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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

I just remembered that Talbot's has some very nice Pima cotton tee shirts and other cotton items.   When I was trying on spring jewelry there last week, because the shirt I wore in was too "busy" to use as a backdrop for their necklaces, I used a white Pima cotton shirt of theirs as a backdrop to try on the jewelry and I just loved the feel of the shirt.  It was reasonably priced too, even though not on the current sale.   I was tempted to buy it and may in the future.


Thanks for posting @Mellie2 - I'm delighted that you like the pants you ordered and can't wait to hear about your trip to Oh My Gauze!

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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

Lands end, Eddie Bauer and ll bean. Also check the Vermont country store. Woman within for larger sizes has some cotton
Clothes too especially nightgowns.
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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

I don't like 100% cotton, it wrinkles and I like just a little stretch in my cotton.  I think you can find 100% pretty much everywhere you shop.  You just have to be prepared to read labels.  QVC has many many cotton items but I don't think you can do search for them.  You have to pull up things you like and read the fabric content.

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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

I came across a site out of Oregon. Is anyone familiar with this company?

  1. TIA
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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

LL  Bean PIMA cotton!!!!  My favorite by a long shot!

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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

I found 95% cotton underwear camis at Belk.

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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

I prefer 95/5 cotton spandex clothing but what I am finding a serious shortage of cotton SOCKS!     Most are polyester these days ... cotton is too expensive to grow and manufacture.   I have stocked up on cotton socks but still feel I should buy more.

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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

@willdob3 wrote:

For t-shirts & tank tops, JCP's St. John's Bay brand. Many of us get ours there. No shrinking, no pilling, just wonderful shirts in many colors. Inexpensive at full price but almost always on sale for just a few dollars. 

I picked up a few t-shirts & tank tops from JCP recently and I am afraid they might be my last ones from JCP. They seem to be a lot thinner than the ones I have purchased and loved in the past. So thin they are see through in  lighter colors. The fabric feels very cheap, not at all happy. 


Has as anyone else noticed the same problem? The brand is St. John's Bay.

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Re: Please! Everyone who enjoys wearing cotton, please share your favorite brands.

[ Edited ]

I know there are noses that turn up when it is mentioned , but for just around the house , under something, and especially 100% cotton tee shirt nighties I go to Wal-mart. 100% cotton (read the label) and price hovering at $5. I have never had shrinkage of the items and they are not paper thin.