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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Reformed Shopaholics week of May 9

Oh I have plenty to do and clutter to sort through but that will wait till tomorrow. R's muzzleloader buddy is taking the dilapidated camper and planning to build a huntingblind on the frame. R brought a lot of miscellaneous stuff home from it that needs cleaned. 


This morning we drove to a Runnings store for a pottery bird bath R wanted for the yard. I convinced him the dogs would knock it over in the back yard and Griffyn would think it was his water dish so it's now out front. I also picked up a big pot of geraniums and since we were there, more dog food.


Our younger neighbors and their friends who live a few houses down share a mower. Yard maintenance is not at the top of his list. Last night he started mowing at dusk then wheeled the mower down to his friend's house. R was upset at clumps of grass on the sidewalk but I told him that was minor and easily brushed away. Now the people on our driveway side are a different story. M's neighbor sounds miserable, Barbara. 


Tomorrow I hope to set up the various plants and their pots. If the porches were being done this summer I wouldn't bother but it will be mid September before they start.


The cats approve of the new cat tree especially after I sprinkled catnip on it. Maggie was rubbing her face on it and Spookit laid down beside it. Even giant Spot crowded in.


Hope your day has gone well, Linda.


One of these days I'll manage to get to bed early.