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Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

it would be an interesting lesson if I were into negativity. We could have headers like, "OMG! Snugglemuffin said Lisa's hair is matronly! How stupid!" or "MephistopholesLipgloss mentioned that Lisa's arms are not as toned as Michele O's!" or "WinnieWatchTooMuch says Lisa said 'amazing' 37 times!" Then we could ALL jump on the bandwagon with insults, and those who defend them we could try to humiliate.

The constant Lisa bashing says more about the posters than it does about Lisa.

The ones mocking someone for being old or ill or overweight just make me sad and scared for our kids' future. Some are so caught up in appearances, is it any wonder there is a bullying problem?

Or we could volunteer at a hospital, take care of our parents, find a cure for cancer, take an elderly relative to the movies...or just enjoy these boards and focus our criticisms on the products we have tried and don't like.

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

Or you could just ignore them..........

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

In a way, you just did.

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

When I hear about young girls/teens who bully, I often wonder about their mothers. I'm not eliminating boys, here, but with girls it's often about clothes and appearance. Do these girls get to be bullys from their peers, or do they pick it up from attitudes at home. Everytime I read a post about how someone else's clothing is dated, wrong, cheap, etc...or a type of decorating in another person's house is dated, wrong, etc...I have to wonder why these individuals have decided that they need to cut anyone else down. Do they realize that someone is always going to have better "taste" than they themselves do, have more money than they do, are better looking than them, etc? How would you feel if your child or your mother...never mind themselves....was being picked apart by strangers? Would that be completely acceptable? Or do you think that would never happen? Think again. I agree with you, OP....there are some really shallow people who feel compelled to tear others down.

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

Perhaps a category, or folder, on host bashing is in order instead of random postings. I get the feeling that taking exception with the practice puts a damper on the post. Like minds could find a place to unite and the rest of us wouldn't be tempted to even read the post. I do get where you're coming from.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

I think it is in the hands of QVC. They could stop it. It would take monitoring the posts BEFORE they could be published after the submit button is selected. It would take a team of watchers. And they could pull the offensive post before anyone sees it. They do it for the reviews here nothing is immediate. It would seem they do not care until after the fact.

I don't watch QVC live. I don't really know what is going on as far as what the hosts are doing, saying. I have no clue what they are wearing, etc. I only go online to read reviews, check certain types of items. I always look at reviews before I buyl It is a stall for me and helps my buying impulse stay in check. I am obviously not the model customer for QVC but it saves me lots of money and I don't really have to get bothered by hosts and vendors.

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

Or you could have just NOT even started this post at all but you did!

No different than the people you are posting about

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

Danae24, you are just beyond precious.

Here's a question. Do hosts need posters to come to their defense? Really? Not one host has changed to incorporate criticism, suggestions, good or bad, into their standards of operation or their appearance from the moment they're hired. They are in the public eye and it goes with the territory. They are hired and directed to smack their lips, to repeat sales lines, to push the line up to lying, to lie by omitting info. All this and their appearance promotes their sales. BUT THESE TACTICS DON'T WORK FOR ALL VIEWERS. To some they look and sound ridiculous. And last I checked, it's okay to dislike something or someone and say so. If you don't say that you don't like something, how is anyone going to know anything is wrong or right. Or is it that you have keep you mouth shut if you can't say anything nice. This sentiment says that one needs to be a yes-yes-yes-all-is-fine-and-dandy doormat type person. No, I don't think so. If a host is allowed to insult my intelligence I certainly can call 'em on it.

OTOH, perhaps it's really the poster who is miffed because what they admire is being criticized in a indirect way. These ever so "nice" posters retaliate and bash the negative critique as well as the posters because, in truth, it is their toes that are being stepped on.

Then to suggests to start threads to bash nasty posters, you are basically promoting that same bullying behavior you are reprehending. Seems to be a double standard. Yes indeed, you are just too precious for words.

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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

Well, I started one and a few posters got extremely nasty, especially one who I will not name, who told me to get a life and made other derrogatory remarks against me because I was defending Lisa. Why did I start the thread because I was so sick and tired of the nasty criticizing about everything she wears, does or looks like. Their nastiness speaks volumes of who they really are, especially that certain poster who berated lisa and me but felt she could brag about herself because she was such a fashionista and went on and on about herself and her family. Well, that whole thread was gone. So you see, anyone who is not a basher cannot come to these forums and defend hosts, themselves or anyone, because those bashers know how to be nasty and then hit the report button and the threads are removed. I think QVC should monitor those posters who continually are vile, obnoxious and hurtful to anyone on these boards especially hosts, since they are employed by QVC.
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Re: Perhaps WE could start threads about Host Bashers...of course, I wouldn't, but...

On 2/16/2014 bonnielu said:

I think it is in the hands of QVC. They could stop it.

Exactly. I don't think all posts should be poofed, some of it is pretty tame - not liking a hair style or an outfit, but the really mean, nasty, vicious ones should be poofed. QVC should not tolerate that about their own hosts on their own website.