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ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

Happy Juiy 4th. It is raining o

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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉nn

Hit post by mistake and I hit k rather than l for July. Lol


it is raining off and on so hope the fireworks go off. Syd and m are at the beach.i have boarding passes printed.


her group placed second but it was an honor to go to the showdown..Syd is tired but she can recover this week.i do not think it is as crowded today here as it was over the weekend. 


I have bought nothing thing except a couple of things for Syd.she found a mn in schnauzer stuffed dog so had to have that.


hope you got rest last night.


claudia..too bad r got sick..may the boys behave themselves.



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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

Sorry it is raining, Barbara.  Hope they do have the fireworks.  Good for Syd's group.  It is definitely great that they made it into the finals of the Nationals.  


Unfortunately, DH did not sleep well at all last night.  Slightly better than the night before, but..... I changed his clothes once at night, and he ended up wetting the bed again.  So, I changed him again this morning and washed the sheets.  Discouraging to say the least.


Very quiet around here.  I took walk this morning, and it was not too hot.  But, they are predicting 100 degree temperatures for later today.  I have all the fans going now, plus the AC of course.


Hope your dogs are behaving, Claudia, and R is doing okay.


Have a nice holiday!





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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

It's too bad it's raining, Barbara. Sydnie and her group did great. I hope she's happy about it. Of course she had to have the min. Schnauzer.


Linda, you must be so tired after the past two nights. I hope the third night's the charm and you get some much needed sleep.


R got home mid afternoon and seems to feel better. Bob Evans had 30%  off today only so we had dinner there. Earlier I used the trimmer on both sides of the fence and around the house.


All three dogs were delighted to see R.

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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

Good Morning!  Glad R is feeling better, and you were able to go out to Bob Evan's, Claudia.  Also glad you got some trimming done.  Hope R continues to be okay and the dogs behave themselves.


I think you are going home today, Barbara?  Hope it is a safe and easy trip.


DH had a huge accident yesterday evening after dinner -- I went through so many wipes, paper towels, etc., and ended up giving him a shower.  The good news is that he slept better last night -- just got up a couple of times and flipped and flopped much less than the past two nights.  He did try to get up around 5:00 a.m., but I talked him in to going back in bed for another 30 minutes when the alarm was going off.


I have the senior lunch program today, and he will be going to day services.  I'm eager to have some time alone without needing to worry about him.  That doesn't sound nice, but true.


Ended up doing a lot of sorting of old photographs, etc., yesterday.  I put quite a few pictures of DD as a kid into an album.  Not sure how many of those photos she has.  And, I separated out the very old photos, and the ones with DH.  That makes up a fair size box, but I also have a huge box full of pictures of the grandchildren.  I am sure there are lots of duplicates, and I have already put some into albums.  That will be a major project someday.  At least the "office" is a lot less crowded now.  


I also did some much needed cleaning yesterday.


Hope both of you have a nice day!





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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

THank heavens for the wipes. Whatever would we do without them. At least DH slept better last night. With all the stress of caring for him you do need time for yoursef.


R called the OK VA and rescheduled Adam's intake appointment there.  He the one listed on Adam's contact list. We had given Adam ole th of time to reschedule. Either Whit or sil will take him. Enough is enough.


Barbara, I hope you, Sydnie, and M had a good flight home. Pepper will be thrilled to have her people home.

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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

We made it back safely...2 flights with a changeover in Detroit. Thank goodness for the train between gates because we had a very short time between flights. It is good to be home. V is glad he is not on of duty any more.


we really had a good time...I enjoyed not having to cook or clean for 8 days. We had a free breakfast, and then only ate one more meal. Syd and m enjoyed the ocean. The fireworks were spectacular last night. We had a perfect view from our 7th floor balcony.

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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

We are having quite the thunderstorm hail and lightning.




Linda, I think you will ease a lot of stress once you have other care going. Dh is becoming a lot for you to handle are such an angel with him..never feel any guilt.


Claudia...I did not realize Adam was having so much trouble again, claudia. Until one is willing to own the problem, getting better is very difficult. It took m many years..and we still have our moments.


i hope your evening is going well.

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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

It is good to be home. I had to get my port flushed and picked up some groceries. We are very tired of eating



pepper is happy we are home. V had to take her to the vet again. Ms vet friend was with us at the competition. She will see pepper next week...m is going to switch her care to her.


now I need to start organizing for the floor installation. V3 will help with the moving of things next week.


i will be back later

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Re: ReFORMED SHOPAHOLICs. Week of Juky 4🎉🎉

Good Afternoon!  I'm sure Pepper is happy to have you, Syd, and M home, Barbara.  Happy that you are home safely and able to take care of some things.  Sounds like a wise idea to switch vets.  Hope Pepper will be fine soon.


Like Barbara, I did not realize Adam was having so much trouble,  Hope he can get the care he needs.  Good that R made the call. 


DH had a good day yesterday, and slept very well last night.  I'm a happy camper to say the least.  DD said the party went quite well, which is great news.  There were quite a few people from Macy's there, and all seemed nice.  


DGD had more ear/sinus issues, and DD was able to get her into the ENT yesterday afternoon since there was a cancellation.  She is on new medicine -- hopefully, she will improve soon.  My SIL will have his root canal next Tuesday.instead of tomorrow since he still had some infection, and the dentist wanted him to take more antibiotics before the procedure.  Army DGS' two weeks of Reserves started yesterday, and he found out that it will not be held on the weekends, but go for the following week.  That is good for DD since the trains don't run on the weekends, and she has to drive him all that way.  She's a happy camper despite needing to pay for an extra week of train and bus fare.  DGS only had enough to pay for the two weeks.


Hot here, and I'm not doing much.  Took my walk(s), and I guess I'll do some more exercises at home.


Hope both of you sleep well.



