Posts: 72
Registered: ‎10-31-2022

Good grief!  Jane and Mally out talking one another!  This over 50 gal won't be watching!

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Enter Kim and the shouting match gets worse.

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A nice day of fashion surely took a sudden turn into chaos.  Channel changed.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎11-28-2010

OMG!  What a train wreck.

Wayyyyyy to much yelling and silliness.

I am OUT!

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@Kachina624 wrote:

A nice day of fashion surely took a sudden turn into chaos.  Channel changed.

Watching a Lifetime movie, I switched to this during a commercial break. Jane was talking about the pants were great if she had to go to the bathroom. These show hosts seem obsessed with their bathroom habits. If they think this attracts customers they better think again.🙄

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Registered: ‎04-17-2010

Train wreck is the perfect description.  Jane and "her family",Mally and "her giggles".......hardly a way to sell or attract new viewers.  This "Over 50" nonsense needs to stop.  I am 78 and have watched QVC since 1989, but have never seen such a poor effort at programming.

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JT just came full force up to the camera and did her threat of coming after anyone that says anything bad about her daughters on social media, lol.

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You talk about her girls on social media, and she's coming for you.


I'm out. 

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@snipsnapsnur wrote:

JT just came full force up to the camera and did her threat of coming after anyone that says anything bad about her daughters on social media, lol.

Yep. She did it again. I didn't think I could like her any less. She needs to go. She is pathetic.

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Posts: 116
Registered: ‎11-28-2010

I am 73 and have been a member since day one.  

Cannot believe the topic's of discussion on a selling channel.

QVC is going down hill fast in my opinion.