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Hi girls!


It's another nice, sunny day; it's also 50¢ corn dog day at Sonic, so I'll be headed out to Tractor Supply for litter in a little while and Sonic is right by them. Of course the kitties aren't forgotten; the case of chicken in clammy sauce Cat Concoctions food came from Amazon a little while ago; I had to order from them, since I haven't seen it in the stores yet. Fortunately it's a big hit - I'll have to try the other flavors for them. I also have to go to Aldi. I need a new hose as the one I have isn't long enough to extend to the pool, and my second one rotted. Starting tomorrow they have a 50' hose on sale for $8.99, but I've learned that with Aldi the special purchases usually go fast...and they put them out the day before the sale starts. I bought cherries the other day, and they're going back. They look good on the surface, but below the top layer are a bunch of furry, moldy ones - ick!


I still haven't gotten all my homework from last week done - it's an interactive thing on the computer, and I was having one problem after another.  So...that's on the agenda for later, along with more baking - I want to take some things over to my dentist, since he's so good to me.  Oh, and I was told I can start the process to refinance my mortgage, so I have to give them a call...and I also have to think about doing some yard work... I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!

Charlene, I'm so sorry to hear Davis hasn't returned. As many kitties as I've had over the years, I find I still miss them all - and my dogs who have died, especially my Angel. I'm looking forward to that grand reunion with them - those YouTube videos you see of animals greeting their returning soldier parents after they return from deployment will pale in compaison!  Cat LOL


As for Dottie, how about a goat dentist?  I know they exist - see?


Karen, you'd love the cake...I posted on FB that I made it, and those who've had it before are lining up for some...


I guess I need to get moving. Hi to everyone - have a blessed day!

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Wow, I must be the last one posting today, lol.


It's nice here, mostly sunny and expected to hit 80 degrees at least.  I was able to open some windows when I got home after work yesterday.  I think the sparrows (Poppi and Presto) like to catch up on the bird gossip.  For sure, the two hatchlings in the bird house are screaming up a storm. 


I forgot to mention these two olive items came from JCP at the end of last week.  I'm wearing the shrug today and am thinking of gettting in the flax  color (wish they had navy) and this top fits me like it was made for me, no armpit problems, lol.


Liz Claiborne® Short-Sleeve Crochet Shrug - TallLiz Claiborne® Sleeveless Pleat Neck Top


Like snicks, I'm waiting for my Earth TSV 'shabooties' to arrive.  If the tracking can be trusted they should be on my front porch when I get home :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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@Bird mama, my shoes are still showing over an hour away, so won't be in my town till tomorrow, I probably won't see them before Thursday, drat! lol
That is such a pretty top & shrug.
"To each their own, in all things".
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They had the shrug for $54 (yea, as if I am ever going to pay that much) and the top for $36.  I waited for a sale, then a discount and used a couple reward couples - paid $20 - no joke.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎07-28-2012


Excellent. @Bird mama!
"To each their own, in all things".
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Posts: 41,953
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


[ Edited ]



Charlene, did Dottie have to be knocked out for the dental work and that's why the concern for the pneumonia? 


Geez, you've lost two this year and I will pray Dottie hangs on and don't get pneumonia.


I'm sorry Davis hasn't returned.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Afternoon/Evening!  Thanks for getting us started Kathleen and Jean.  Sending extra hugs to you, Charlene. 


So far, so good today.  DH is at the "club", and I'm back from the senior lunch program and getting ready to go to the gym.  I found out that one of my favorite ladies from the lunch program (used to volunteer as well) is quite ill with cancer and on hospice.  I feel very sad for Shirley.  Sweet lady.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  I will post more later if I have a chance.





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After a couple of hours of rest and reading, I returned to the shrubbery. I basically removed about a foot of new growth. The bushes definitely don't need Miracle Grow. I  have a big mess to clean up but that will wait as I  have a headache and my bum wing is hurting from the vibration of the trimmer.


I  have to return for an appointment with the chiropractor tomorrow morning in the city. I have it at 9am so I can have time to make the return trip to arrive at school by Noon as I work in the afternoon.


Bernie--I love shrug and other item you got at JCP; you do quite well with your deals there.


Marijane--I do hope the issues with posting from the IPad resolve themselves.


Arlene--You manage to find great buys for the fur babies. Enjoy your trip to Tractor Supply and also Sonic.


Snicks--I hope you enjoy the shoes when they arrive. You'll have to let us know how they work out.


Linda--I'm glad that you were able to get out for lunch and also the gym while DH is at the club. You need these outlets.


Charlene--I do hope Dottie does well after her dental work; you are fortunate to have a DD in vet training. I'm sorry that Davis has not returned.


My insurance tracker on the car will be sent back tomorrow. Today was the final day of its tracking. So far, the results look promising. My insurance renewal is in July so I'll know then what type of discount, if any, that I earned.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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[ Edited ]

Do you have the TSA pre-screening, Jean?  I am starting to get worried about air travel, and this sounds like a good option.  The only problem is the closest place to have this done is 30 miles away or so in an area I have not visited in the past.  At least I have time before my trip at the end of July.


Today's lunch was one where I was preparing, serving, cleaning up, etc., rather than enjoying a meal.  I am going out for lunch with my newcomers group tomorrow.  that should be fun.  Not that working isn't fun, just not as relaxing.


I was really sweating at the gym, but I managed to get it done, and pick up DH in time.  He has made a mess since he got home, but at least there are less clothes to clean now that it is summertime.  


Sleep well everyone!


ETA -- nice items, Bernie.  You certainly find some great bargains.  Please be careful with that yardwork, Jean.  Hope the chiropractor helps.

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Linda--I don't have the TSA pre-approved screening.  When that first emerged, they selected some people based upon past travel history to be pre-approved andI flew twice that way. Since the process went formal and you had to apply for it, I haven't applied as I rarely fly now. I might check into it as it might be helpful if I checked in at a major airport.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.