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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

She's been a presenting a line of jewelry at JTV for about 2 years. She makes 3 or 4 appearances a year. She's not the same hoity-toity, "my doo doo doesn't stink", woman. She's more down to earth, more genuine. I think she looks great now. She's gained a little weight, she's grown out her hair. She looks younger and pretty now. I still have one of her faux fur coats in the back of my closet. Gosh, I loved that coat! So well made, so genuine looking. It's 4 size too big now, so I can't wear it.

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Posts: 32,286
Registered: ‎05-10-2010
On 2/21/2014 NiteStar said:
On 2/20/2014 kachina624 said: I remember when Pam blossomed out in Shirley Temple curls and was the talk of the shopping channels. Never did figure out what that was all about but it surely was strange.

I sooooo remember that! LOL

Don't make me laugh. I do remember that. No one could figure that out...LOL

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I remember that hairdo too and I thought to myself what was she thinking, no mirrors in the studio. I also remember the last time I saw her on shopnbc and I was shocked to see how different she looked. She definitely had something done to her face and lips , she could hardly move her face. It was not a good look and I couldn't understand why because she was so attractive. Guess she wanted to look good for Wes, but it didnt turn out that well, now he was a handsome gentleman!
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Posts: 7,241
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Funny you should mention her. I found a jacket in my closet, still In the original wrapping (embarrassing). It is red and patent leather like. Not sure I will ever wear it. I would list it on Ebay but have never had any luck staying away from crazy beyond words customers. Must be my luck. Anyone have a clue what it might be worth. Really shiny, probably totally out of date and style. I don't buy much anymore. Has to be about 10 years old.