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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Good Afternoon!  You are certainly making progress with those hats, Barbara.  Glad you are feeling okay.


Hope you, R, and your furbabies are doing okay, Claudia.  And, that you are surviving the cold and any snow.


DD said it was 22 degrees when she went to the gym this morning -- she goes quite early (I think 5:00 a.m. or earlier), but it wasn't supposed to warm up much today.  It is cooler here, but this afternoon is lovely. This afternoon, I walked up to the library (about a 45 minute walk round trip), and it was fine. 


Today is oldest DGS' birthday (26).  Hard to believe he is that old.  He has turned into quite a nice young man.  DD told me that he is in the running for two general manager jobs -- not in the area, and he will take one of them if offered.  That would be quite a change for a guy who has really not left home for very long (went away to college for a while and for training).  I think it would be good for him, but I would sure be sad if I couldn't see him when visiting Maryland next spring.  We will see.


I am not surprised M likes her telecommute job.  I know my SIL loves it when he can do so, but it isn't all that often these days.  


I found that I have to do some special pressing to make sure my mobile help device is sitting on the charger properly.  Not sure if that is normal or some sort of defect, but at least I know how to make it work.


Have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Glad the"help" device is working even if you have to press it into the charger, Linda. R has a new filter and tube coming for his c-pap machine. When it didn't arrive in October I found our notes and had him call. It turns out he has to call every 6 months. I've made a note on the calendar. Now if I can just find where he left the note with the phone number.


The temperature stayed in the 20's today. I have a sheltered area where I put food out for a couple young feral kittens. These are siblings to the one I found on our porch that died.. The mother is no longer in the area and an older orange cat watches out for them. His owner opened his shed and fed the mother last year but now it seems a grandson with his large dog is staying at the house with them. I felt bad so ended up ordering a small shelter I can put straw in. I had an Amazon gift card. I may put it under the front porch or at the side of the sunporch. One was waiting for feeding time this morning carefully keeping 3' or so away.


Barbara, it was icy last night and there were several accidents reported on a local fb site. Oddly, I seldom see them in the paper anymore. I read online. Most national news doesn't make the paper either along with various columnists.


Tomorrow R and I have pt. Then we pick up the milk at a small market. A new farm is supplying raw milk and cheese and another regular milk and eggnog. I was told the original vendor is having to tear down part of the building the machinery is in. When they started 20 some years ago they built the building around the machinery.


Earlier today I read about a Bernese Mountain Dog that got loose and over 2 months traveled almost 60 miles. He wouldn't come to the owner or anyone else so they brought his Gt. Pyrenees "brother" on a very long lead. The Gt. Pyr approached and was finally recognized and then the owner. 2 madly dancing dogs.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Good afternoon..kind of a yukky day for me, but I did play bridge this morning..came in last haven't eaten well today because nothing interests me..I need to rectify that.😖


Claudia..hope your travels go well today. That was an interesting story about the dogs...that is a long time to be lost. Peppers breeder had more puppies...I would love one but know better.


Linda..I hope your device is working ok in the charger. I am very glad that you have it...hope you are having a good day.


i am trying to get myself together so I can go to choir practice tonight.


enjoy your day.🍁🍁

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Sorry you are not feeling well, Barbara.  Hope you can eat something and get to choir practice.  My device seems to be fine, but I am pretty careful to check and make sure it is charging or charged.


Hope your (plural) PT sessions went okay, Claudia, and you were able to accomplish the other things on your list (including the milk.)   Also hope it was warmer and not icy today.  Nice of you to help the feral cats.  My SIL has a C=pap machine, and I know DD has to order new parts for it sometimes.


Very quiet day for me.  I took my walk and went to the gym.  As you may read or have read on the other thread, one of the strong bones ladies (has not attended much in the last several months) fell and broke her hip.  I am trying to call her at the hospital, but no luck so far.  I also found a vein doctor who opened a clinic last month.  He sounds really good, and I have a consultation appointment next Monday.


Hope both of you sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

I hope you find something you feel like eating, Barbara. When we went to the market to pick up the raw milk we also got their stromboli plus a couple sides. They have a different menu daily and make a limited amount of it. R had his about 4 pm because of bowling. I just finished half of mine.


I know a pup is tempting I still miss having a Newfie but it wouldn't be fair to the dog. I tell myself that but still think about it. After 4 Newfie's over the years it's hard being without one.


Linda, I hope the new doctor works out. It's good you were able to get an appointment quickly. It's a shame one of your strong bones ladies broke her hip. While we were at pt in the waiting area one of the daughters of mother's best friend came in with her husband. He fell off a ladder and broke his hip.


Her mother and my mother were 5 weeks apart in age. I remember a phone call from mother years ago. She was at a doctor appointment and wanted to know how old she was. Math was not her strong point to say the least. I told her and she said " I have to call Judy and tell her we're a year younger than I thought we were". Lol. Growing up they were out Lucy and Ethel.


I ordered an pillow to help with neck and shoulder pain. That arrived. I'll try it tonight. Hope it works.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Hope that new pillow helped, Claudia.  Also hope you have had a good day, and R and your furbabies are okay.   As I mentioned, I really loved the dog I saw at the Alzheimer's walk, but I don't think I am ready for a dog at this point.  That certainly could change.


Feeling better today, Barbara?  I certainly hope so.


As you may have read on the other thread, one of DD's nextdoor neighbors (she doesn't know if it is the husband or wife), has died.  The police were there bright and early, and she saw a body being taken away by a funeral home.  They are quite a weird couple, or perhaps were a weird couple, who have two young children (ages 5 and 3).  Both parents worked, and an older lady (probably one of their mothers) took total charge of the children -- came over every day to watch them, and even most weekend days.  Also, the wife used to loudly verbally chastise the husband outside so that all the neighbors could hear her.  The neighbors suspect drugs or suicide.  Terrible situation, especially for the young kids.


Other than that excitement, DD went to the doctor with my SIL to learn how to give him injections.  This used to be done at the doctor's office, but now she is responsible.   So far, so good.  My SIL is also applying for a new secret security clearance for work, and they ask tons of questions.  It took quite a while to fill out the forms, and he probably won't hear anything for months.


I went for my walk and then to my exercise classes.  Then I went to the grocery stores.  While I slept well until 4:00 a.m., I couldn't sleep much after that, and I'm already running out of gas as they say.  Hopefully, I can sleep well tonight.  The hospice patient's son said his Mom is doing okay, so I will probably be visiting her tomorrow.


Hope both of you have a nice evening.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

A late good afternoon..,,I got v to the airport and he is now at our other home. He said it was not too cold. I visited with a friend from church choir...she is 85 and very crippled but is sharp and fun to be with. 

Choir last night was full of drama for me...there was no place for me to sit and I have to sit on the bottom because I cannot donstairs. Yikes..these are people I have sung with for the past 7 years. One of the men got a folding chair for me.  Our new director is oblivious to things like this....but I got over it and will sing on Sunday. All I can say is yikes. 😖😖😖 sounds like your weather is nice. I do not need the excitement that your dd head on her street last night. I just got back from the grocery store and it was quite busy.


Claudia..hope your day has gone well. 

V said Pepper does not look any bigger than when we left...m likes to over exaggerate.


Sleep well..hope you do not wake up early tomorrow.😎😎

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Temperatures is still in the 30's here. After we got back from R's VA clinic appointments R put the medium sized cat house shelter together and we stuffed it with straw. It's now under our sunporch. That's a sheltered area and the old lattice work wood panel was able to be adjusted. Hopefully by this time next year the outer  porch will be replaced. I know at least one kitten his under the porch this morning.


I need to remember to call the vet to schedule Merry, Pippen, and Fitz for shot updates. Too bad I can't just wiggle my nose and transport them there.


it's good your DD learned to give the injections, Linda. Fingers crossed for the job your sil wants. I know you enjoy the hospice visits. I hope your patient is up to a visit tomorrow.


What a shame about your DD's neighbors. The poor children.


Barbara, that's a shame about the seating at choir practice. I'm glad someone got you a folding chair. Also glad V got to your other home and it is not too cold.


I used the pillow last night and slept on my right side ( the dislocated shoulder was the right shoulder) for 5 hours solid. Before I could only manage 45 minutes to an hour. Went back to sleep and woke up with no neck or shoulder pain. I hope tonight is just as good.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Glad V got off okay, and it isn't too cold, Barbara. Glad someone got you a chair for choir practice.   I take it the new choir director is a young man?  It would never work at my church because several choir members are handicapped and cannot stand.  I hope he recognizes how important it is to have you sing and makes sure you have a chair.


Great news about the pillow, Claudia.  Hope you get some good rest tonight.  You are so kind to those cats in the neighborhood.


DD found out that it was the lady next door who died.  Obviously, she had a serious drug problem because they had Narcan in the house, but she was dead when her husband tried to give it to her.  Such a sad story.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS week of November 10

Good Morning/Afternoon!  It is a nice sunny day here, and it should make it up to 80 degrees.  They are predicting much cooler and rainy weather starting next Tuesday.  I took a blanket out for possible future use.


Nothing exciting going on -- laundry started and I will have a hospice visit and do my weekly financial review later.


Hope V and family are doing okay at the funeral, Barbara (I think it is today).  Also hope you are feeling okay.


Your pets certainly keep you busy, Claudia.  Hope R is doing okay, and you had another good nights sleep last night (or at least several pain-free hours).


Have a nice Saturday!



