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Good is a lovely day..low humidity and nice temps. Nothing on the agenda today...I am starting to generate I have to pick my wardrobe carefully for La, because she will be doing auditions. I think I mentioned I will wear black pants and leggings, sold tops and printed kimono jackets. I have 2 is black and the other a very lacy ecru color. I am taking a lbd in case we have to go to dinner. Yikes


drcided that I am bring maxi dresses to Hawaii...they are the coolest in that kind of weather. Lists and more lists...


Syd and m are off to an acting class..they are working on prepping her for La.


Linda..hope you are feeling much better today. Yikes on the lead caregiver who was not helpful. A lot of usqualufued people get leadership positions and it turns out to be a disaster. Did your youngest dgs ever find a suitable job? Fingers crossed that Dh is smiling today.


Claudia..nice r could go to his 50th anniversary. I think you leave for his other reunion soon.


Per was being Pepper this morning.  She grabbed one of syds small stuffier and decided to play keep away with me. Thank goodness she is small enough I can scoop her up. Going out to potty is also a game with her.


enjoy your day. 😘😘

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Good Morning/Afternoon!  I'm sure you have a lot of lists to fill, Barbara.  Your choices for LA and Hawaii sound good to me.  I wish that maxi dresses worked for me, but not a good look, unfortunately.  Your weather sounds so nice, especially since they keep warning us about excessive heat tomorrow and Tuesday.  Glad Syd is getting some acting lessons.


Unless it happened yesterday, youngest DGS hasn't found a job.  However, he seems very busy with his network administrator training for the certification he wants.  I didn't realize how much work that involved, but I'm glad he is putting in the time. Both DD and I agree that the most important thing for him and his sister is to concentrate on college, but both seem very determined to have jobs.  Her job ends next month, and I imagine she will be on the hunt for another one.


I think the main caregiver talked to management and that sub we had the other day will not be coming back to DH's house.  That is good, but I sure hope she isn't this way in her regular house.  Of course, most of the residents don't need to have a lift like DH.


My throat is still a bit sore, but it is better.  I could not sing the final hymn at church because it hurt and ran home to gargle.  


Glad that R was able to go to his 50th reunion and you saw a colleague there, Claudia.  Hope R is feeling okay today, and things are going well with your furbabies. 


They had a front page article in our very local paper about the puppy who was attacked by bees.  They removed at least 200 stingers, and he is doing fair.  But, they think he will be in treatment for quite a long time and are asking for contributions for his care.  


Need to get to the gym now.  Hope both of you have a nice evening!





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TT seemed to be doing better but just had trouble with his hind legs again so I'll be checking in with the vet again. He seems to manage the steps okay but I worry that will change. I remember our husky getting an injection which helped.


Your head must be spinning Barbara with all the decisions and lists. Pepper is quite a mischief maker.


Linda, I have found that midi length works better for me than maxi length. Good news about the puppy but I'm sure vet expenses are mounting up. I'm glad you're feeling better.


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Good afternoon. I spent some of the morning talking to online schools and was no too excited with any of them. The big issue is that for a couple there is no flexibility in the time she has to be online. And we cannot guarantee that she will always be available during the school day. There is no one in at the school district so I will have to keep on trying to contact  I may end up designing a curriculum for her withe help of the science and math teachers in the family. We will be fine.


i thinkmit is going to rain soon. Looks very cloudy outside.


Syd is not going to dance next year but m knows someone who will work with her privately.


Linda you are having some very hot weather for sure. Hope Dh is more smiley for you. I have a couple of pairs of I’m 24/7 pants that I really like but I do not need to but anything right now. They fit my small hip body well.


Claudia..hope tt is doing better today..I did not realize that he was 9 .


have a good rest of your day.😍😍

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Good Afternoon!  Hope TT is doing okay, Claudia.  Before I started working with veterinarians I did not realize that larger dogs had shorter life expectancy than smaller dogs -- just does not seem logical to me, but I know there is a good reason.  


Even midi skirts/dresses don't look very good on me, unfortunately.  I did not realize that was the case until someone took a photograph of me in what I thought was a beautiful midi skirt and blazer.  Oh well.....  I also don't wear skirts above my knees, so my options are limited.  Good thing I don't need anything new.


Sorry you were not able to find a satisfactory on-line school, Barbara.  I know that it took DD a while to find one, and she changed when DGD went from elementary school into the next level, and maybe once again.  In her county, there is a special home school official who has to visit your home, check on the course, etc., and give you the okay.  She was the one who suggested that DGD could do extra work and graduate from high school two years early.  Since Syd will be returning to her regular school, it probably would be even more complicated.  Glad you and the others can do the job.


I'm not surprised Syd won't be in dance next year, but good that she will be able to get help elsewhere.  I think I may have forgotten to mention some of the drama that has gone on at DH's DGD's session in Texas.  First of all, some students were injured fairly early on, and sat out for a while.  A boy from India actually went back to India due to an injury.  And, another boy was sent away immediately after a bullying incident.  She did not know any specifics.  Yikes!


I'm still not rushing to buy the IM pants, but I think they are a good deal.  I don't have slim hips, but they work for me as well.  Just not a need, and I really want to buy the table and chairs so it is difficult to justify the purchase.


DH smiled a little bit today, but not much.  I discovered a hard place at the bottom of his ribcage (in the middle.)  I'm not sure if there is something wrong, or if it just showed up due to his being so very thin.  I touched it, and he says it does not hurt.  I talked to his DD about it, and she said it is probably nothing to worry about, but I will mention it to the nurse when I see her.  We both wish we had found it when she was here.  


I'm a little better today, but still not back to normal.  It is very hot here, and not as dry as usual so it feels worse.  They are saying the excessive heat alert will go until Thursday, so lets hope the AC keeps running well. I plan to go to the pool this afternoon, but need to wait until the sun is off the pool a bit.


Hope both of you have a nice evening!






P.S. Army DGS asked his Mom if it was okay for him to bring three soldiers with him.  Apparently, they normally get hotel rooms since they live too far from the base, but the Army forgot to rent rooms for them this Thursday (I think).  Guess she will be picking them up late Thursday and they will be sleeping in the basement.  Hopefully, just for one night.

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A let good morning...such a beautiful day again. It is going to be much cooler for a few days.. that is fine by me...


nothing on on the agenda today...I continue to call online schools. No one is around in the district here and I do need to talk to her school..


poor m is very stressed with her new job, plus all of syds stuff. That is why I am doing so much of the arranging.


Linda, hope Dh is a bit more smoky today...stay safe in the heat..


Claudia hope your day is going ok and that r is good.



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Griffyn had his grooming appointment today and is now sleeping the sleep of the totally exhausted. When he realized he was going he danced around. Tomorrow will be a different story when TT goes. I plan to pick TT up after he is groomed and go on to the vet. We'll be early but it's silly to take him home .For a half hour and then go back.


Several very friendly cats at the groomer/rescue. 2 were "tuxedo" cats. No I didn't bring them home though I wanted to.


The groomer lost her Gt. Pyr last month and  misses him terribly. Her husband said "no" to a puppy citing their age. I know how she feels. I've had many dogs and loved them but something about this breed grabs my heart.


Good luck with the online schools and contacting Syd's school, Barbara. M is lucky you can do much of the arranging.


I wish it were cooler here.


Linda, I hope you're feeling better and staying out of the heat. Also hope your DH is doing ok.

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Good Evening!  Glad your weather is good, and you are able to help M with Syd, Barbara.   She is lucky to have you available and able to help..  


Good luck with TT tomorrow, Claudia.  Sorry it is so hot there.  Here too, of course.


My work buddy called this morning to say that she and her husband were taking one of their cats to the vets to be put down.  She was crying and said she had been crying for two days.  This was their older cat, and a very sweet girl (tuxedo by the way.)  Needless to say, she could not come to work today.


I had some help with serving the hot meat, but I ended up working quite a bit extra since my helpers didn't do the clean-up, etc.  One of our participants who also volunteered from time-to-time came in a wheelchair with her husband.  She looked very fragile, and her husband told me that she had a bad surgeon and had to "fire" him and get a new one.  She has diabetes, and had quite a few or maybe all of her toes amputated.  I felt very badly for her, but it was good to see her.


The gym went okay, and DH was so-so.  He just does not smile a lot these days, but he did a couple of times.  My favorite caregiver has 30 chickens, goats, etc., and she offered me some fresh eggs which she brought in today.  Looking forward to trying really fresh eggs.  


They are saying just one more day of these extremely hot temperatures, and then it will "only" reach 100 degrees or so.  Swimming wasn't even too nice yesterday since it was so very hot.


DD said now she is not sure when Army DGS will be coming home.  I guess the Army likes to keep them guessing.


Sleep well!





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Good afternoon. My exciting morning was taking syd to Barnes and noble . M gave her a gift certificate ...she earns bonuses for her excellent work and she can get many neat things with them she bought all of syds Xmas gifts using her bonus points. 



It is is supposed to rain but has not happened yet. V is doing laundry for me.


linda..congrats on the walking award..that is a lot of are blessed that you can do that much exercise. Also good for dd and dgd for decluttering...that is such a good feeling..syds stuff remains a work I. Progress. She told me that she can’t give up things yet. Hope Dh is more smiley for you. Your heat sounds horrible..


Claudia..I bet griff and tt are gorgeousxafter grooming...pepper has an appointment next week. Hope the vet can help tt...


syds schooling is is still a work in one is in school until after August 1.


enjoy your day..I continue to feel pretty well.😍😍

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Glad you continue to feel pretty well, Barbara.  DH used to adore going to bookstores, so much so that sometimes I would leave him in the bookstore while I went shopping.  He never minded, and I still have plenty of time to look at books when I finished with the other stores.  It is so sad that he cannot read any more. 


Not many smiles today, unfortunately.  He was pretty tired and leaning to one side a lot.  The nurse visits tomorrow, and I plan to discuss it with her.  May just be a natural progression, but he wakes up every so often and tries to tell me something.  I cannot understand it, except sometimes he says please help me.  


At least  you have a date when people will start to be available at the school system.  When do you leave for LA?


I think I have done too much walking, but I'm not ready to cut back too far at this point.  I'm sure that time will come.  I'm not that great at figuring these sorts of things out, but I think I have been walking 9 miles a day or so on average -- yikes!


Hope grooming and the vets went well, Claudia.  Probably very tiring.


My work colleague whose husband died  suddenly from a heart attack e-mailed me yesterday.  I didn't realize what she needs to handle.  She has sold back the horses he purchased to the lady who sold them to her husband.  And, she has hired a lawn service to handle their 5 acre place.  But, she needs to decide what to do with three vehicles, three tractors, lots of equipment, etc.  Thank goodness she has her puppy to entertain her and bring her some joy.  


DD's area continues to have lots of storms and flooding.  And, it is extremely hot here.  My energy level is pretty low, and I don't think I could handle going outside any time soon.  Thank goodness my throat seems much better, and I think I can eat regular foods again.  


DH's DD and her husband and younger daughter are going to Texas tomorrow to visit and bring home the older girl from the dance "school".  They are expecting very hot weather there.


Hope both of you sleep well.



