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Good Afternoon!  Glad you were able to find a beach hotel at a good price, Barbara.  I'm sure Syd will love it.  Hope you are happy with your hair.  I had mine cut on Wednesday, and so far, I'm fine with it.  


DH slept much better last night, but he wet the bed again.  I decided to wash the sheets, his clothes, and the mattress pad as well.  The mattress pad took quite a while to dry, so things were not back in order by the time the caregiver came.  At least it was done before she was dressing him.  


I talked to DH's DD last night, and she said something like she understood if I could not handle things and needed to place DH in the assisted living.  That makes me feel much better about things since I have come to the conclusion that this will probably be best for both of us.  


DD said that everyone is sick there (not sure if the second boy is sick or not since she did not mention him), but no one has really recovered.  She certainly sounds stressed and overtired.


Very sorry about R hurting himself, Claudia.  Hope he isn't in too much pain and doesn't need additional surgery.  Glad your electric bill was lower than expected -- that doesn't often happen for me, but I love it when it does.


Those pictures of WV were awful, and a lady who I worked with sent pictures of a tornado that tore up her property in Maryland.  She said it will take weeks to get things cleaned up, but at least the people (she and her husband) and animals (horses and dogs) were okay, and they have two generators and two tractors.


I was watching the UK referendum results yesterday evening, and I was a bit surprised.  It will be interesting to see what happens.   


The nurse was late yesterday, but cut her visit short.  I asked for a bed alarm, and it has been delivered.  Not sure that I will use it  much here, but I decided to go ahead and get one so it can be used in the assisted living place.


Hope both of you have a nice evening!









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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


I love my is very texturized ..kind of looks like a shorter version of shawns.m and s went shopping...m wanted a couple of new sundresses for the trip. I have laundry going...that is ongoing here.


Linda, sorry that dads family is still sick. So glad to hear that dos daughter is supportive of his placement in memory care.have you thought of using pads under him at night. They are used in hospitals...he might not wet through as much. Or put it between the sheet and the mattress pad. 


Claudia...get some rest..


have a a good evening.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


I do have pads on the bed (over the mattress pad and under the sheets -- two of them, but he manages to move around and wet in other places.  He is definitely a moving target at night.


Glad you like your hair -- sounds great.

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Hot and humid out..I have already run errands...needed stuff for syds hair and something for supper. I have clothes laid on the bed. Looks like I will take 3 maxi dresses , a pair of Bermudas and wear capris on the plane apart of sandals and one pair of go walks. I have a couple of short lightweight bolero tops for the maxis and I will wear a nice sweatshirt on the plane.  I have 4 tops for the shorts. That should work out


Got the quote for the floors..lower than expected. 


I got Sydnie a basket for Pepper to ride in on syds bike. The neighbors think it is cute.


Linda...I am sure you will find it much easier once dh is placed. You have and still do a wonderful job of caring for him. He picked a real gem when he married you. Hope dds family is feeling better.


Claudia hope r is surviving his muzzle loader event.


have a good day

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Good Morning/Afternoon!  Sounds like you have done a great job selecting things for your trip, Barbara.  Hope that I can do half as well when I go to Portland.  I need to double-check the weather since I'm sure it will be cooler than here, but maybe not too cool.  


We had some heavy rain yesterday -- it was spotty, but very welcome.  Cloudy again today, and we are in "monsoon" season, so I guess rain is possible today as well.


Best laid plans did not work yesterday evening -- my gmail account must have been hacked or something, and I spent quite a while trying to fix things.  DH slept pretty well, but I had some aches and pains that prevented me from sleeping until I took an ibuprofen.  Anyway, the hospice volunteer came this morning, and I went to the gym -- pretty hard workout.  No plans to leave the house for the rest of the day.  I'm going through papers from the storage room, and shredding quite a few.  The shredder gets too hot after a while, so I need to take a lot of breaks.  But, I have plenty of other things to do, like laundry.


Glad the flooring quote was lower than expected -- good news.  I'm sure the basket for Pepper on Syd's bike is cute.  I have seen people give "rides" to their pets around here, but I think it is mostly older pets that cannot walk easily.


Sure hope that things are going well for you today, Claudia, and you are able to do things at your own pace.


Have a nice evening!






P.S. Thanks for your kind words, Barbara.  DH is such a sweet man that it makes it easier to "do" for him.  Not sure I would have been so good to my ex -- LOL.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Pepper in the bike basket would be awful cute. Does she try to jump out, Barbara?

You made a good choice of what to pack.


Isn't it a great feeling to find an estimate is less than you thought?


R called this morning just before I left for Art in the Wilds. During the night he rolled over on his glasses and broke them . He said he was stopping home to get a spare pair. He didn't ask and I didn't offer to delay my plans and take him the glasses. I'm pretty certain he and his buddies overdid the beer drinking an he went to sleep wearing the glasses. I felt rather selfish but...


What a wonderful show it was this year. I arrived in time to park close by.  It is also alumni weekend in that town. My favorite vendors from last year were back and there were some very talented new ones. I bought a couple pieces of treenware to donate to the Chinese auction fundraiser at R's reunion. It's lightweight and something different. I also brought home another art glass piece to hang in a window. One of the new vendors had leather jewelry. Cuffs with leather flowers and a leather necklace with several leather flowers. The weather was beautiful. I left just as it was getting hot.


Sorry about the g mail account trouble, Linda. I had trouble last night updating the new gps. It took me three tries.


I haven't accomplished much at home. Too tired after the art show. That was a lot of walking on uneven ground. Now I have to start saving for next year's show.


Lol, Linda regarding your ex. Your DH is very fortunate.