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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 MJ 12 said:

More unsubstantiated rumors about what went wrong. More speculation about pre-op testing, about waivers she may not have signed, I mean come on. She did not find her endoscopy doctor by choosing the first she saw on Yelp.

Exactly. And as someone else said in another thread, the clinic wasn't some store front clinic. It is a reputable place.

Joan wasn't having surgery. She was having a test.

Who takes the Daily Mail seriously?

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 baddest_dog said:

it's mind boggling how many people are just now seeming to be aware of anesthesia risks and talking about this like it's a new discovery. I guess because I spent my career working in medicine, risks have always been known and many other people have had complications due to any surgical procedures with and without anesthesia. Joan's case would certainly not deter me from having something done if my doctor said it was necessary. But then, I know that nothing in life is ever certain. But I just ask questions and hope all goes well.

AMEN, people get crazy sometimes. I am 64, had my hip replaced at 62 and will have my knee replaced at 65.

When I went to the ER with kidney stone, I prayed they would put me to sleep!!!

Like I told people when I had my gastric bypass at 52, people die from getting their tonsils out. Anything can happen, you just have to have a good dr.

Do what you want to me to stop the pain, just put me to sleep while you are doing it!!!

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

I a,m contemplating serious dental surgery -- extraction of 7 lower teeth which may be infected and will leave me with no lower teeth. They want to do implants which I do not agree with but may have to do -- have an upper plate with no real problem but think my lower jaw may lack bone or something -- seems very shallow the times they took impressions for a partial. Know that if they were removable I would have them out most of the time as I do the top ones.

Am scared of the procedure == for some reason anything that causes blood in my mouth grosses me out completely and have been told I have sleep apnea also which could interfere.

I don't think going into a hospital is ever considered for this type of work -- of course I have No dental insurance. By the way I am probably a year older than Joan.

What I fear most is becoming a vegetable not death itself.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

It is almost impossible, to have any dental surgery or other surgery done without having anesthesia. I sure don't want to be awake for any type of surgery!

It's very sad that Joan had a problem from her procedure but how many thousands of procedures are done every day that are successful? Research your doctor, make your wishes known and ask questions about what their procedures are and what treatment is available to you in case you have an emergency during the procedure.

I am sure the NY board of examiners working on this and Melissa and her attorneys will find out what happened. Let's wait and see what they discover.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

We should be able to read the paperwork ahead of time. Also, I'm guessing that asking many, many questions (make a list) is a good idea.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 kingtut said:

I a,m contemplating serious dental surgery -- extraction of 7 lower teeth which may be infected and will leave me with no lower teeth. They want to do implants which I do not agree with but may have to do -- have an upper plate with no real problem but think my lower jaw may lack bone or something -- seems very shallow the times they took impressions for a partial. Know that if they were removable I would have them out most of the time as I do the top ones.

Am scared of the procedure == for some reason anything that causes blood in my mouth grosses me out completely and have been told I have sleep apnea also which could interfere.

I don't think going into a hospital is ever considered for this type of work -- of course I have No dental insurance. By the way I am probably a year older than Joan.

What I fear most is becoming a vegetable not death itself.

My dad is 83 and was considering implants. I insisted on going with him to the dentist and listening to all that was involved. I put my foot down when the dentist said he would need to be sedated in the office.

There is no way I was going to allow him to be sedated in a dentist's office for something like that. I was talking to the dentist privately while they were x-raying my dad, and I asked him if he was your father would you have him sedated in the office. He said no. So that told me everything I needed to know right then and there.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

I've lost a large amount of weight (more than 200 pounds) and despite doing it slowly, lifting weights, cross-training, etc. I have so much hanging skin... it's painful, I have to wear girdles to hold it all in, my breasts hang 13 inches lower than where they should (which caused pain), I often have sores, tears, etc from the hanging skin.

I look like 2 bodies morphed together: part is tight, toned with great muscle definition but naked, I look like I am melting and it's depressing.

All that said, I won't have a lower body lift to remove it due to the HOURS I would be under... too much risk. I'd rather be alive and with my boys than take a chance and have my skin cut off but not wake up.

A second operation would be needed for the breast reduction and lift.

Neither are necessary. Would I look better? Absolutely. But being a hot corpse is not my goal. Unless it's life or death, I won't go under.... too many things can go wrong to be cavalier.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

There will always be scary incidents that wake us up, but I don't tend to buy into the thought that I will be next. In this situation, I might ask more questions, but it's silly to change medical procedures.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 brii said:

My dad is 83 and was considering implants. I insisted on going with him to the dentist and listening to all that was involved. I put my foot down when the dentist said he would need to be sedated in the office.

There is no way I was going to allow him to be sedated in a dentist's office for something like that. I was talking to the dentist privately while they were x-raying my dad, and I asked him if he was your father would you have him sedated in the office. He said no. So that told me everything I needed to know right then and there.

A few years ago, a 13 year old girl in my area died after something went wrong when she was given IV sedation in the dentist's office to remove 3 teeth and have a 4th worked on. She went into respiratory arrest and was rushed to the hospital but died.

I don't know what they do now but I know when people had wisdom teeth pulled they were sedated.

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Re: Patients now cancelling & delaying surgical procedures in view of Joan Rivers unexpected death

On 9/10/2014 HiLo said:

Acupuncture has worked for me in other areas; perhaps now this will be considered as an alternative for potential patients to consider. My medical Dr. loves the idea.

Oh my dear ibb: please try to convince your Dad to continue his dialysis treatments. To do nothing will mean a lot of pain as his body shuts down. I've known people in both of these situations and believe me the dialysis patients do fare better in the long run.

He won't - we tried. He's supposed to go 3x a week and lately he would only go 2x. This past week he only went 1x! My brother is flying in next week to see him but I don't know if he'll be with us still. Hospice will set up the morphine drip.