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The 28'" tops just don't get it. If you make tops for everyone, then we need tops longer without going to tunic length.
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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I agree with this request. I don't care what the hosts say - the tops do shrink and it is always in the length. I wash in cold and put in the dryer on low for a few minutes and then finish the process by hanging. Still they shrink.

30 inches to start would be great and I'm petite.

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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I also need a 30-inch length in tops. I have despised the "cropped" style ever since it started and haven't purchased any of the shorter tops. I can't wait until this "trend" is over and they start making longer tops again, but not too long - don't like the tunic length either unless it is a jacket.

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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I have wished for this for ages. Tops that end just at the bend of the leg look the best on most everyone imo.

I like tunics but some of them are too long and look more like mini-skirt length.

Denim & Co. has many tops that look so awful, especially on larger sizes. When Carolyn Gracie or one of the larger models turns to the side to show part of the back, I am usually grossed to see the bottom inches of their bottoms!

Just cover up the derriere and end it there!

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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I can't wait until the tops get longer. Also, how about ditching the super thin, see-through fabric?

Seems like the fabrics are getting more and more sheer.

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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

On 5/24/2014 Sunshine Kate said:

I can't wait until the tops get longer. Also, how about ditching the super thin, see-through fabric?

Seems like the fabrics are getting more and more sheer.

ITA! I've especially noticed this year that their summer tops are so thin you need to wear a tank top underneath, which they even provide with the blouse, which would make it quite hot to wear. What's the point in that for a summer top??

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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I only wear tops to the waist so 30"" would be way to long for me.

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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

On 5/24/2014 Sunshine Kate said:

I can't wait until the tops get longer. Also, how about ditching the super thin, see-through fabric?

Seems like the fabrics are getting more and more sheer.

This is universal. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to find a tee that isn't tissue paper thin these days. It's ridiculous.
( \_/ )
( " )_( " )
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Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I don't buy blouses anywhere unless they're at least 29 inches long, 32 is ideal. I like them to hit just at the curve where my leg joins my body. I feel uncomfortable in a top thay shows my stomach if I raise my hands above my head.
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Registered: ‎02-10-2013

Re: Please Make Tops Longer.

I have found most D&C tops are far too long for my tastes. Isaac has longer t shirts and tops on occassion and so does SG. They hit right at mid-hip most of the time. I think there is a decent selection available esp. on the website.