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Good morning, shopping friends. Surprise! I'm not working right now but that ended five minutes ago when they called me to cover for the afternoon. Despite how I feel, I'm doing it as this is what I term a "snooze" assignment. I'll feel the same there as I do here; the only difference is that being there provides some money.

Right now, I'm waiting for the local health center to call me about the next step. I had to go an have another test done as my test results showed a big drop in the hemoglobin count. There can be many reasons for this, so I had to go yesterday evening and have another test to see if my body was not processing iron correctly. Certain meds over the long term can cause this problem as well as some other options I prefer not to consider but will. Right now, I'm waiting to confirm a colonoscopy appointment.

I've been running a low-grade temperature for several days, so something is cooking. What is unknown at this point. I don't feel bad and right now, I have plenty of energy thanks to good nights of sleep. Well, the phone just rang and it was the nurse. They are in the process of scheduling the colonoscopy. A friend has agreed to take off from work to take me to the city to have this done.

Twinny--You are having such a difficult time. It seems that each step you take to try to help your mother and you in the process only ends up complicating things for you. I really do hope things work out better soon. If someone has not been in a caregiver situation such as yours, they don't know the stresses involved. Yours are further complicated by your own medical issues.

Shopping? The only thing I have done recently has been food for me and Midnight. Exciting, isn't it? I did go to my wish list and thinned it out, and wondered why I ever wished for some of the items. Duh!! This shows how much time can be your friend in delaying decisions about buying.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Top Five Fashion Mistakes that age you:

Well, I've booked the car appointment, etc. Now, to get ready to go to work. This will be a minimal preparation day.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good morning ladies, hope all is well.

Jean - Thank you for starting us today, have a good afternoon at work. Glad it is not going to be a hard day. Sorry you aren't feeling well, I also feel like I have been running a temp, I think it is my sinuses. Only shopping I did today was at Target, bought two pairs of merino wool socks, I need to find socks that keep my feet warm and don't fall down. I bought some new pairs a couple weeks ago, of course while you wear them, you can feel them falling down your leg (I hate when that happens), so I have been getting rid of them as I wear them.

Not much going on here today, you can tell winter is coming, it is even starting to get that winter feel in the house. Sad we really did not have a summer and now it is going into cold mode fast here. I still have not gotten some of my plants cut down, I am hoping it will be nicer on the weekend so I can get that done.

Well off to get some caffeine and start to (again) declutter my side bedroom, this poor room ends up being my dumping ground and it looks very sad right now. Hope everyone has a great afternoon.

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Good Morning/Afternoon! I don't have much time since I need to take DH to a medical appointment in the city this morning, but I thought I would stop by and say hello. Very sorry to hear about your possible medical issue Jean, and you not feeling great. Hope all goes well today at work, and your health issues are not serious.

Hi Susan -- I really hate it when my socks fall down, and I find it difficult to find socks that stay up, but don't dig into my legs. Like you, I tend to get rid of them after I have issues with them. But, it is so warm here I haven't worn socks (other than those little ones with athletic shoes) for several months.

I'm thinking of you twinny -- really hope things went better yesterday, and things start getting better soon.

Waves to all of our posters and readers. Hope to post more later.



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Hi girls!

It's a nice day out - bright and sunny, and not very cool - temps in the 60s. I have to get one of the cousin's birthday presents mailed (fortunately I found the packages), stop by my mechanic (I found a headlight on eBay and want to ask if it's the right one...and also see if they can get it for a comparable price), and exchange my library books. First, though, I'm going to make some donuts...I always take something to the ladies in the library, the clerks at the PO I use are great, and I also have a favor to ask the mechanic: I cleaned out my vacuum cleaner, but put the filter in upside down when I put it back together...and now I can't get it out! {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes} I really appreciate those guys; they're very, very nice, and in turn they love the treats.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Jean. I've had an upset stomach myself and have been feeling a bit nauseous. The change in weather from summer to winter always gets me one way or another. Hope you have an easy day at school.

Twinny, I've been praying for you - I know how hard it is to do what you're doing, especially when you have health issues yourself.

Susan, your side bedroom sounds like my office/library! Since it's the room that one comes into from the back porch everything gets dumped in there. I did get it all cleaned up, but right now I have all the stuff for the Operation Christmas Child boxes in there so it's back to being messy. I'm planning to get the boxes packed up and out of the way within the next week.

Nothing else going on - I did some puttering around last night and got a few things done, but with an upset stomach didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped. Nights are getting cool - down to the 40s - but I'm putting off turning on the furnace for as long as I can; I did finally put a blanket on the bed (besides the quilt) and between that and warm PJs I'm fine.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Jean, I am glad that you can still teach & not feel the best. Yes it makes to sense to earn money as long as you feel up to the job. Today sounds like a good school day for you too. Good luck with your upcoming tests.

Susan, I like nice cuddly socks that stay up too. I did get a couple of pairs at Shopko a couple of weeks ago & they seem to work out well for me. We are having the most beautiful Indian Summer weather this year. Last year we went from summer to winter in a BIG hurry. I think it might rain tomorrow then be warm & sunny through the weekend. Can't ask for much more this time of year.

LL, I hope that your DH's appt. was good today.

FHG, I hope you are feeling better soon too. Also glad that the lost package was found. Talking about losing things. On Sunday I was writing out some checks to be mailed on the way to church. The last check was used up & when I went to get a new pad of them, the next number was 180 numbers higher. DH forgot to get them all out of the lock box when we came back from vacation in Sept. & I didn't notice it until yesterday. I was so relieved when I saw them sitting in a stack in the lock box. WHEW!

Yesterday afternoon the social worker came to mom's to meet with me & my brother. The plan for now is to have somebody come 7 days a week starting next Monday at 7:00 a.m. for the first eye drop session. It will be great as my duty will then start at 11:00 a.m. Since she is paid by the hour, the SS worker suggested she do some of mom's laundry & light housekeeping & maybe help mom do her blood sugar testing each morning. Mom has been very stubborn about anybody cleaning her home etc. so we do need to take baby steps at first. My DH & brother did move the file cabinet from the basement to the spare bedroom--one less trip down stairs.

I am tired today as I didn't get my nap & the eye schedule is still hectic. My body is still trying to adjust. Thanks for the prayers. You gals are all so faithful to me.

Tomorrow after the 7:00 eye drops session. DH & I will be heading to our DD's to have her do some computer work for us. She lives an 1 1/4 hours away but we do have a 4 hour time span to be gone. DH & I need to change insurance companies next year for our supplement to go along with Medicare. The phone call to them comes next week so I want to do as much on the computer as we can. Otherwise they say the phone call will be an hour for each of us.{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Hugs to all of you.

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Twinny: Hugs to you---glad you finally got some social services to help. I know your Mom is hesitant.

Jean: Good luck with your medical issues. It sounds like your provider is on top of the issue trying to get you some answers.

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Just checking back. I'm glad things seem to be improving for your Mom's care twinny. Hope you got some rest, and SS comes through as promised next week.

Hope your stomach ache goes away Arlene, and you get some assistance with things that are broken, etc.

DH's appointment went pretty well. If the hospital can be arranged, he will have minor surgery next Monday! I'm so glad we went to this doctor, and DH's problem may be taken care of so soon. Fingers crossed that all will go well.

On the way home, I stopped by Trader Joe's and went ape. It had been too long since my last visit.

I've been to Curves, and I need to get started on dinner now.

Hope everyone sleeps well.

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Linda: Is your DH having the "green light" procedure? If so, very little down/recovery time. Hope all goes well.

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thanks Linda. He isn't having the "green light" procedure, but something not too different (plasma button vaporization) which is supposed to be less invasive than traditional surgery and have a short recovery period.