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REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Good Morning!  Those were lovely photos of you and your grands on FB, Barbara.  Looks like everyone had a great time and liked their new hats.  Hope you are feeling okay today -- imagine you are worn out from yesterday.  Can't remember what you have planned for the day.


Glad you made it to and from the party okay despite the icy roads, Claudia.  Hope your brother enjoys his trip.  I keep hearing about people taking long trips like that, but I just don't think I would enjoy being away from home that long.  Hope you, R, and your furbabies (even the naughty ones) are doing okay today.


It is sunny here, and it was fairly warm this morning.  Starting tonight, they are predicting much cooler temperatures, but no rain.  My hospice visit went well except my patient, who is so thoughtful, kept worrying about me not getting to the party on time.  Her son went to the store and planned to go swimming, but the pool was closed for maintenance.  So, he just went for lunch instead.  They had a cute little Christmas tree with chili pepper lights that a neighbor gave to them.


I made it to the party pretty much on time, but I was a little disappointed.  Usually, they introduce the "study group leaders" (teachers), volunteers, etc., and we have had live music in the past.  This time, it was pretty much eat and talk with the people at your table.  Most everyone left 30 minutes early, including me.  I had not been to Sprouts yet and needed gasoline, so that is what I did before going home.


Nothing exciting planned for today.  I received some forms from Social Security -- wrong ones, unfortunately.  And, they included different forms for a person living in Texas.  I thought it would be very complicated to send them back to Social Security (and take a bunch of time). So, I will send them directly to the person in Texas instead.  Hope this works.


Hope both of you have a nice Sunday.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Good morning...I am tired but yesterday was so worth it. The kids had a great time. Everyone seemed happy within smaller gift stash. The hats did turn out cute. V4 was pouting when the hat pics were


kaia and Vanessa wanted to sing Christmas we did that for a while. They were very cute.


it remains cold here ..just around zero right now, but the temps will moderate this week and no snow is predicted. 😎


Linda, thanks for starting the thread. I hope you enjoyed your party yesterday, even if it was not as good.


Claudia..we were always going to take a long cruise for 3 months, but those days are over. Good that you survived the ice.


enjoy your day.🎄🎄

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Oops. My brother picked September for his trip forgetting his nephew ( youngest sister's son is getting married the 26th) and he'd been told to "save the date".


Tonight's weather is not good. Ice with snow on top of it. Lots of roads closed and already a bad accident. Semi and a car with 2 deaths and a critical injury. Medical helicopter can't fly due to the weather. A number of cars are in ditches on various roads.


We've been home all day. R had mentioned hunting tomorrow but I don't think that will happen. Earlier before the ice and snow started he managed to walk around the block and only needed to stop twice.


Great photos, Barbara. It certainly was a fun day. I see Pepper got into the act in one photo.


A month long trip would be too long for me, Linda. I think my brother is planning to travel on his own not with a tour. He's braver than I am. I'm not sure if his he is going too.


Too bad the party was a disappointment. We got someone else's VA appointment notice once and I just sent it on.


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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Good afternoon..I had a dr appt this afternoon...

just back from that and picking up prescriptions. There were a lot of people out and about today...the lot at target was full but there were not a ton of people in the store.


sounds as if yesterday was a good day not to go out. This storm has missed us.


Linda..hope your day is ok.


sleep well..I remain cold. Brrrrr⛄️⛄️



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Hope your weather was much better today, Claudia.  Yesterday sounded awful.  I think you were wise to stay in for the day.  DD said it was snowing there when I called, but no ice at that point.  Wonder if R went hunting.  Will your brother change his reservation or skip the wedding?


It was crowded here as well, Barbara.  Hope the prescriptions help.  I'm feeling very chilly here today, but I know it is a lot warmer than in MN.  They predicted a hard freeze tonight, so I have covered my plants.


I had a busy morning/early afternoon.  Strong bones, eye doctor (have glasses adjusted since the nose pieces were hurting), packed UPS store (returning a package), pharmacy (had my second shingles vaccine), and then Wal Mart to pick up a few things, including more salt for the water softener.


DD received my package on Saturday, and my card today.  That pleases me.  I heard from the lady I hung around with on the Italy trip, and she is a busy bee.  Her next two trips (spring and fall) are cruises.  One is a cruise around the Mediterranean and then to the Black Sea, and the other is a trip to England on the Queen Mary 2 plus a theater tour in London.  Both Road Scholar tours and she pays the single supplement.  I'm sure that we are talking lots of money, but she wants to travel while she still can.  She has friends who are way past that point. 


Not sure if I mentioned it, but I was able to sign up for the Salvation Army Christmas lunch (actually Christmas Eve lunch).  Some other ladies I know will be attending, and it sounds like fun.  I try to take advantage of as many outings as I can since I can be lonely.


Hope both of you have a nice evening and sleep well.











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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

I'm glad the storm missed you and you got the prescriptions, Barbara.


We got a couple inches of snow with ice underneath. I managed to clear most off the front steps and sidewalk. R tried using the snowblower but it ran out of gas partway along the driveway. He never thought to get more gas this fall. 


I hear there was an accident on the hill up to the elementary and high school this morning. It's a very steep hill and then a winding drive. It's too bad they didn't call for a 2 hour delay for the county given the icy roads.


I mailed out the cards to Adam (birthday and Christmas), Whitney and family, and Mike for him and the boys. Also got Jamie's card out.


Linda, I rather suspect my brother will go on with his plans. You got a lot of things done. I'm glad the nose pieces feel better. I hope you enjoy the Christmas Eve lunch.


This time of year can be lonely. R isn't fond of holidays so sleeps or binge watches movies or hunts of its muzzleloader season. I can understand the lady from your last tour traveling while she can. If not for remodeling that's what I'd be doing. I hope once we're done with the major remodels we can take another trip.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Good afternoon..I am sitting under my heated dr said to keep my joints warm to help with the stiffness. I did a load of laundry also. It is cold today, but it will be better later in the week when the temps will moderate a bit.


we sold out Hawaii timeshare. I am very happy..
the resort took it back and we will get a bit of money. That is a relief. 😎😎


Claudia...I understand that a lot of people do not like the niece just moved to Connecticut and she was amazed the schools were closed.that would never happen here. 

i, on the other hand, live the holidays . There was never any drama in our families growing up. I realize that I was very fortunate.


my dil,is having a hysterectomy today...I am waiting to hear.


Linda..your grandchildren are all adults nw...mine are growing up too fast. 

my kids are going to start working on the house to get it ready to sell.  The time has come for m to get her own place. It will be a process...


hope your day s going well. 🎄🎄❄️❄️⛄️

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Wow Barbara @sydsgma1   Congratulations on selling the timeshare.  I've never bought into one however I've read that they can be hard to sell/unload.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

Sitting under a heated throw sounds like a great idea, Barbara.  Very happy you were able to sell your timeshare.  Do I understand it correctly -- you will sell your house, and then go in with M to buy a townhouse?  Sounds exhausting to me, but I guess it is time.  A lady in my strong bones class called Monday morning to say she would not be there since she was putting her house on the market today.  Her daughter helped her with getting the house ready.  I know she has been thinking about this for months.  Her husband passed away last November (2018), and she wanted to move to a smaller place.  


As I mentioned on the other thread, my volunteer buddy and her husband finally sold their "old" house.  They didn't get as much money as they wanted, but not bad.  I know that has been stressful.


No snow or ice here, but it is cold for us -- was only 31 when I got up this morning.  These houses are just not very well insulated. 


Hope your DIL is okay.  


Sorry R doesn't enjoy the holidays much, Claudia.  No doubt that makes them less fun for you.  I know my SIL used to be sad around the holidays since his Dad died around Christmas time (my SIL was only a teenager).  Not sure if he still is the same way, but it did put a pall over the holidays for DD in the past.   Hope your weather was better today.


I'm sleepy today, but I did make it to the gym.


Hope both of you sleep well tonight.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS -- Week of December 15th

I'm sure you're relieved to no longer have the timeshare, Barbara. I know we were relieved when the campground took our campground timeshare back. no money but it was worth it to be rid of it. We were told it wasn't a timeshare but that's exactly what it was and many of had lots of problems with it.  Never again. At least you used your timeshare over the years and enjoyed it.


I hope your dil's surgery went well. 


It's good you'll have help getting the house ready to sell. Do you have ideas yet on what and where you want to buy?


A heated throw is sounding better and better.


Linda, I'm sure your volunteer buddy is relieved the house sold. It's a lot of stress. I'm  glad you made it to the gym.


Your temperatures were close to ours today. 31° is cold for your area. There was a coating of ice plus snow. I did get the walks shoveled but used a small shovel I usually keep in the car. It's lighter in weight so is easier on my shoulder. R got the gas can for the snowblower filled after pt.


Stray kitten turned up for food and its shyer sibling sat across the street. If I'm late putting good out in the morning it's often halfway up the front steps looking but still keeps a "safe" distance.