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I absolutely will not, cannot, even try to watch that rude incessant talking. If I hear that voice I immediately turn the channel until I think she is long gone away. Will NOT tolerate her dancing, prancing, swishing, jumping, chattering and everything else she does for attention. If she truly cared she would stop all that mess. She knows what she is doing, she does not want to stop. My opinion, what is yours?

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Speaking of Overtalking.... was loving the Joan Rivers presentations today and dearly love David but omg.... he was talking incessently over everyone.  It wasn't necessarily chatter about Joan or history of the item.... or information that only he could tell us, it was senseless agreements to what the host was saying, or matching stuff like this matched with that and omg I'd put this with that.... but the thing was it was like his on switch wouldn't turn off.  Annoying.  Had to switch channels and come back, switch and come back.... Woman Frustrated

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Hosts do the same thing.  I think the only function a host has with Susan is to keep the show moving, but just let her talk until the next item needs to be presented, as she is who she is and will not/cannot change.

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This show reminds me of the expression "maximum overdrive".... 

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Registered: ‎07-20-2015
You are NOT exaggerating this issue with Susan Graver, she's been doing the overtalking FOREVER and NO ONE does anything about it. It is so obnoxious I mute the TV or often turn it off to another channel. I also object to what has happened with the prices of her clothes- I buy FAR less than I used to- are you kidding me....$56 for a simple boatneck top???!
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Re: Overtalking

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Are you kidding..left alone we would only see 1 item and she would never leave.......get her with Jane Treacy and that is when QVC goes off nerves can't take it.

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@surfk wrote:

I would tend to think that QVC would rather tolerate or encourage an over-talker as compared to an under-talker.


To get a "just-right" talker, well, we just might need to take a little trip into the woods with Goldilocks.


I mean, while SG certainly can talk, compare that to a designer who just stands there with lots of dead air as they search to repeat, "And there's a notched collar", a few times


Host: "Nice...and is that a floral button I see?"


Under-talker vendor: "Yes a looks like a flower."


Host: "To go with the floral pocket detail, I am sure."


Under-talker vendor: "Sure. Yeah. They are both floral..."


Host: "So that they match, I suppose?"


Under-talker vendor: "That was one of the design make them match."


Smiley Indifferent


So it could go the other way, you know.


I just think that with all her on-air time and QVC involvement, she should really just be left to present that line on her own. A host seems to only be there to listen to the producers telling him or her quantities, official color names...and to move along.


If SG could be taught to multi-task to include listening to an ear mic, she should be left to host her own presentations "alone". Then she wouldn't be over-talking anybody but herself.

 Very nice.  I seriously like this idea.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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You can't have "dead air"  Someone must be talking all the time.  This is live with viewers joining in all the time.  So a lot of the endless chatter is to fill it.  Susan repeats things over and over, because new viewers are tuning in.  Some of the hosts stay back and let vendor talk.  Anytime the vender stops, the host will step back in and simply repeats what the vendor had been saying over and over.

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Registered: ‎07-29-2015

I agree.