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Re: Rest In Peace Iris Apfel

AW, so sad.

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Re: Rest In Peace Iris Apfel


@LTT1 wrote:



Thank you for the suggestion! 
I will look forward to watching this!

I watched it a few years was great! I think you'll enjoy it. I wonder where it is streaming to watch now...I feel like watching it again myself!

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Re: Rest In Peace Iris Apfel

@SportyShorty07  Thank you for mentioning the documentary. I believe those who do not have Prime Video can watch it on Netflix (that's where I saw it originally).  It was an excellent peek into the life of a magnificent woman. 

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Re: Rest In Peace Iris Apfel

@LTT1  You're welcome! Its a great documentary and it even featured interviews with Iris and her husband Smiley Happy.  

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Re: Rest In Peace Iris Apfel

@Trix  I'm so glad that you watched the Iris documentary too! It was amazing- truly a treat to watch and it was so inspiring.  I genuinely thought somehow that Iris would live forever- she was so vibrant and healthy and such an icon, and she lived such a  long life. Now she can join her loving husband in heaven.  Its such sad news- I used to watch her shows on HSN and I was blown away by her use of color and her design talents.  I just adored her- and she had such a  clever, bold and candid sense of humor.  RIP Iris. Her husband lived to 100 and passed in 2015 and she lived to 102- they loved each other and made the most of their lives in every way. 

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Re: Rest In Peace Iris Apfel

@Greeneyedlady21 , Thank you for posting along with the beautiful picture of a true style icon.


Iris Apfel was and is an inspiration for all to follow the beat of their own drum.  To live life to its fullest, and to look fabulous along the way.


Thank you, Ms. Apfel for making this world more colorful and beautiful. And a special Thank you for showing everyone that age is but a number. Rest easy with your beloved husband.