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Registered: ‎08-01-2011

Question about REAL Kennedy jewelry

On 8/2/2011 namealreadytaken said:

"Jackie always dressed beautifully and about 80% of her jewelry was costume or fashion jewelry, high-end fashion jewelry, a la LDO's. So I feel I am in good company."

Reading these boards I came across this statement. I don't find it believable. I heard that most of her pearl jewelry was fake, due to extreme rarity of natural pearls and not availability of farm raised pearls at that time.

But I never heard about her wearing base metals. I watch Kennedy Jewelry shows for fun and every single piece that I ever saw presented originally was made out of HIGH CARATAGE gold , REAL RUBIES, DIAMONDS, EMERALDS, SAPPHIRES, etc... Even Kennedy's silverware was solid gold or sterling silver.

So, why people spread rumors like that ? What is the purpose? JKO looked like very luxury loving women to me.