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Re: PLEATS: Jungle of Delight...

@MacDUFF,May I offer you a mug of hot chicken broth?  LOL!!!

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Registered: ‎05-29-2015

Re: PLEATS: Jungle of Delight...



I'd love some...did it help P'dawg!?  Smiley WinkHeart


~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Posts: 44,179
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: PLEATS: Jungle of Delight...

[ Edited ]

@MacDUFF wrote:



I'd love some...did it help P'dawg!?  Smiley WinkHeart


@MacDUFFP'dawg is feeling better, thanks.  He loved the heck out of the blue jello.  Wanted more!  Rough going yesterday, the baby is getting some strength back.  It's been terribly scarey.

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: PLEATS: Jungle of Delight...

@ECBG wrote:

@Andreatoo wrote:

 That's not it either! Or at least that's not the one that came up when I used the number and the one I got was entitled Jungle of delight

I wish that I could post it for you but I'm on my phone

The full name is Valentino: Jungle of Delight print silk dress

@Andreatoo,Well holy cow!  Where in heaven is it?  LOL!!!


@AndreatooThis one?  Lovely!  (Actually I love them all, but that's Valentino!!!).


@MacDUFF,MA, I'll just whip that up for ya over the weekend!


Main Image - Valentino Jungle of Delight Print Silk Dress





Image result for valentino jungle of delight dress

@MacDUFFI found  a picture of this dress in my newest Bazaar magazine-a full page!  Also, since people can shop through the magazine now, I think that's why it was sold out!  Probably one in each size or very close!

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Posts: 6,813
Registered: ‎05-29-2015

Re: PLEATS: Jungle of Delight...

@ECBG wrote:



@MacDUFF,MA, I'll just whip that up for ya over the weekend!



@MacDUFFI found  a picture of this dress in my newest Bazaar magazine-a full page!  Also, since people can shop through the magazine now, I think that's why it was sold out!  Probably one in each size or very close!




I don't have to worry about any of that because you're going to whip one up for me!!  Smiley TongueHeartSmiley Wink

~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Posts: 44,179
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: PLEATS: Jungle of Delight...

Love to work with fashion, have studied it since I was around twelve;  love to teach clothing or tailoring, HATE to sew at home!  


We can do lunch instead!  (Oh, DH came home from Old Rock just the other day---NO Din!!!  Talia had already cleaned up!!!)!!!  I said "DARN!  She could have put it in the cooler!  Boo Hoo!!!