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@TY wrote:

I seldom wear white clothing as it turns me into an instant dirt magnet! Same with white shoes; they look worn out and dirty lookin in no time. But this year I did buy a pair of white capri jeans on clearance. But the first time I wore them I got the knee area dirty without doing anything. It ended up that it was a dirty steering wheel cover that was the culprit!

I agree. Even though l love the look of white pants and capris, l prefer low maintenance clothes whenever possible.

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Re: Putting Away White

[ Edited ]

I do not wear optic white in the fall/winter and do not care for off white on me. I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures I hate summer with a passion.Woman Sad This morning it was in the 60s and it was beautiful this morning. The rest of the week it will be in the 80's [yuck] It does not really get cool here in cental NJ until late October early November. I can not wait for fall here it is beautiful when the leaves start to change colors.Woman LOL

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Re: Putting Away White

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I go more by the season than the date.  It's still summer for another week, so if it is warm/hot I will probably continue to wear white.  By the time September morphs into fall, the weather usually dictates that white is probably not the best choice.  I don't really have a rule.


I don't generally pull the white out too early either (in the spring.)  I like to have a little color before I wear it. happy

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I don't wear much white but I do like white accessories.  I have a white handbag that I used yesterday!  It's still hot and technically still summer and I will continue to use it until I'm ready to switch to my fall/winter bags.

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Re: Putting Away White

[ Edited ]

I'm wearing white because it's warm.  I hope I see others wearing it too.

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Sorry -typo or something up with my keyboard.  Keep losing keystrokes.


How do I edit a post again?  Can't figure it out.

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@Snoopp wrote:

Sorry -typo or something up with my keyboard.  Keep losing keystrokes.


How do I edit a post again?  Can't figure it out.


Click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of your OP.  From there, the drop down menu has edit.

Good luck.

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White clothing is a good choice in hot weather because white (or light colors in general) tend to reflect light and heat, while dark colors soak it up.


While it's still ninety degrees plus in southern California, I'm wearing my white!  And we may very well be in for eight more weeks of it!  I would certainly welcome an early El Nino winter; we desperately need rain and cooler temps.

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I am a little Miss Piggy, so usually the only white I wear is sandals or a tee shirt. I leave the pants for special occasions when I have less risk of dirt jumping on. Tee shirts are kept out all year. Sandals are up for grabs yet. I did put away the pants & capris last week, but leave the khaki colored out all year. I'm of the belieft that I will wear it if I feel like wearing it.

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My white bag, pants, and skirt are put away until April.  They just scream warm weather to me.  I know designers say white can be worn all year long, but it really depends on the fabric.

Paws and enjoy life.