindaR, Gayle, Val, Sonya, Nancy, and all of our posters and readers.

I plan to do more decorating today, and I will go to Curves this afternoon. I also plan to go to the grocery store for a few things.

My DGD wanted a Kindle Fire, and they were on sale (maybe still are on sale), so I ordered one for her Christmas gift. One gift down. LOL

Have a nice day everyone!



ETA -- sounds like you are having a nice day Rosa. Those sweatshirts sound interesting. Glad you got a good deal on it. I wonder if it is hot when you are doing Zumba. The one class I took made me extremely warm.

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Registered: ‎06-11-2014


Linda it is very hot while doing Zumba, the sweat shirt will be more of a wear to and from the car to the building.

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That makes sense Rosa. I don't normally "run hot" as they say, but I was really sweating during/after the Zumba class.

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Oh I have seen the moisture wicking products==yes they do come with a price tag!

Twinny---My dad was born in Mondova (spelling). My uncle pastored a church in Mayville and my aunt did nurses training at Beaver Dam. I have a cousin living in the state but I am not certain where they live.

I went to the city yesterday. Had Fred with me. We spent the night and got up early to head home. Had to stop for dog food--only a few people in the store. Traffic was light until I got near the airport---picked up a bit and then not much. Then I thought I would brave Walmlart---ha d been there three times forgetting an item each time. Drove up to overy few cars and more workers than shoppers. In and out in a flash.

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Hi girls! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving; I wrote a long post yesterday and even copied it as I always do, but then the doggone internet went out...AGAIN! {#emotions_dlg.mad} This is ridiculous; it's been happening almost every day, and I'm not buying their excuse that it's because there are so many different wi-fi signals in the area. The president of the company will be getting a letter next week; I still have a problem with the billing from them as well.

I had a quiet day yesterday - just delivered cupcakes to the police and firemen; it was nice to see a big smile on their faces. The kitties got double canned food - turkey, of course - and I had gotten pig ears for the dogs but forgot all about them until earlier today. Honeybun is in hot water - I had bought myself some Krispy Kreme donuts, and last night it was cold, so I brought the dogs inside. I put my donuts next to a cup of hot tea, and made the mistake of getting distracted for a few seconds.... {#emotions_dlg.crying}

I finally got all the leaves raked up; it was a much bigger job than I had anticipated. While I was working a sweet dog came up to me, and made herself at home; she had on a collar, but no tags. What was most surprising is Autumn and Honeybun don't get along with other dogs, but they liked her - there was a lot of mutual butt-sniffing. {#emotions_dlg.laugh} I would have thought someone would be frantic that she's missing, so I called Animal Control, and they posted her picture on their FB page as well as all town's FB pages, but no one has come forward. It's a funny thing, but I feel a connection with her that I've never felt for any dog except for my Angel (whom I still cry for every day), and felt bereft as soon as they took her away - I called after them to wait, and gave her a hug, and can't escape the feeling that she was sent to me. Well, if she's not claimed after 72 hours she'll be put up for adoption, so I may be getting Angelica come Monday. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

Glad to hear you're keeping busy, Rosa - I know it's a difficult time of year.

I have no intention of doing any shopping for the rest of the year; I'll make one trip each to Walmart and Aldi and get what groceries I need for the month (mostly baking supplies), and maybe Tractor Supply to get the dogs some pig ears for Christmas. Also, I had gotten some cookies from the European Market and they're stale so I'm taking them back. I think I'm through with that store - she should never have moved from downtown where she had a thriving business to the mall area, where she keeps moving to smaller and smaller stores and has so few customers she's open only 4 days a week.

Jean, I'm not in the mood to do much either, but I have to start getting the soldiers' packages ready to mail, as the Christmas deadline for getting them out is this week, and I have a bunch of stuff to list for sale.

Have a blessed evening, everyone!

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Jean, You certainly do have lots of appts. but I like them getting them all done at once, so I can relax until they start all over again. 400 meals sounds wonderful, but a lot of work for those putting it on. Never heard of Body shop.

RC, being human is difficult at times for me too. Sounds like your Christmas shopping is coming along nicely. I haven't had time to do any yet, but DH & I hope to do some next Thurs. & Friday when we go to our DGS's band concert & our DGD's Christmas school program.

Rosa, 1/2 day of work is a nice change sometimes. I worked at a company for many years & Christmas was our busy time. It was such a relief when January & February came along. Your sweatshirt sounds interesting. I am not familiar with that technology.

LL, Hoping you feel better soon. Trimming our shrubs is a job that I only do twice a year. I hope to start putting Christmas things up in a couple of weeks. I don't do a lot of decorating, but it is fun to see everything for a few weeks. Today our local radio started playing christmas songs for the first time.

Linda R,. Mondovi is quite a ways from us. We go around Mayville when we go to Door county & my DH has a friend that lives in Beaver Dam.

FHG, thanks for your suggestion about the eye drop helping aid. My mom seems to be doing a good job, but if she has trouble with the eye drops we will get her one. Right now it is very manageable with doing the eye drops only twice a day. Too bad the new dog might not find it's owner, but I know you would be wonderful for it care.

Today was kind of an easy day. My niece & her DH & their 2 DC are easy company. They pick up very well after themselves. Breakfast was pancakes & then our DSIL brought our 3 DGC down for lunch. I made a big batch of spaghetti & meatballs. Then we played games with all of the kids. My mom came for the afternoon & was quite pleased to see everybody again.

At 4:00 all of our company left for my brothers for a pizza party for supper. DH & I are staying home for a relaxing evening & leftovers from yesterday. Our company will be returning later this evening.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. Dear niece & her DH are taking a tour of our newly remodeled 50 million $$$ expansion Minhas Brewery. The tour is $10 & lasts from 40-60 minutes. Then they get a 1/2 hour tasting party. After that they get a thank you pkg. of 4 beers, a free glass & a bottle of special soda. Then they will have lunch at a famous local/pub restaurant so she can have a limburger sandwich. DH & I are taking their 2 DC to a cheese factory tour in the morning. Then it is on to Culver's for lunch & dinner tomorrow night will be at our nice Italian restaurant. We hope to show them as much of our hometown as possible in 3-4 days. They will be leaving on Sunday morning for home.

Hugs to all of you.