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Re: Recommendations for bras

We have a Bucc-ees where I live and I have never been in there. I pulled up once to use the restroom but they were so busy, I did not go in. Not sure if I ever want to.. Costco is across the street and I always head there. Bucc-ees it seems is full of highway traveling tourists. I read their bathrooms are the best. 

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Re: Recommendations for bras

@kate2357 wrote:

@smoochy wrote:

Went to Dillard's. They have certified bra fitters who have been trained by Wacoal. This is not for easily embarrassed modest people. Of which I'm one. Bit I powered through, lol. First she assessed my current bra and how it fits me. Then I had to get topless. She educated me about how a bra should fit. She used a particular Wacoal as the tester. First one in the size I've been wearing. Band size ok. Cup size too small. Next bra, cups still too small. Turns out I'm a 40 DDD. What a difference in my appearance! I bought three underwire Wacoal bras. Most comfortable things I've put on my old body lately. Well worth the $$$$.  

Of course when I take off my perfectly fit, side-shaping, uplifting bra there's a jolt on the Richter scale when the girls drop. 😆😂


Glad you found some well fitting, comfortable bras. I am on the modest side like you and I have a large bosom. But I have had various medical issues the last two years which required various states of undress and I have become blasé about who sees my bosom. I mean at 65, gravity being what it is, they are what they are. 

re: medical, yeah last month when I was in the ER and admitted to the hospital three times...all for cardiac problems,, I finally got used to the medical staff hoisting up my boobs to stick ekg leads and defibrillator pads under and around them. I just had to tell myself they do this every day all day. 

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Re: Recommendations for bras


re: medical, yeah last month when I was in the ER and admitted to the hospital three times...all for cardiac problems,, I finally got used to the medical staff hoisting up my boobs to stick ekg leads and defibrillator pads under and around them. I just had to tell myself they do this every day all day. 


My comment re medical situation and baring my bosom, was based on this exact scenario. 2 years ago I went into ER because I was having excruciating pain and one of the tests was an EKG. So I am sitting on table, naked from the waist up, with all exposed and one of the tech mentions my tan...arms, neck and face all brown, belly and bosom white as snow. I DID NOT CARE. I thought, these people have seen everything before and please just make the pain stop.



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Re: Recommendations for bras

@kate2357  yep you get it. I hope you're in good health now ❤️

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Re: Recommendations for bras

Wacoal girl them.

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Re: Recommendations for bras

@fairydogmother…I truly laughed out loud!
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Re: Recommendations for bras

Hi!  In all honesty, I am not a large breasted gal, but I adore Le Mystere bras.  I purchased my first one at Nordstrom when I was in my thirties, and still buy the brand.  I can attest to the quality and know it is Oprah's fave (and she looks larger breasted).  I hope this maybe helps.  Bras are so personal and imoprtant.  XOXOXOXO

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Re: Recommendations for bras

@Hoovermom wrote:

Wacoal girl them.

Same here. Great bras.  They got famous (to me anyway) with that back appeal bra.

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Re: Recommendations for bras

I wear WACOAL T-Shirt seams, no lace, except for a tiny bow in the can remove.  


I am a 32 G - it is hard to find but the store can order that size if they do not have in it stock.  I find the bra wears really well - Oh and I must wear a underwire...I don't find it to be uncomfortable at all...if you are big busted it is a must.