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Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good Afternoon/Evening!  I hope you are feeling better today, Barbara.  Also hope V is doing okay.


I'm not surprised that the vets no longer plan to go to that restaurant, Claudia.  The manager set the tone by having the vets placed in less desirable tables.  So I think he/she deserves a lot of the blame.  Of course the servers were horrible.  Glad you were able to find some things at the show.  Men can be so difficult to buy for.


As you may see on the other thread, oldest DGS passed the kidney stone that was causing so much trouble.  That is a relief.  I am having a quiet, but nice day.  Still trying to make up my mind about a "newcomers" holiday party scheduled for early December.  I will probably end up going, but still thinking about it.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.






P.S. Someone on the local electronic bulletin board said that coyotes jumped over their six foot wall and killed her little dog.  She also found another dead dog in the area.  Such a sad story.  The truth is that you just cannot leave your pets outdoors here without being with them.  Too many predators.



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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

thanks  for starting, Linda. As usual, the day hot away from me...I am moving slowly, so it takes longer to get things done.


my niece was most helpful..suggested lots of variety for his meal..She spent a lot f time with us..


Linda..glad to hear that dgs passed his stone. That is an ordeal.  Oyotes can be one where we live, leaves their dog unattended. 

Claudia..that was terrible what the staff at the restaurant did to the vets. I hope folks boycott it. It sounds as if the craft show was successful.


my leg is back to normal..


Have a good evening, 😴😴

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

We got a dusting of snow this afternoon. I hear the roads are bad north of us over the state line. Just in case I got the snow shovels out of the garage when I put the garbage out front.


Barbara, I'm glad your niece was able to help with ideas for V's meals. It's great your leg is back to normal.


R is looking forward to hunting camp the day after Thanksgiving. I just hope there's no veterinary emergency while he's gone. Fingers crossed he doesn't get a deer. I know he would like to but I side with the deer.


Linda, thank goodness your eldest DGS doesn't need surgery for the kidney stone. I hope you decide to attend the holiday party even if you opt not to stay long.


Tippy has decided she and "Griffy" are to go out so I had better post this.

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

It is another chilly afternoon, but tomorrow it will warm up to the low 50s.,V is sitting here with his hood over his head and gloves on. 

we had a great meeting with our niece and found out that he can eat a wider variety than we thought. The key is lean protein, fewer carbs and limited sodium.,He needs to increase his fruit and veggie intake. He is very picky but said he is willing to try.


I have a call into my rheumatologist for something for my flare.I need to be more functional.


Claudia..fingers crossed that r does NOT get a deer and your menagerie stays well.


Linda..we are so much going to enjoy returning to warmer temps. It gets so dark here before 5:00 and that will only get worse. 

enjoy the rest of your day.🤗🤗

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Fingers crossed your furbabies will be okay when R is away, Claudia.  Also, that the deer evade him.  As you know, I am not a fan of cold weather, so I would not want to be there or in MN at this time.  I thought it was pretty chilly this morning, and it was in the 40's.  


That is a funny image of V with his hood up and gloves on, Barbara.  Has he always been troubled by the cold that much?  I know DH really hated cold weather, and that was part of the reason Arizona was so appealing to us. I'm sure you will enjoy this weather when you get back.  Dark before 5:00 p.m. sounds pretty bad.  I don't remember it being dark before 5:00 in Maryland, but perhaps it happened some times.  It is before 5:30 here, which isn't fun.  But, it never stays light that late here compared to Maryland.  Hope your doctor prescribes some medication to help with your flare.


Happy to hear that V's diet doesn't have to be that different.  I know he isn't a big fan of vegetables, but at least he will try.  I remember the sodium part with my Mom.  She didn't enjoy cooking, and living alone she often just had "TV dinners", crackers and cheese, etc.  I know she tried to eat better, but it wasn't easy.


DD was suffering from a migraine, but had a signing this afternoon.  Nothing exciting going on with her or me for that matter. 


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

It gets dark here shortly after 5.  We had large flakes of snow throughout the day but it melted on the roads and sidewalks. There's a warning out for more snow overnight. So far it seems to be north of us. Most of the day it was in the upper 30's.


I hope the doctor orders something to help your flare, Barbara. It's good news that V's diet will not be as restrictive as you thought.


That's good your DD had a signing today, Linda. Too bad about the migraine though. It makes everything more difficult.


R was busy looking for his hunting clothes even though it's 9 or 10 days before he goes. I found them in a bin in the attic. I had packed them up so they wouldn't be laying around the house. He has a habit of leaving things like that out around the house. Pick up one thing and another takes its place.


I hope you have a good evenin


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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good afternoon..the wind is really howling out, making it much colder. The bins were flying when I picked up my groceries.brrrr


Sydnie is going to a weekend retreat at Camp Ripley for her health science team.  The camp is the Mn National,guard training base.  They will hear exerts from Homeland security, the guard, army and marines talk about safety and prep for local and National emergencies.i It will also have a good amount of hands on training. She was leery of going but was talked into it by one of her friends.


Linda..both m and a suffer from horrible migraines. M see a neurologist ona monthly basis for steroid injections. Good she had a signing. You are smart to sit away from people at your gatherings. I think I mentioned that Covid is surging here.arghh


Claudia..chuckled about you putting things away for r.I keep stuff organized for v. My sil is highly fact a little ocd as every shirt is folded perfectly. Lol


Have a good evening.🤗🤗

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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Good Evening!  Glad you had put away R's hunting clothes in a safe place (that you remembered), Claudia.  My ex didn't have many clothes or shoes for that matter, but DH bought quite a bit.  Many were used.  Anyway, he tended to wear the same things over and over despite having many choices.  I didn't mess with his stuff until he was unable to do so.  


Hope it was a little warmer today, and you didn't get much snow (if any). 


Did you get some medication to help with your flare, Barbara?  It must have been cold picking up those groceries.  Not my cup of tea.  Hope Syd enjoys the weekend. 


DD still has her migraine.  The signing went okay, but she is upset because she doesn't have any more scheduled.  My youngest DGS starts his new job on December 6th.  Hope he enjoys it.


Did a brief Walmart run this morning -- groceries plus a Thanksgiving card for DD and family.  I went to the gym this afternoon.  Nothing exciting for sure.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.  Stay warm.







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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

Nothing exciting here. There was no snow when I got up this morning. I was pleased about that. Some of my orders arrived including some small items for Adam. I also dropped a couple items off for alterations. The recycling is out for tomorrow's collection.  Yikes, it's down to 30° now.


I'm sorry your DD is still dealing with her migraine, Linda. I hope she has more signings soon and most important, gets paid. I did a brief Wal-Mart run around noon.


I hope Syd enjoys the retreat. It sounds like they'll get a lot of information, Barbara. One could thing, you didn't have to get out of the vehicle for the grocery pickup.


R has things all over the downstairs in anticipation of hunting the end of next week. Smh. He used to be a bit ocd and now it's the other extreme.


I hope you have a nice relaxing evening.



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Re: Reformed Shopaholics Week of November 14

We are back from vs big outing to the pain dr. The clinics are attached to  a hospital and it is confusing about where to enter. Unfortunately , I chose the entrance farthest away and he had to walk 2 very long halls, which was quite difficult  for him..But he did make it.

The pain doc was very good....offered him several,things to try. He turned down most but will get some trigger point injections with muscle relaxers. The dr did not want to inject anything into the spine.


The prednisone has kicked in so I was able to make thecwalk with no issues. So I feel good again.


Claudia..I can only imagine rs prep zone for hunting. Our snow is mostly gone but that will not last for long. Syd was hilarious when we told her about the group showers. She did not want to go. We call her princess because she is soooo spoiled. But she changed her mindlol


Linda what kind of soup did you make. I am going to try a low sodium vegetable soup one of these days.


Enjoy the rest of the day.👼🐸🐸