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Happy Birthday, Barbara!

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Thanks to both of you for the birthday wishes. Syd made me some really cute cards.


i am off to knitting shortly. My head is bothering me but it will be good to be distracted for a bit. I stopped at a bakery and got donuts as treats for my knitting friends.


and other than my head I feel good.


linda, you are wise to take your days an hour at a time. I am happy that dh liked the day care.. It will provide a different environment and stimulation.for him. You saw his sweet side last night.


we got a place to stay near Virginia has a kitchen so we can eat in and free breakfast daily. It is about 20 minutes away from the convention center.


the dance mom asked mollie is she and her daughter could watch Syds solo class tomorrow night. Yikes..m, of course, said no.


Claudia, hope your day is going well.

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Glad your birthday is off to a pretty good start, other than the headache, Barbara.   Enjoy your knitting. That dance Mom is on my bad list, and I don't even know here.  What nerve she has.


Happy R is getting some help, Claudia.  Interesting that you had one of the same people when you had your femur accident.  That was quite an awful accident.  Glad the fence is looking good and you are getting your cat/kittens cared for.  Hope you find that calendar.  That sort of thing can drive me crazy.


DH started out nice yesterday after his session, but then turned mean for a while.  He kept running into the bedroom every time my back was turned, and he was yelling and swearing at me for trying to bring him back out to the dining and then living room.  Then, he was very sound asleep when it was time for bed, so then I had trouble getting him to move to the bedroom.  Yikes!  Still I'm happy that his first day went so well.


It was pretty cool this morning (for this area), so I delayed our walk until after breakfast.  It only made it up to the 70's yesterday, but it should get warmer today.


DH is in a pretty good mood so far.  Our friend/neighbor will be coming to sit with him when I go to my classes, and I am hoping that goes well.  She refuses to take any money/thing for watching him.  So, I'll need to think of some way to repay her.  Such a wonderful offer.


The leader of our Strong Bones Workout has lost interest in participating, so I have offered to lead the group on Mondays only.  A couple of ladies have said that they can participate on Mondays, at least until Christmas.  Now I need to talk to the place where we hold the workouts about the change. 


DD had a leak under her kitchen sink, so the plumber came this morning.  I told her to go ahead and have the toilet in the "kids" bathroom replaced since it was not in good shape.  All that is done, which is good.


Youngest DGS is very upset since one of his friends is in the hospital -- brain tumor.  He and his brother are on DGS' football team, and this is hitting DGS very hard.  Middle DGS is quite afraid he will not pass his Army PT test this month, and he is sort of preparing himself for being "fired".  Not sure how that works, but.... Meanwhile, he has lined up a part-time job at a restaurant.  I can't worry about it too much -- as long as he is healthy and not in trouble, he needs to make his own choices/mistakes.  I think DD feels the same way.


Again, Happy Birthday, Barbara.  Hope both of you have a nice day.





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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Thank you again for the birthday wishes. Knitting was fun...everyone enjoyed the donuts.


linda..glad you got the strong bones work out figured out. That is very generous of the lady to sit with dh. I hope he is nice this evening.


claudia...hope you find your calendar.  I keep everything on my phone and would panic if I did not have it. Are you keeping all of the kittens???


enjoy your evening. Do not think we will be going out..maybe some take out.



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Linda, forgot to mention re dgs friend,  it is very hard for anyone, but more so kids, the first time they experience a serious illness. ((((Hugs))))) for him

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Lost my blasted post!


Fence is done and looks good. I just ordered a lift recliner with good reviews through Amazon as the supply place in town never called back. Fingers crossed.


That's such a shame Linda about DGS's friend. I'm sure it's difficult for him to process. Sorry DH got mean. That's difficult and draining to deal with. Try to take it moment by moment. Mother's personality changed. She was nice to family but horrible to her caregivers. I hope middle DGS can work things out with the Army.


Eileen will take a female kitten. I sure hope I don't end up with 6. Iplanned to keep the 2 blacks ( terrible time of year to find homes for black kittens). Also Adam's favorite.


Barbara, that dance mom is unbelievable. I'm glad you found a place to stay near the convention center.

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Paperwork arrived from the VA authorizing the visiting nurse to change the dressing 3 times a week. It would have been nice if they gave those instructions upon discharge but better late than not at all.

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Good is cool and cloudy but is to get up to 82 on Sunday.  V left quite early and was in Fargo ( about 4 hours away ) around 9. He wants to get into Montana today. There are supposed to be big waves on the Oregon coast Sunday and Monday.  Those are fun to watch. 


I am am feeling good today and I am enjoying it very much. I do not have a lot to do to finish up...


i am am going to dance tonight to observe the drama...I doubt if she will do anything with me there. 


Claudia..glad things are falling into place...I admire you for caring for all of those kittens.


linda, how were your classes??!!  


I will ill be back later.

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Happy you are feeling well today, Barbara.  V is certainly making good time.  Nice that you will be going to dance today, and I hope "dance Mom" does behave herself.


My classes were good yesterday, and I got out a bit early.  Came home and our friend was knitting and DH was sound asleep on the couch.  Apparently, he spent a lot of time sleeping there.  They did take a short walk, but I think it might have been too much.  And, she had prepared tea, snacks, etc.  She used lots of dishes, and ignored the ones that I had left out for her.  But, no big deal.  She is planning to come again at the end of the month, and she said she enjoyed it.  DH did get up and thank her for coming.  


The little tire pressure light was on in the car, and I was able to take the car to the service place and have some air put in the tires.  They were just about to close, but it was no problem -- the guy was very nice and said that they were not that low.


I didn't bother trying to get DH out of bed yesterday afternoon, and he didn't yell at me.  But, he did wake up a bit early and want to get up this morning.  Oh well.....


We walked up to the annual breakfast at the firehouse this morning, and it was nice.  They certainly had a big crowd.  People were giving out literature, and I talked to a guy from the memory care place.  They offer respite care as well as a place to stay, and I will probably take a tour sometime to see if it might work.  There were people from the urgent care associated with out old doctor, and I asked if they had a replacement.  So far, no one wants to move their practice to this area.  Crazy.


I certainly hope you can get some adoptive families for some of those kittens, Claudia.  You are so kind to take them in and take such good care of them.


We will go to the gym later this morning and then to the party at the day services place in the afternoon.  I realize that my doctor appointment was earlier than I thought, so we will need to leave a bit early, but it still should be fun.  This is just the new patient get acquainted appointment, so I'm not expecting much.


Hope both of you have a nice day!





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Linda, it sounded like you had a good day yesterday. I am glad that you are being proactive about dhs future. You are such a bright, thoughtful person that I figured you would. At least you have one day of respite a week. 


M is working from home today. I leave her alone unless she wants to talk. She did vacuum the family room for me without being asked.👍


Nothing exciting today...just more laundry. 

