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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

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Just thank God they did not try to stuff Leah  into it. Sometimes the hosts and vendors try cram themselves into a outfit three times too small

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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

In the right size it might have looked nice on Leah. Notice I say right size...not many of them seem to wear their correct size, models included. To me it defeats the purpose of selling. If it looks bad on the hosts/models how are we to think it would look good on us.


Today Leah had on the H by Halston moto jacket and it was at least 3-4 sizes too small. In the right size she would have looked stunning. She is a beautiful woman.


BTW: I found nothing wrong with the GILI reps appearance it was just the dress was too plastic for anyone to pull off.

What is the strong aversion to the OBI belt? My thought is that the Q is trying to appeal to a younger group who like more fitted styles so the "belt" may be their attempt at looking modern. It's odd.

But then the Q's sizing is so odd and oversized that that is the issue.


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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

Well, in Pat's defense, that was just a horrible dress.  It flattered no one, IMO.  I stayed tuned into that presentation longer than I usually do because they were going on and on about what a fantastic dress this was.  I was sitting there very patiently trying to see if I could finally agree that it was a great dress.  No way I could.  I've noticed that more and more these days on these shopping channels.  They are trying to convince me that I'm looking at a great item, and I am shaking my head, no.  Wow.

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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

@MomCat wrote:

Well, in Pat's defense, that was just a horrible dress.  It flattered no one, IMO.  I stayed tuned into that presentation longer than I usually do because they were going on and on about what a fantastic dress this was.  I was sitting there very patiently trying to see if I could finally agree that it was a great dress.  No way I could.  I've noticed that more and more these days on these shopping channels.  They are trying to convince me that I'm looking at a great item, and I am shaking my head, no.  Wow. wasn't Pat, Angela is very petite and slender and the dress was all bunched in the back.  Pat likes all that faux leather fabric.  I don't. I tried an SG jacket years  ago and I sweat profusely  in mid winter....maybe Pat liked it and later thought better of it and put the sweater on. 

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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

@brii  Seriously?  I didn't see or hear the chat about description on this leather dress.  Had no idea it was yet another item, one fabric on the front and something totally different on the back.


Why do they do this?  I don't like the look of coming and going in two different fabrics espeically pants/leggings that they push.  Faux or real leather on the front and knit on the back, jst looks weird to me and stops me from even considering making a purchase like this.


Not long ago I sa a pr of really nice pr of faux leather pants by a new designer selling at kohl's, Lauren Conrad.  They were in a rich dark navy and in black.  I really considered trying on the navy, stared at them long and hard.  I should have at lest gave them a try just to see how they looked on, felt, fit.  Not expensive either, the navy were very nice.  May need to go back just to try them.

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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

@Stray  Yeah, I did see this much of that presentation - Pat was reluctant to take off her IM sweater but I'm sure she felt she had to.  And then all the tugging and running her hand over her mid section began.  DId n ot at all like the perferations on the front either.  DIdn't stay long enough to know the back was a ponte.

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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

I do not like faux leather dresses.  I really don't like faux leather, but I own a jacket that I do like from INC and a pair or 2 of boots for bad weather when I don't want my leather to get ruined.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Pat and the G.I.L.I faux leather dress

I don't like even REAL leather dresses. 

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"