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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

Started post recently on the subject of plastic surgery. Ronda, Looks fresh and herself. Not saying she's had work done. Yes slimmer.
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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

@SilleeMee wrote:

I noticed a while back that she had a neck-lift. It took years and pounds off her appearance. She looks good.

The last time I saw Rhonda, she had a lot of excess skin at her neck.  It was like a turkey waddle.  Now, that is gone and everything is tight and firm.  Even her eyes look very different this time.     

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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

@Witchy Woman wrote:



@roxxy1 wrote:

@Witchy Woman wrote:

I like Rhonda's enthusiasm and, she makes lovely items, but I just cannot wear a bra I have to wrestle over my headCat LOL

@Witchy Woman   Hi.  I step into them.  Smiley Happy


I admire your agilityCat LOL



I used to step into mine too because that is the way they say you are supposed to get into them.  I remember the vendor for the Genie Bras saying that if you try to put them over your head, you will hate the bras. 


But I now put them over my head and I have no problem doing that.

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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

I noticed a while back that she had a neck-lift. It took years and pounds off her appearance. She looks good.

The last time I saw Rhonda, she had a lot of excess skin at her neck.  It was like a turkey waddle.  Now, that is gone and everything is tight and firm.  Even her eyes look very different this time.     

Looks to me like she may have had some fillers under her eyes and upper cheeks. She looks nice. Whatever it is, it's definitely not over done. 

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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

What is wider, my head or my hips?  No brainer, those bras go over my head.  Pull them down to your waist, then back up again and everything will go into place.  Otherwise you will feel squished down.

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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

Okay going by the pics above, eyes definitely, and they look nice, lips are very plump and her chin looks longer.


After seeing these pics, now I can't remember what she looked like originally.Woman Very Happy


Oh and if I stepped into one of those bras and pulled up?.... my *chest* would be over my head.



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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

Rhonda always looks good to me. I really like her. I didn't notice if she had lost weight. 


I need more support than her bras offer. I occasionally think I should get some just to wear around the house but I haven't bought any yet. 


I've loved her pin-up panties for years but I did not like the brief version she came out with a while back and I don't like the ones she introduced today. I'm very disappointed she did not have her usual January pin-up panty TS. I was all set to buy. 

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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

@Lucky Charm


@Lucky Charm wrote:

Okay going by the pics above, eyes definitely, and they look nice, lips are very plump and her chin looks longer.


After seeing these pics, now I can't remember what she looked like originally.Woman Very Happy


Oh and if I stepped into one of those bras and pulled up?.... my *chest* would be over my head.


Now, that just made me laugh!





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Re: Rhonda Shear looks amazing!

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Okay going by the pics above, eyes definitely, and they look nice, lips are very plump and her chin looks longer.


After seeing these pics, now I can't remember what she looked like originally.Woman Very Happy


Oh and if I stepped into one of those bras and pulled up?.... my *chest* would be over my head.



@Lucky Charm   Too funny............chest over your head.  Made me laugh.  Thanks !