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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Good morning friends and readers!! They are promising that after tomorrow we will have some true fall weather with highs in the 80's and I'm SO looking forward to some cooler temps. I celebrated today by wearing the dreaded nude HOSE with my black bandage skirt. Go me!

Ann the links I posted were to Sonya's new stuff - rugs, sweaters and boots. My kind of combination! tee hee I wish I could wear sweaters more (and boots, always looking for more boots) but just too warm here. I am imagining myself wearing my boots and tights all winter and looking posh...

Wanty is rattling my cage but I really don't have funds to be shopping. Today DD and I will get our flu shots and Sam's has some $32 hiking boots that I want her to look at - she's been wanting some for a while now. I plan on getting my black Levi's from Kohl's and that will be it for this pay period, mabye I could go a whole month without buying. That would be good for my budget, that was stretched with our company here. It was worth it, all good. Just another navigational tool to keep myself in check.

Linda I am so glad to read that DGS is better!!! Praying for continued recovery (and secretly glad no more football just because I'm a Mom and cringe when I hear of these injuries.)

How is everyone today? What is for supper?