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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

This is certainly not my first complaint about this but I just looked at my order status and things that I bought on 5 different dates were held in processing and NOW they are all being shipped out on the same day. This upsets me on so many levels. I am going to receive an embarrassing bunch of pkgs. on the same day. This alone, is enough to stop me from ordering. It has happened before and I said never again so I made sure the things I ordered were on different days. It makes no difference to the Q, they just hold them and then ship everything out on the same day. I am furious and it takes a whole lot to make me furious. I complained to CS about this. Shipping people work reduced hours now and there are only a couple of days a week when they bring in more people so this is the reason for the BULK shipping. I know how upside down our economy is, I understand that companies are trying to adjust by shifting hours, etc. I would rather know up front so I can cancel rather than have my stuff sitting in processing for days until the Q brings in enough people to actually ship. I HATE that I cannot cancel anything these days because it goes so swiftly to processing only to hang for days. Amen!! {#emotions_dlg.mad}

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I am going to receive an embarrassing bunch of pkgs. on the same day. This alone, is enough to stop me from ordering

Just curious. Why is this embarrassing?

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎12-24-2010

Well I CAN understand why the OP might be embarrassed - if you work away outside the home during the day .....the neighbors or relatives will see this huge pile of boxes on the door step and ................hurtful remarks or whatever. Boxes are getting stolen often these days, so best not to leave them outside for long.

However, when I see this kind of complaint - I like to remind QVC purchasers that there have been violent snow storms across the country with 13 to 30 car/truck pileups. I'm certain that this factor has caused a backlog of shipping schedules. Smashed up trucks have to be unloaded and cargo reloaded to another workable vehicle before it can reach you.

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I'm the queen of cancellations and I can usually cancel with confidence up to 24 hours after I order. If I can't cancel online,I cancel on the phone with automated customer service. If they are really swamped with orders like say a TSV I have been able to cancel 3 days later. I spoke with a customer service person about the delays in shipping and mentioned the weather and she said that was only part of the reason deliveries and returns are slow.

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Registered: ‎09-12-2010

I have seen this complaint before in the forum. Not understanding. I like the idea of everything tracking to be delivered on the same date. I don't like having to think about it for several days spread out.

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Now I think I've heard everything! The Q should definitely stagger the shipment of this customer's packages so she won't be embarrassed.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I totally agree with you.I feel like you do. It looks like I do crazy shopping.

BUT............if it is the closing time for the month on my QCard. They make sure they all ship just before that day.!!!