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good morning...I fly out this morning. Will back in az about 130. 


Syd and m are still sleeping..Syd was at dance for 10 hours yesterday so she was pretty tired last night.


Linda, glad you had a nice time at the hoa meeting yesterday.


i will post more after I get home this afternoon.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

Good Morning!  I'm sure Syd was very tired after all that time at dance, Barbara.   Hope your flight back to Arizona is easy.


The HOA meeting  yesterday was okay. but way long.  Several people, including the rest of our table,  left early.  The head of the architecture committee said that they encouraged people to paint their homes colors other than white or off white, and convert their carports into garages for the sake of the neighborhood.  My mind started working -- I'm sure DH would not approve, but..... I think both of those things might be nice, but I'm sure there would be a significant cost involved.  Any changes like that need to go through their committee, and probably the county for the garage part.  


They are having a quartet singing at church today, and I decided to skip it.  They are pretty good, but I have heard them every year, and I'm not a big fan of their music.  Hope to go to the gym early today since they are having an event there later.  Of course, we could go to a different fitness center, but I prefer using one where I know the machines.


Lots of paper work for me to do today, as well as ironing, etc.   But, I'm trying to take things a bit easy.  DH seems to be doing pretty well this morning, at least so far.


Hope you are doing okay today, Claudia, and R isn't in too much pain.


Have a nice day!





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

58 degrees here. It's very pleasant. Hope your flight is good, Barbara.

Linda, it sounds like a pretty good day. I agree that painting the houses colors other than white is a good idea. Converting the carports is a more expensive proposition.

Griffin is woofing in the kitchen so I need to put the dog dishes away.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

Good Morning/Afternoon!  Hope your flight home went okay, Barbara.  Also hope things are okay at your house, Claudia.  


I was laughing to myself yesterday -- I was on one machine at the gym, and the lady on the machine next to me was named Claudia. The lady next to her machine was named Barbara.  Wish we lived closer.


It is pretty cool here, and it rained a bit overnight.  The winds were very high, and my little wind chime broke off yesterday afternoon.  Not looking forward to our colder than normal weather, but it should be back into the 70's this weekend.


I got quite a bit done yesterday, not that there isn't a ton more to do, but the paperwork is at least started, and I have done some needed cleaning.  DH's caregiver came this morning, and she did better with the teeth brushing.  DH is doing okay, but he is sure having trouble with the bathroom -- this morning, he got off the toilet, and was going in the hall.  I had only turned my back for a couple of minutes.  Yikes!


Hoping for a quiet and productive day here.  DD said that Army DGS could not take his PT test since there was snow everywhere so they couldn't run outside, etc.  He will be taking the test the weekend of February 20th.  The good news is that oldest DGS has been putting him through some PT tests at the gym, and he is doing well.


DGD is finishing up her last high school course -- wow!  She won't be taking any college classes until the Fall since it is too late for spring.


Hope both of you have a nice day!







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

My cleaning ladies were here this morning. The house is nice and sparkly clean. One less thing for me to do before my brothers arrive tomorrow night.


my flight home was is very chilly and windy should warm up later in the week.,


M said Sydnie cried last night because I left. That child is so attached to my that it is scary. Her puppy weighs 1 pound.


Lind! It sounds as if dh has completely forgotten what the bathroom is for. I wonder how much longer you can care for him. ???? I admire you so much . Glad ddgs is doing well with his training.,I graduated from high school at 16. Think your dgd has me beat, that is awesome. 


Claudia, hope your day is going well.


(((hugs))) have a great day.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

Good for oldest DGS, Linda. He'll get younger brother in shape. Lol on the other ladies at the gym. Poor DH and you. That is a major problem. Am I correct in thinking his DD visits this month?


Glad your house is sparkly clean, Barbara. Not so mine. Enjoy your family and their visit. As Syd matures she'll still be attached but probably not as deepy as other  people come into her life. Still it's a blessing she has you and V.


The clinic doctor ordered x-rays to check R's hip. Luckily it can be done locally Thanks to the thaw I managed to get the back yard cleaned up.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

We asked the clinic doctor about the emg results and she has not received them. Need to contact the place that did them.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

I played cards this morning...won a dollar for lowest  I have choir practice in an hour. V needs to make one of the beds for me and I will have to go to the grocery store for a few last minute items. 


It it is pretty chilly here for the desert. But the sign is shining. There is a lot of snow expected in the twin cities and ms boss will not let them leave early. I hope she has someone to pick up Syd if she does not get to school by 6.


Claudia...cannot believe the emg results were not sent. Good that you got the back yard cleaned up. When does Adam leave????


linda, hoe your day is going well. 


More later.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

Griff was in time out in the kitchen. I went to release him only to find him standing on his hind legs, moving the electric teakettle to one side and reaching for the box of mini Danish from Wegman's. Sigh.


Adam was talking mid February. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the end of the month.

40's here today. Since we are supposed to get rain tomorrow I went to Wegman's today. I'll hopefully get the dog food tomorrow.


Fingers crossed M can pick Syd up on time or has someone to do it.


R called the office where the emg was done to tell them his VA doctor had not received the results. They asked for the fax # which he did not have. He gave them the clinic's telephone # and asked them to call him if they couldn't get through. We haven't heard anything so hopefully they got through.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 31

Good Evening!  I hope things worked out okay for M picking up Syd, Barbara.  DGD turns 16 on Thursday, so like you, she will be 16 when she graduates.  Hope it warms up a bit for your brothers.  It was quite cool today, especially when the wind was blowing.  I am glad I had my warm jacket on when I took a walk.


That Griff -- he is certainly getting into mischief, Claudia.  So sorry the results haven't gotten to R's doctor yet.  How frustrating.  Good luck to Adam with his move.  


Yes, DH's DD and younger DGD are coming for a visit Friday after this one.  I'm a little concerned about the bathroom/shower, but hopefully we can work things out.  I'd like to go out to dinner rather than cook both nights (they are only staying two nights), and I think his DD will be fine with that.  But, the restaurants around here are quite busy this time of the year.


DH was fine at day services, which is good for me.  I took a walk, did my volunteer job, and went to the gym.   That is why I'm so late in posting.


DGS' computer arrived today, and DD sent a picture of him working on it.  He seems to like it, which is good.  


They had a bunch of overripe bananas at work, and I will need to bake some banana bread tonight or tomorrow.  


Hope both of you have a nice evening!



