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Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Good morning everyone. Hope all are doing well today.

No shopping on my horizon today, except for a very few necessities in a little bit. After that I will be getting out the furnniture polish to take care of my dining room furniture. Such a shame, as we don't even use the room, but that furniture still has to get cleaned and polished occassionally. Doesn't seem right, lol.

So what is everyone else up to today...more than me, no doubt, lol.

Waves to everyone.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Snicks--Thank you for starting the thread. It is good that I double checked again before hitting the submit button. Your comment about the dining room furniture hit home with me. When I remodeled, I bought new oak dining room furniture. I could have done without it or used a lesser quality as it goes unused also.


It is a beautiful day and one in which I had planned to go to the city to take in a movie and also get some groceries. I'm a little lazy right now so the prospect of spending 3 hours on the road plus a similar amount of time in the city just isn't grabbing me right now. I guess since I have to be there on Wednesday for a cardiology appointment is one factor in the decision. I can do without the movie on that date but still get the groceries. This will save time and gasoline money.


I'm just tired and I have more work scheduled for the coming week. I did work around the house yesterday trimming shrubbery and cleaning up so today appears to be the day of rest.


I still haven't bought my reward but was tempted by Wen and QF. The problem was that I'm well supplied with those lines. I definitely don't need a Masterbuilt TSV.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.


**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Good morning ladies!  I love my (kitchen) table.  It is solid oak and reminds me of my Gram.  I'm sure it is dusty as it is not being used right now either.  Our new rug in the rv really changes the whole look of the place, but now I have to vacuum every other day.  ha ha!  It only takes a minute though so I guess it's all good.


DH and I are having a down weekend.  He told me we could go anywhere I wanted but the things I want to see are all likely packed on weekends.  I would love to see the aquarium but when we did that in Dallas it was a miserable experience because there were so many people there.  After 20 minutes I couldn't wait to get out.  I hope to go with MJ one day in the next few weeks. 


So we are just hanging out.  I will make bugers in a bit. 

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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Jean, I'm glad you are listening to your body and taking a break from all the activity.  I hope you get great test results.  I don't even check before I submit the thread anymore.


Snicks, no shopping for me.  I have a couple things on my list I will go hunt for them tomorrow while DH is at work.  What is for supper?

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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Snicks - Thank you for starting us today.  Hope you get your table polished up.  I just polished the table in our kitchen the other day,  after I did it, I was suprised by how bad it looked and I didn't realize it.  


I went out to look for a fall welcome flag for by my door, I saw 2 Halloween ones but no fall flags.  So no shopping for me.


Jean - We are having a beautiful day here also, I could take this weather all year.  Last night DH and I went to see Black Mass, the Whitey Bulger story,  It was a very good movie.   Enjoy your dayof rest, you deserve it.


Kathleen -  Sounds like a down day is what you and DH need.  It is a pain in the neck to go see places on the weekends, you and everyone else has the same idea.  Enjoy your burgers.


Not much going on here today, I am still deciding what to do and nothing is winning.   Hope everyone has a great afternoon.



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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Hi everyone, I don't have much planned for today.  I overslept so I'm not going to church.  I will just do a bit of cleaning, paper work, and get caught up on some tv watching and book reading.  It's hot outside, so doing some quiet things inside the house sounds good.


Did I mention tnat I'm training my 6 month old kitten Davis?  He's pretty good at coming when I call, almost understands "sit", and is pretty good at "up".  I have to keep practicing those 3 things, plus I'm intruducing "high five".  I've had 2 previous cats that were very good at doing tricks.  The best time to train them is between the ages of 6 and 12 months.  I'm not so sure they ENJOY doing tricks, but they like getting treats!


~   Charlene



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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

[ Edited ]

Snicks, thanks for starting the thread today.  I'm glad I don't have a dining room set (lol). The only shopping I did, was grocery this morning.  Of course, my side of the street is torn up - just a bunch of dirt - and one of the construction trucks took my place two houses down, which means I park three houses down.  Of course there was a sale on 40 pounds of bird seed, so instead of giving myself a hernia, I stopped in front of my house on the single lane of the street, put on my ER flashers and ran all my groceries from the trunk to my garage door.  I was in the pit, out of the pit and thought for a minute I would topple with that 40 pounds of bird seed thrown over my shoulder (lol).  Enough excitement for me for the day.


Jean, when me and DH moved into this house, he had some old furniture.  I didn't want to spring for all new furniture for a new house, plus I didn't want him to think what he had wasn't enough to contribute so for years I had a dark china cabinet thing and a table and chairs that could have at one time come from a dining room set.  I'll tell you what, it was circa 60's or 70's and man did they make furniture with real wood back them.  Well, it always made the dining area of my kitchen looked dwarfed and years after DH passed, I decided to go for a kitchen set.


I love oak and mission style or arts and crafts style of furniture.  Unfortunately they usually make DR sets, not kitchen sets in that style.  After accepting that the set I saw in JCP was way too long (that table went on and on - lol), I went to a dinette place.  There I found an oak dinette set in Mission style.  I studied and visited that set for a couple of weeks.  I then thought, Bernie, you are the only one in the family that likes the style.  You are nearly 50 years old, got no kids and don't entertain.  Why spend the money?  So, as crazy as this sounds, I bought ready to assemble stuff for the kitchen.  The hutch and cabinet thing I got from a furniture company no longer in business (online).  The table and chairs I ordered from Target.


I love it.  It suits my kitchen size, is oak and white and really opens up the area.


I don't like cooking in my kitchen, so you know I'm not cooking outside (lol).  The TSV is really of no interest to me.


Kathleen, enjoy your laid back weekend with hubbie :-)


Susan, thanks for bringing up the topic of a fall flag.  I need to change out my wreath on the front door.  


Charlene - I can't believe Davis is 6 months old already.  I can believe that cats can be trained to do certain things.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Susan, it's funny how we don't realize things are getting dingy.  I looked up this morning and discovered COBWEB CITY at the tops of our curtains.  DH is watching football and it makes me feel sleepy.  I guess if we live here for a year I will replace the couch (my home needs it anyway) with matching recliners I found at Sam's.  They were comfy and not oversize so I'm pretty sure they would fit.


I want to get some sun but it's awfully hot out there.  I have my suit on so I'm just slowly headed to the pool.


Charlene, I've not heard of "trained" cats before.  You should take a video.  My Mom has been giving me a hard time posting videos of her dog rolling over and talking smack.  Kyanne has been rolling over for ages, so it surpriseid me.  I posted some videos too, and one of their friends (who isn't in the loop) got worried that I was disrespecting their dog.  Too funny!  I have to remind myself it's ok if people don't get it. 


I went to church this morning but it wasn't the one.  I didn't leave feeling uplifted. Music was not celebratory.  So came home, researched and will head out to another church Sunday.

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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

Hi girls!

It's a beautiful day out, but...unless I want to share the pool with about 100,000 teeny tiny tadpoles, I guess I won't be using it again this season. Cat Frustrated  Of course, I now have a bit of conundrum - I need to empty it and put it away, but hate to kill all the little guys.  There are some larger ones in the dogs' pool (which they don't use except to drink from), but they never seem to get past a certain stage; I don't know if "something" is eating them or what...


I took a drive with the dogs last night; I picked up a few BOGO things at Publix and got another one of those flatbread pizzas in Walmart - this one is buffalo chicken, and I hope it's as good as the pepperoni and fresh mozarella. 


Jean, I haven't seen a movie in ages; the last one was around my birthday in January. There's nothing out there that appeals to me; certainly nothing that I'd want to spend $10.50 to see.  The local theater company is producing "Sister Act" - hopefuly I can get to see it later this week. 


Charlene, I think kittens are their cutest between about 2 and 6 months old. My Baby Ziggy is hitting a year old now, and oh, he's so naughty!  Like most of them he knows his name, and when I use "a certain voice" and call him, he knows he'd better stop what he's doing right away!  Cat LOL  He loves to climb up on the TV (an old one I don't use) and knock bears off the bookshelves.


I have a dining room set that never gets used, and to my dismay discoverd that - despite having over a half dozen assorted scratching pads and posts, plus a cat tree - "someone" has been using some chair legs.  (sigh)  Cat Sad The table is really too big for the room; I failed to measure, and it didn't look as big in the store...and of course empty rooms look huge.


Bird, most of the furniture my former husband brought to the marriage was so bad I couldn't give it away!  BTW, did you see the story I left for you yesterday?

Well, I have a homework assignment I need to get to, then have to get the new vacuum put together and get these rugs cleaned up; I'll also have to shampoo them later this week.  It's also - oh joy! - litter box scrubbing day.  No plans to go anywhere; I'll use my $10 JCP coupon later this week.


Have a blessed day, everyone! 






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Re: Shopolics: One Day at a Time (Sunday Sept. 20, 2015

[ Edited ]



Arlene, I responded to you about the dancing bird yesterday and gave you hearts for the footless bird that sings opera. 



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise