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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

So sorry to hear about V, Barbara.  I know from my ex and others that kidney stones can be extremely painful.  Not to generalize too much, but I think many men don't make good patients.  Hope he is better, and you will be less frazzled soon.  Does this mean you did not get your infusion yesterday?


Glad you could give some advice to your friend, Claudia.  I have benefited very much from advice from you, Barbara, and others who have "been there" at some point, and now I'm trying to do the same when possible.  Hope you enjoy the new wood cart for the microwave -- sounds nice.  Also hope that the kitchen renovations can get back on track soon.


After such a big build up (to myself for sure), the hospice visit was a bust.  I got to the patient's room and told her that I was there for a visit, and she said she was just about to take a nap.  She said maybe I could come back another day, and if the hospice volunteer coordinator agrees, I probably will do so on Friday.


Meanwhile, youngest DGS drove oldest DGS' car to work, and it started steaming.  He took it to their garage which is right across the street from his work, and it turns out that the water pump exploded, threw coolant throughout the engine, wrecked the hoses, etc.  Also, the car needs new back brakes.  Long story short, it will cost $1,000 to get the car (actually, I think it is a small SUV) repaired.  Oldest DGS does not have the money, and will not be paid for about three weeks.  So, I volunteered to pay for the repairs.  Rather than pay me back, I want him to save to buy a new/used car and give this one to his youngest brother.  The mechanic said that it is a good car, but is old and these things just happen.  Yikes!  


I was thinking that I could help my youngest DGS get a car once my SIL no longer needs help with paying for hers, but this is another option.  


Now I have a little time on my hands, so I guess I'll take a walk.  The weather is pretty nice.  DD said it is very cold there.


Hope things are looking up for you, Barbara, and both of you sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Linda, it's too bad your hospice visit did not work out today. All that anticipation and then ....nothing.


At least oldest grandson's vehicle f an be fixed and you're able to help out.


I dropped R at bowling then went to pick Griffyn up. The girls at the rescue/kennel had tried Griff with a recent unclaimed stray - a large hound. The 2 hit it off quite well though I'm wondering about the combination of Griff's bark and the hound barking. Growing up we had a Be able in between a Cocker Spaniel and a Boston Terrier. There's also a very sweet pitty mix that had 10 puppies they found homes for.


When I got home with Griff the kitchen consultant had just pulled up. I created Griff. It appears the replacement sink (black) would take 4 weeks to be shipped so I opted for stainless steel rather than wait. The black is nice but my main criteria is that it is a single sink. The windows have been ordered. She made a note of the few items that need attention. After asking how to open the new windows above the sink we found the old storm windows were still in place. Those will need removed.


I was late picking R up from bowling and as I turned down the street for the bowling alley I found he had started walking (actually more like hobbling). Smh.I


Barbara, I hope V is not in as much pain after the doctor visit and you can relax a bit.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Good Evening!  That is wild about R walking home, Claudia.  At least he did not fall.  I am with you about the single sink.  When I was looking at them, it seemed like there were far fewer for sale compared to double sinks.  I want to be able to wash large cooking sheets, etc., which is not easy with a double sink.  I know what you mean about the hound.  At least you would know which dog was barking.  LOL  But, it might be too much depending.  


I think I saw on FB that you and Syd were headed to LA, Barbara.  Hope that goes well, and V is better.


I went to the gym and the caregivers group today.  Since the hospice coordinator said it was okay, I plan to try to visit the patient again tomorrow morning.  


My SIL quit her job, and she was very pleased that they had a surprise party for her.  The director and assistant director made nice speeches.  Her moving day is the second weekend in February.  She has sold most of her furniture, but is busy getting things ready for the move.  


DGS' car cost another $200 -- more brake work.  Yikes!  Hopefully, the car will be okay now, and eventually can be passed on to youngest DGS.


Hope both of you sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

[ Edited ]

Luckily R had only walked a block. Still smh.


We drove up early afternoon so R could see the hound. Barking is kind of holding us back. The only other choice right now is a pit mix. However it and cats don't mix. Some pits do get along with cats though. I'll probably be taking Griff back up next week. Hopefully the contractors will be back then. I presume since a stainless single sink is in stock they will be able to hook that up along with the dishwasher. Hopefully the windows will be in too.


Even worse than washing large pans in a double sink is trying to wash them in a bathroom sink. Lol.


According to the forecast we will be getting quite a bit of snow this weekend. There's a pile out back of old cabinets and wiring along with cardboard from unpacking the new cabinets. I put the large pieces of cardboard in the garage until they haul it off. With heavy snow I could just see it gettin getting soaked, then frozen to the ground.


Fingers crossed for your DGS' car and you SIL's future plans.


Barbara, I bet you're tired. I hope you and Syd had a good flight and V is feeling better.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Yes we are in la..Syd May have a call back tomorrow and she wants here here. So v and I talked mm flies home for a week but he is feeling better a bit..the pain pills help and we will be back Saturday afternoon.


he saw the specialist on Tuesday and thinks the stone can be passed and he doesn’t want to have him under general anesthesia if it is not necessary. We go back o. Tuesday. 


I am am really tired so being away and getting some rest will be good for me.


Sorry about the big repairs on dgs car, Linda....sorry the hospice visit was a bust. But I am sure they will improve.hopefully your sil will be more have done a lot for her.


Claudia sounds as if the kitchen remodel is moving right along. Good luck on finding a companion for Griff. Hope you do not get too much snow.


Have a good evening.🎈🎈

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Good Afternoon!  Hope Syd does get a call back, Barbara.  Also hope V is better and doesn't need surgery.  I remember the doctor telling my ex to drink a lot of water, even at night.  I know most of us would rather not get up at night, but the doctor said it was worth it.  Don't know if that is still the advice they give to people with kidney stones.


Hope you do find a buddy for Griff, Claudia.  I can't imagine having to wash big pans in the bathroom sink.  Hope your new kitchen sink is installed soon.  Fingers crossed the snow won't present too many problems.  DD said that the organization that was going to pick up  their donations tomorrow canceled because they were concerned about the snow.  They had canceled earlier in the week due to snow.  Now it should be done on Monday.


DGS' car seems to be in good shape.  DD said that DGD's classes are quite difficult this term, but she is helping her understand some of the material. Again I pushed her to go back to school once her kids have graduated -- no promises, but I'll keep pushing.


My second hospice visit was no better than the first.  The lady was sleeping, and she didn't want to talk or anything.  Perhaps her regular volunteer will have better luck when she returns from vacation.


I have been to the grocery stores, and I'll take a walk soon.  


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Poor syd..the casting company has put the callbacks on hold..her agent told m the commercial business is very hard to understand..she is still in call back status bit no idea when. Syd is upset but she is new and this is what can happen. 


Vwas ytold to drink a lot of water..he said he is still on pain but I think he is adjusting to it..if that makes sense. I will keep you posted.


Linda, I would imagine being a hospice volunteer could be difficult. Hope dd does not have too much snow...dgd is lucky her mom can help her.


Claudia..hope the sink is sooner rather than later. When my kitchen could not be used, I made very simple meals. Also hope your weather is not too bad.


dnjoy the rest of your day.🌹🌹

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Sorry today's hospice visit didn't work out, Linda. When mother was in hospice care at the nursing home, a hospice volunteer was scheduled to visit. Middle sister decided instead that she's be there and the volunteer could just go home. I was not happy at all that she she showed such little consideration for the volunteer.


The latest forecast says we should get 15" of snow. Just in case I stopped at Wal-Mart for a few things. I also picked up a comfort may to stand on in the kitchen and made sure it was not rubber on the bottom.


What a shame the callbacks are on hold, Barbara.  It's a frustrating situation. I'm glad to hear V is "adjusting". Keep us posted.


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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

Good Evening!  Sorry about them not doing callbacks, Barbara.  How frustrating for Syd, M, and you.  I don't know that I would be able to handle the lack of action.  Hope things turn around soon, and V continues to adjust okay.


That is sure a lot of snow, Claudia.  Hope you don't get that much, and you don't have any problems.  DD's area is supposed to get rain, snow, and ice.  I really hope no one has issues with the weather.


Our weather is very nice, in the 60's for highs.  It does get pretty cool at night, but....  They are talking much warmer weather on Tuesday, but then cooler weather on Wednesday.  Still should make it to the 60's.


It is disappointing not to be able to do the hospice visits, but I certainly can understand that the patient would rather rest.  I remember spending plenty of time with DH when he slept a lot.  


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.





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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 13

The last forecast said 12-15" of snow. So far it hasn't been snowing heavily. In a few minutes we're going back out to shovel and move the car so the snowblower can be used on the driveway.  I hope we do not get as much snow as expected. Our temperatures will be colder this next week. I guess winter has arrived.


Hope you have a good evening.