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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

Good morning..I ran errands and have a hair appt in a bit. Laundry is also going...and yes, you can tell that I am feeling good.


need to get serious about what I am going to take...we have laundry facilities in every place we are staying so that helps a lot. But we will be going from cool weather to the heat in Palm Springs and Az. 


Chessielady..we have lots of leaves but also have a lawn service that takes care of everything. Nothing has really fallen yet...not until mid October. Good luck with your ground squirrels.


Claudia..hope r feels better soon. My friend had to have her wrist redone and it was pretty painful for a while. Bet the doggies will be happy to see you.


Lind hope your day is going well.


i need to motivate. 


Have re a great day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

Good luck deciding what to take, Barbara. It's great you have laundry facilities everywhere you are stopping.


Lots of very small leaves are out front, chessielady. They get tracked in everywhere. I wouldn't miss that tree at all. It sounds like the war of the ground squirrels continues.

Good luck with the wisteria vine.


It was cool first-time upper 50's and rained this afternoon. I decided not to pick the dogs up till Sunday. R had a bit less pain today. I think next Friday he'll get a cast.


Here we have leaf collection. I'll try and rake the ones out front the best I can. All I need is a burst of energy.


Linda, I hope you're having a good day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

You are certainly busy with yard work, chessielady.  I do the weeding, etc., but I now hire a landscaper to do the bush trimming.  I was getting horribly scratched, and it is usually quite hot to boot.  No leaves here, but I remember how much raking I used to do in Maryland.


Glad you have the laundry facilities where you will be going, Barbara.  It is quite hot here (mid 90's), and the heat should continue for a while according to the forecast.  It does cool down at night, which makes walking in the morning good.  I kind of like your photographing the closet idea.  I ended up buying several duplicates before we moved here permanently.  The extras were donated because how many of the same T-shirt does one person need?


Sorry R had so much pain, Claudia.  Makes me cringe to think about it.  It is good that he is a little better today.  Probably wise not to bring the dogs home for a while.  Hope you are able to get some rest.


Now it turns out that my SIL may get the "new used" car.  Long and complicated story.  I transferred some money toward the downpayment.  He has interviews with two companies next week.  One is a different section of his current company.  He will need to commute for either place, and neither is close to home.  He also will need to replenish his wardrobe since he has been working from home for so long.  Fingers crossed he gets a good job.  


I had my first OLLI class and then went to visit DH.  He is pretty sleepy these days -- that may be a reaction to the anti-seizure medicine.  But, he is doing pretty well.  Very happy to see me.


Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

Good afternoon..I am pretty well packed..the storage cubes really gave me more room. Decided to just take what I need for the trip. So I still have a basket full of clothes in my bedroom.


it is a pretty day..but the trip,out looks cold and rainy. I have lots of layers. 


The deck guy guy is here so it will be done  before we leave. 


I have ave a number of things to laundry. But I am trying not to overdo.


linda..sorry Dh is so that a side effect of the new med???fingers crossed that the car and job work out for dd.


claudia..hope r is feeling better today.


chessie lady..have a good one.


i will post as I can...we have free wifi all the way. 



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

Glad your packing is mostly done and you are taking it easy, Barbara.  It is hot here, but still okay in the morning.  I talked to the nurse, and I think sleepiness is a side effect of the new medicine.  DH was sleepy again today, but in a good mood.


Like Barbara I hope R is feeling better, and you are doing okay, Claudia.


Also hope you are having a nice day, chessielady.


I'm pretty sleepy since I did not sleep well at all.  I think a nap is in order soon.


Have a nice evening everyone!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

Off we went to the er this morning after talking with a doctor on call who works with the surgeon. R had many symptoms of an overdose of the pain medicine yet had only had a few of the pills. He'd been vomiting , was bloated, no appetite, nauseous of course and constipated. He's home now and testing and has some anti nausea medication. Insurance wanted prior approval which the hospital doesn't do so I just went ahead and paid for it..I need to schedule him to see his VA doctor as his heart rate was elevated. He's decided not to take the pain medicine.


Glad you are taking it easy, Barbara. Safe travels.


Linda, I had thought maybe the new medication was causing your DH's increased sleepiness. Glad his mood is good.


Tomorrow if all goes well I'll pick up the dogs. Hopefully R will be feeling better. It continues to be cold here.


I'm with you chessielady I'd rather not cook. I hope the dogs had a good run.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

Been a busy day. I've been helping a friend..she has had some health issues. So I've been taking care of her trip etc. Anyway here's my funny for the day...

A sign at a local business said:


Autocorrect is my enema.  I just laughed my head off! My friend did not get it!!


Barbara I hope you have safe travels. Hope your husband is feeling better Claudia. Linda hope you and your husband are also doing well.


Well I'm off for a few more chores till it's tea time. Have a good evening everyone!

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS Weekof September 24

That is funny, chessielady.  So sorry to hear about R's reaction to the pain medicine, Claudia.  Hope that he feels better tomorrow.