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Still waiting for UPS. I sent R on his own to the doctor appt. He just got back and now they say he needs a stress test. Already had the echocardiogram.


Good luck with tomorrow's walk, Linda. The mobile urgent care sounds like a good idea.


I introduced kittens to a commercial milk for kittens. 2 thought it a great idea. The smallest- the black and white waddled right through it. Next week I'll try mixing it with canned kitten food.


Have a good visit, Barbara. It's good you got the knitting straightened out.

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Posts: 7,548
Registered: ‎03-13-2010



The walk went fine, and it ended sooner than I expected.  It is difficult for me to get up and out early like that, but I just postponed the bath, etc.  It will all get done.  I received an e-mail that this was the most successful walk they have had, which is good.  I liked the location, and I think I'll take DH there one day for a walk -- nice and flat.  The ladies I walked with (from one of my newcomers groups) were nice.  Only four of us, and one only walked part way, but......


I can't believe about UPS, Claudia.  Hope you have received the medicine by now.  You are such a dedicated pet Mom.  Those kittens are so lucky.  It is funny about R going to his appointment by himself.  I have forgotten that DH used to do that sort of thing.  He has not been driving since my accident June before last, and he didn't drive much several months before that.  Earlier, he loved to drive and travel.


Hope that Barbara is having a great time.  


I don't know if I  mentioned it, but youngest DGS and DD saw his school adviser who suggested he apply for college right away (he hopes to get an academic scholarship), and he applied for five colleges -- all small with football teams.  His team won big yesterday evening, and he did a very good job according to DD.


Hope both of you have a nice day!





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Posts: 3,221
Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Good news the walk was shorter than you expected, Linda and was so successful. Fingers crossed for youngest DGS.


The meds arrived yesterday, fortunately. I gave R a yearly life insurance insurance form to have the doctor complete. The insurance company waives his premiums as long as he is unemployable. I had him sign it just before leaving. What did I find when I went to the store at 5? The form stuck in the car visor. Monday I'll need to drop it off.


The kittens have found a new place- under the painted coffee table. I moved it to the spare room when Griffyn came home as I did not want him chewing on it. Covered it with a blanket. I spotted the kittens in their new den. They have abandoned the beds in the closet.

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Posts: 7,548
Registered: ‎03-13-2010


Too bad that R forgot that form, Claudia.  I bet the kittens are cute in their new "den".  


Pretty quiet around here.  We had a nice walk, I went to church, and then we went to the gym and had lunch.  Now to prepare dinner and do my ironing.


I think I'm pretty finished with my cabinets (have the shelf liner in, etc.)  But, I don't know when the work will be finished -- maybe tomorrow or Tuesday?  DH has two doctor appointments this week, and I'll be going to the audiologist to be fitted for my custom ear plugs tomorrow.  We will be going on a day trip on Friday as well.  So, it looks like a busy week.


Hope Barbara is having fun, and both of you have a nice evening!





Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,221
Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Are the earplugs for swimming, Linda?


Your week sounds a bit like my week. 3 appts. Tuesday at the VA. Friday the installer at Lowe's is coming to check the measurements. Meanwhile our fencing person called. The fencing is in but they sent the wrong fence.


Adam has started back with the reserve to finish out his commitment. A big relief to me. This weekend was drill and family day was today. He didn't mention us going down but I asked when he was headed out and his eyes lit up. R decided to go after his pain med took effect so I loaded up the 2 birthday boys- R and TT and set out. Adam had oriinally thought of taking TT. It's about a 60 mile drive and we stayed an hour or so before heading back.


Meanwhile Whit is furious. A car drove onto their property and dumped a mother dog and 2 pups. They have it on video from their security cameras. They haven't been able to find the dogs though.


I ate supper (pizza) upstairs because R turned the gas fireplace on as his feet were colf. It was close to 80 degrees downstairs. If he'd wear shoes or slippers his feet wouldn't be cold. Finally he shut the fireplace off. It's just 8:30 but I'm ready for bed.


The kittens are cute but I can't reach them. I need to mix some milk up.


Barbara, I hope you enjoyed the weekend.