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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Glad you were feeling better, and V's visit to the pain doctor was successful, Barbara.  Hope he gets some relief soon.  Group showers were one of the worst things about junior high in my opinion.  Glad Syd accepted the idea eventually.


My soup was very freelance -- I sauteed some onions, garlic, carrots, and a couple of plum tomatoes, added a bunch of herbs (including fresh parsley, chives, and basil), some low sodium vegetable broth, white beans, and a tablespoon of small whole wheat pasta.  I was pretty happy with it, but I put in a little too much hot sauce.  I was so afraid it wouldn't have enough spice, and ended up with too much.


Hope you, R, and your furbabies had a good day, Claudia.  


I saw that very cold weather and snow is headed for several areas.  I was feeling pretty chilly when I was taking my Zoom history class.  The "office" is the coldest room in the house.  Supposedly, it was 65 degrees.  That is a lot warmer than when I took my walk, but....  And, I wasn't even hot when I did my exercise DVD.


DD's headache finally went away, and she has decided to go back to her volunteer job.  She still hasn't gotten any more signings, and is quite discouraged.  The lady at the volunteer place said that the boss doesn't want to consider hiring until next year.  I think volunteering is a good idea, and it is only one day a week.  So, if something comes up she probably can fit it in.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.









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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

That was quite an outing for V, Barbara. I'm glad he managed the walk and you had no issues walking since the prednisone is working. I would not want spinal injections either. It's good the doctor doesn't want to. Sydnie should have an interesting weekend.


Today it warmed up to.just over 60°. It clouded over mid afternoon and has cooled down. I did a couple errands while R had his pt.


I hope you enjoyed your soup, Linda. Also hope the weather is good for your outdoor church service.


Finally Tippy has decided to eat. Sometimes she'll skip a day. We keep the food out for the dogs so they pick their time to eat. Griffyn usually decides to eat just when I try to.let them out.


I hope everyone sleeps well.




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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Yikes, I just realized that Thanksgiving is a week from today. I think that I have all,the items I need. 


v had another dr appt today . I parked in the closer lot and his clinic was not a big walk. I am so pleased that he is able to walk that far.


Syds camp ripley was cancelled because the Covid rate here is very high. I am trying not to be in public places very often.


it is another cold And windy day. I was going to get gas but decided to wait another day.


Claudia...Pepper wouod never skip a 

Linda..hope your day is going well. Wish we were in Az because today is a chilly day for me.



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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good Afternoon/Evening!  I was thinking none of my dogs didn't eat unless they were ill, Claudia.  Glad Tippy decided to go ahead.  Hope you, R, and your furbabies had a good day.


Not fun to buy gasoline in the cold and wind, Barbara.  Glad V was able to get to his appointment with no problems.  That is a shame about Syd's camp, but good idea not to get a group together with all the COVID around.  The numbers are up here as well.  I just read in the very local paper that the rates in the county are back up to where they were last January.  The minister suggested people dress warmly and even consider a lap blanket since it is getting colder here.  That is cold for Arizona, nothing like MN cold.  


I was pretty chilly this morning, so I decided to change my cotton blanket for a warmer one.  Then, I washed the cotton blanket, and that will be the last time I do so in the new washing machine.  Despite using the setting for bulky loads, and having it go through an extra spin at the end, the machine had "danced" and the blanket was very, very wet.  I didn't think it would be so difficult since my old washer didn't have issues.  But, this one sure did.  Maybe if I get a smaller bed the bedding will not be such a problem.  But, that is a way off since I really want to try the bed out before buying, and I am nervous about going to the mattress stores here.


Not too many hospice deliveries or mailings today, so I was able to take care of everything today.  Tomorrow morning, I plan to go to a travel club presentation about India, and then I have a Walmart pick up for a hospice caregiver in the afternoon.  I'm a little worried that the Walmart pick-up will be very crowded, but I'll try to stay calm.  The stores were very crowded today, and some of the produce was just pathetic.  And, most of the prices were higher except for the special on 5 pounds of potatoes.  


Hope both of you and your husbands sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

I am so glad V was able to walk the distance to his appointment. I bet both of you are delighted, Barbara.. That's too bad about Sydnie's retreat. I suspect she has a bit of relief though about not dealing with the group showers.


The stores I've been in (Aldi's and Wal-Mart) have been crowded. Parking wasn't easy at either of them the past couple days.


R is at his Marine Corps League meeting. They're gearing up for Toys for Tots.


We did go out for supper as R has limited choices for food. Its either breakfast food, baked fish, or meal replacement drinks. Pasta is a no go.


I was tired having spent time in the attic. I found some Christmas tree ornaments and packed them up as we no longer put up a tree.

Then I found another stash. Adam put them anywhere in the attic last time a tree was up. You'd think " Christmas boy" would have been more organized. I'm keeping the ones he remembers and getting rid of others. I have one more bin of clothes to go through. I found a box of amber colored cups and saucers. Those will be donated. I don't remember having them. Maybe they were from mother's house and got stashed in our attic.


We may get snow overnight. I got the windshield cover out and put it in the car with the snowbrush.


Linda, that is the worst part of washing blankets and quilts. Every time I wash something like that I cross my fingers and hope it doesn't finish the cycle very wet. Enjoy the travel club presentation.


I  found both Sammy and Griffyn  skipped a day of eating at times. Tippy seems to follow suit. With Sammy I thought there was something wrong until I read Pyr's don't need as much food and their metabolism is a bit different. Even with not eating a lot he went from 85 pounds when we adopted him to 120-130 gradually. The only thing Tippy is greedy about is treats.


Have a good evening.


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good afternoon..I am trying to get motivated to go get gin the car. I am fine for at least 100 miles because the Prius gets around 45 mpg. 

I think vs pt just got him up the stairs. I am impressed .


that means with a few more practice sessions, he mayy. Be good t go.


My dr totally changed how I take prednisone and itis not working as well.


Linda...those trips sound fascinating. One of my friends went to India a couple of years ago.Although she enjoyed it, she said there were people ,cars and cows everywhere.I think you would like the Kindle paerwhite. I love mine.

Yikes. One quilt mess... got rid of my puffy quilt for that reason.


Clauda..interesting about Griffs eating habits.Pepper is always on the look out for food.  She only gets her 2 meals of 1/3 cup of weight control dog food...and an occasional baby carrot. We always donate tonToys for tots. You have a lot of "treasures " in your attic.


enjoy you day..hope you don't have very much f any snow.



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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good Evening!  Hope your weather was okay, with little or no snow, Claudia.  I'm sure it was tiring doing all that work in the attic.  I just realized that I will need to change my Fall decorations for my Christmas decorations next week.  Maybe I will be motivated to part with some of the Christmas ones.  I have a lot less than in the past, but still quite a few.  Toys For Tots is great.  My old church used to collect toys which were distributed by the Salvation Army (I think), but I'm not sure this one does so. 


Sorry the new prednisone regimen isn't working as well, Barbara.  DD was telling me that CVS is no longer carrying the birth control DGD needs (for medical purposes), and the substitute doesn't work well at all.  She was considering moving the prescription to a different pharmacy.


Great news about V and the stairs.


I really like seeing/reading about India, but I am not bold enough to travel there.  


I always start to panic when my gasoline gauge says that I have less than 100 miles to go.  Silly since I haven't driven that far in years.  


The Walmart pick-up was slower than normal, and the area was busier than normal, but it went okay.  Just longer.  There was also some sort of accident nearby which required some maneuvering around.


The gym was very busy when I went there, but not busy when I left.  One man told me that I must have done 10 miles on the elliptical machine.  I wish.  


DD had a signing today -- very sad situation.  The older couple had been married for more than 50 years with six children, and were getting a divorce.  They had four houses, but the husband must have been the only one on the titles, so he required his wife to buy him out of the house she wanted to live in -- take a mortgage despite the house being fully paid off.  Anyway, he hired a lawyer, and she looked confused at best.  Pretty sad.


On a happy note, DD finally was paid for one of her signings -- only $25, but at least she got something.


I am thinking of taking a short walk now.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.







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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Now that I am keeping the out of season clothing bins stacked in the spare room there is more room in the attic. Still there's things that should go including a few pieces of furniture. 


The box of plates and cups were dropped off at Goodwill this afternoon after I convinced R we had no place to put them and wouldn't use them. Convincing him to do the same with his mother's china will be another day.


I'm sure seeing/reading about India is interesting but I wouldn't want to travel there either, Linda. R has a cousin who is roughly 10 years older than he. He and his wife traveled extensively until a few years ago. Their tour had just left the hotel in Mumbai when the terrorist attack occurred. The next year they travelled to Egypt and after they left their was unrest. I think their last trip was to the Galapagos Islands with their daughter, sil, and grandchildren.


I'm glad your DD finally got paid something. It's too bad CVS no longer carries the medication that works for your DGD. I heard they and Aetna have merged or are merging. Its good your Wal-Mart pickup was ok.


We had a bit of snow overnight - less than what was forecast. It has all melted. All I needed was to brush off the steps this morning.


That is great that V managed the stairs, Barbara. I usually fill the gas tank when it gets down to 1/4 of a tank. R is more daring. I remember coming home from an antique mall an hour or so from home. We forgot to fill the tank before leaving the town and there was no place along the way to get gas. Thank heavens the last 1/3 of the drive home was downhill and we coasted into the gas station.


Have a good evening and sleep well.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

It has been a busy day. I took Syd out for brunch and a jaunt through the upscale mall we both liked. She was s funny , she dressed "rich" so she could play the part.  I always dress in nice casual clothes and love playing that role. We even went tonTiffanys


Anyway it was fun...


V3 just arrived with Vanessa, so I am going to sign fg


more later 

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good Evening!  Hope you are keeping warm, and don't have too much snow, Claudia.  I thought of you because DD took her two little dogs to be groomed today.  I was hoping for pictures, but she said they didn't look that much different -- more of a maintenance grooming.  Hope you, R, and your furbabies are doing okay.


Glad you and Syd had fun at the fancy mall, Barbara.  We used to have some malls like that near where my Mom lived, and I remember doing some "window shopping" and having meals, etc.  Both of the malls have since been torn down.  I remember dressing up a bit more than usual for my visits.  The last time I was in Maryland, Tiffiny's was no longer in a mall -- just an individual store near where DH's son lives.


Have fun with V3 and Vanessa.  Hope V is doing okay.


Nothing exciting going on here.  I had Zoom meditation this morning, and did the laundry and an exercise DVD.  Next up is my weekly financial review.  I may do my hospice supply deliveries on Wednesday next week -- hope so.   


Have a nice evening and sleep well.



